Message from John Kerry: End the Era of Ashcroft

:: A Letter from John Kerry ::
John Kerry for President

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The First 100 Days:

							End the Era of Ashcroft

Dear Bruce,

All of us who use our local public libraries are used to signs being posted on the walls. But go now to the library and you might be greeted with a new sign, a sign that tells us that some of our most basic freedoms are in danger of being taken from us.

One sign reads: “Attention: Under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act…records of all books and materials you borrow from this library, and of Internet sites you visit on library computers, may be obtained by federal agents. This law prohibits librarians from informing you if federal agents have obtained records.”

Equality, liberty, and justice for all. We teach our children that these rights are inalienable. But under the Bush Administration, we are being shown how fragile they really are - and how much they must be defended.

							Is this an appeal for money? [Absolutely]( If you haven't given yet, consider [giving **now**]( The Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary are right around the corner and we still need to introduce John Kerry to the majority of voters in each state who have not yet made up their minds.

							No one will be stronger in defending this nation than I, but I will do so without surrendering the rights and liberties we are fighting to defend.

In my first hundred days as President, I will restore our commitment to civil rights and individual rights. And that will begin with the appointment of an Attorney General whose commitment to and understanding of the Constitution is as great as that of all Americans.

When I am President, we will protect individual rights, not roll them back. We will protect equal rights, privacy rights, and a woman’s right to choose. And we will restore the constitutional foundation of this nation.

It’s time to end the era of Ashcroft.

When the President runs attack ads claiming Democrats are opposed to the War on Terror it is an assault on our very patriotism. The America we believe in doesn’t quiet dissent - it encourages it. That’s the America I and others fought for. We will stand up and fight.

The Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary are fast approaching and donations help John Kerry with his effort to get the message out. John Kerry is counting on your help.

							Give now, and when I become president, we will have an Attorney General who knows we can fight the war on terrorism without attacking America's freedoms.

							If you want to beat George Bush, nominate the Democrat with the best chance of beating him. If you want to nominate that Democrat, [contribute today]( so John Kerry can get his message out to undecided voters in Iowa and New Hampshire now.

							Please click below to donate today, or please give as much as you can afford. Every dollar you give will help ensure the end of the Era of Ashcroft.

Warm regards,

													<img height="93" alt="" src="" width="117" align="left" border="0">

												John Kerry

							P.S. We value your feedback, so please, share your reactions with us. You can join our discussion at []( or email

						If you feel you have received this message in error we apologize.

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							Paid for by John Kerry for President, Inc.

							Contributions or gifts to John Kerry for President, Inc. are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.