MCT vs PCT, E. coli

[From Rick Marken (960820.0750)]

Hans Blom (960820) --

For those interested in E. coli movement

Thanks for the reference.

This info indicates that our coli models have been extremely
limited thus far.

Our E. coli models are certainly simple. But what is it about the
data reported at this site that suggests that the basic "control of
sensed gradient" model of E. coli movement is "limited"?

On another point: Rick and Bill's comments regarding my proposal re
MCT versus PCT as descriptions of human behavior make a great deal of

Ok. Now the questions is: since you have no data that demands an MCT
model of behavior and we have a considerable amount of data that is well
handled by a PCT model of behavior, why do you argue for an MCT model of
human behavior? Is it faith? Respect for the idols of the tribe (of
control engineers)? What?

