Over several days and evenings beginning last Saturday the 18th I have been in a texting conversation with Martin Taylor in Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto. He has no computer with him, and though his iPad has a keyboard function the messaging app on it is frozen in some way. We’re both stuck with tiny tippy tappy ‘keyboards’ on cellphones. Treatment/symptoms interfere with memory of his passwords to email and Discourse. I am hoping that his son (who lives in Toronto) will help him get better set up.
He has asked me to post those parts of our chat which concern hallucinations. These follow now, with his texts quoted and my replies not quoted. He would be happy to have any insights or suggestions for him to investigate.
I’m experiencing a lot of hallucinations and I find that they are subjectively very different from imagined things. The hallucinations seem quite real at the time and I have no control over what they are or what they do (which is usually nothing). I can control my imagination to some degree. Not so a hallucination, which at the time seems to be a separate person. I don’t remember reading anything in the PCT literature about this kind of uncontrollable imagination. I suppose it has to do with hours lying in a hospital bed, but what? Maybe your cerebellum exploration has clues.
I am interested in what you discover about these experiences that you distinguish as hallucinations (I guess because they are anomalous in certain ways).
One thing about my hallucinations is that they don’t always appear in physically possible places. An apparently solid man (always a stranger)can be up against the ceiling. It doesn’t seem strange at the moment. All my hallucinations so far have been of a late middle age man.
Fascinating! No one you know, perhaps 30 years younger than you. Dressed conventionally for current time?
Yes but I only see his torso and head with tight curly greying hair clearly
Years ago, I read a report of a psychologist working with people judged schizophrenic who hallucinated voices. Had some very useful conversations with them, with the patient relating what they said. Might not be best to speak aloud to a floating head no one else sees, but I wonder if mental interrogation might elicit some kind of response.
Have not tried communicating. I do have synaesthesia between numbers and colors sometimes. For example a display “3” will be pink and a “4” a deep blue. Not always.
Yes, I think the huge complexity in the granular layer and Purkinje cell Forest accounts for synesthesia, a cross-modal association that would normally be inhibited.
Once at a Baltimore performance of the Beethoven performance of the violin concerto with Francescatti the music was a rural scene in golden light,so it is not necessarily simple symbols or sounds. Much more common in my youth than recently.
So would that have been something between, neither active imagining nor uncontrolled hallucination? Controlling imagination is a higher level varying the references for lower ones, with those alone returning as input. In that concert you had lower level input (as well as higher) on another sensory modality. In addition to, and apparently inspiring, the visual imagining. Or hallucination?
Exactly so
The difference may be that in imagination we are aware of the systems issuing the references.
I remember Woody Heron or Heroldson at McGill in the late 50s or early 60s doing sensory isolation tests in a float tank and reporting hallucinations. Maybe the sensory system at each level is controlled to maintain a particular total RMS output and at higher levels the result is hallucinations.
I would not mind if you put our imagination-hallucination discussion on the forum. I would love to know what Rick would make of the phenomenon. My guess is that he will deny that it happens. But there may be some on the forum who have experienced something related and would have some PCT related questions or suggestions.
Today some hallucinations seem to have been based on my wants of the moment. I was waiting for transport back to my room for a long time and I hallucinated two nurses asking what I needed. Yes today they talk.