Marken as Webmaster Re: Marken as Webmaster

[From Rick Marken (981111.0810)]

Gary Cziko (981111.0245) --

Should we get approval by the President of CSG (I will have
to be reminded who that is--sorry)?

I think the President of CSG is Chistine Forssell. I don't know
if Chris is in town; I think her Dad died recently so the
Forsell's may be in Sweden. Are you there, Chris?

David Goldstein (981110) --

I think that Rick would make a great Webmaster.

Kenny Kitzke (981111.0845 EST) --

I cannot think of anyone more qualified to manage the CSG Web Page
than Rick.

Bill Powers (981111.0711 MST) --

I concur.

Bruce Gregory (981111.0905 EDT)--

Hoop, hoop, hooray! Hoop, hoop, hooray! Hoop, hoop, hooray!

Jeff Vancouver (981111.0920 EST) --

Not that I am a voting member, but were I, I would vote for Rick.

Thank you all very much! I really appreciate the nice comments.
I would be very happy to manage the CSG web page but I think
Gary is right; we should get some organizational blessing for
this move. And I would also like to get some advice (from anyone
who is Web savvy) about whether we should try to keep the web
page at or move it to my Earthlink
server (I think I have room for it; but the URL for it would then
have to be something like

If I do become CSG Webmaster the first thing I would like to
get is all the information I can about current research projects
or applications relevant to PCT. I want to know about any web
pages that are related to PCT that aren't already listed on the
existing CSG web page (there is at least one page that's not there;
I discovered Marcos Rodrigues' site while doing an Alta Vista
search on Perceptual Control).

I also want to know about any current research reports, research
in progress, research contemplated, etc. that could be listed for
public consumption. I want people to know what's going on that's
in any way _explicitly_ based on the notion that organisms control
their own input.

The web should be making it possible for the small, dispersed
band of scientists who realize that behavior is the control of
perception to keep _very_ current about what they are all up to.
We shouldn't have to wait until July of each year to learn what
people have been doing. So if you are doing any research or
applications related to PCT and/or you know of someone (colleague,
student or acquaintance) who is, please let me know by personal
e-mail (this is assuming that Cristine approves my appointment
as webmaster;-))




Richard S. Marken Phone or Fax: 310 474-0313
Life Learning Associates e-mail: