Measuring MOL session quality - first steps in developing MOL accreditation

My student Ellen Jongejan is carrying out a research project to develop a scale to rate MOL sessions. In this delphi-study your (more-or-less) expert opinion (as a practitioner or someone knowledgeable of MOL) is very much appreciated.

Dear colleague,
We would like to invite you, as someone who knows about and/or practices Method of Levels therapy, to take part in a research study with the goal to take first steps on an accreditation process for Method of Levels therapy. It involves the development of a tool to measure the quality of MoL sessions as well as finding a way to incorporate this tool within an accreditation process for MoL therapists.

By filling in two surveys, the first one right now and a second one in about 1 month from now, you can actively participate in this process. We kindly ask you to forward this survey-link to your MoL colleagues so we can reach a substantial amount of MoL practitioners and experts.

By clicking on the link below you can read the information letter and, when you agree with the terms, sign the consent form and start the survey. Please respond before February 1st, 2022.

Kind regards,
Dr. Eva de Hullu
Ellen Jongejan

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