mary babble?

[from Mary Powers 991123]


I am surprised you ended your last post with a question, since you don't
seem to think I have anything to answer you with but "Mary babble".

I guess there is no point attempting to discuss either your understanding
of the bible, or your rather sexist lifestyle, since you seem so satisfied
with both of them. It's irrelevant to this net, anyway.

Mary P.

[From Kenny Kitzke 991123]

<Mary Powers 991123>

<I guess there is no point attempting to discuss either your understanding
of the bible, or your rather sexist lifestyle, since you seem so satisfied
with both of them. It's irrelevant to this net, anyway.>

I completely agree. They are relevant to the broader and weightier matter of
human nature and actual behavior by and between people, not the more specific
scientific model for and theory about the control of perceptions.

Nice hearing from you though about marriage and the willingness to give up
self control as a means to satisfying higher level perceptions like love.
And, I really liked your comments on cog psych and PCT. I wish I had
something as profound to offer. It certainly is relevant to this net.
