LWG: Working plan

[From Rupert Young (2017.12.08 18.00)]

  Attached is a brain dump of a working plan for investigating PCT

learning. Comments, input and volunteers welcome.

LWG Working Plan v1.0.pdf (155 KB)



Hi Rupert,

I’m definitely interested in taking part in this project. While the technical side of what you’re doing is still beyond me at the moment, like I said before, I’m very curious how learning from the PCT perspective works as well as how it might work with Peirce’s abduction (at least how he formulated it in his 1903 Harvard lectures on pragmatism, Collected Papers v. 5) and Wertheimer’s productive thinking. What’s most interesting for me, more specifically, is how something surprising affects reorganization and learning.

I did say I would share about about Wertheimer’s productive thinking in a past post, so here goes. Very briefly, Wertheimer, in his short but fascinating 1945 book “Productive Thinking”, differentiated between ‘reproductive thinking,’ which is based on convention, habit, reinforcement, and past experience, and ‘productive thinking’, which pr
oduces a novel approach to a solving problem. First, the problem/situation causes the individual a state of confusion where nothing makes sense, but then there is this insight into the structure (or gestalt) of the problem and the state shifts from confusion to clarity and a, though not necessarily ‘the’, solution. This insight can be brought about usually through perspective-shifting of some sort, using something mundane in an unorthodox way because it is at hand and can solve the current problem, like using superglue to seal a gash (if you never knew that this was possible before, that is).

So, basically I’d like to continue following along and try looking at the issue of learning from these angles, helping out where I can even if it’s just some crumbs for thought.



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-------- Original Message --------

Subject: LWG: Working plan

Local Time: December 8, 2017 7:59 PM

UTC Time: December 8, 2017 5:59 PM

From: rupert@perceptualrobots.com

To: “Huddy, Vyv” v.huddy@ucl.ac.uk, csgnet@lists.illinois.edu csgnet@lists.illinois.edu

[From Rupert Young (2017.12.08 18.00)]

  Attached is a brain dump of a working plan for investigating PCT

learning. Comments, input and volunteers welcome.
