Misstatements & Other Basics

[FROM: Dennis Delprato (921220)]

(Bill Powers (921218.1500)

RE: Feedback is too delayed.

Dennis, would you be willing to become a repository for citations
from the literature containing misstatements about feedback
control, PCT, etc.?

Pleased to, especially given that I seem to have already begun
this out of my own curiosity.

Note another major roadblock that you bring up in the following:
"I am a professional control-system engineer/I have a close friend
who is a real control-system engineer/ I have a high IQ and
studied control system engineering/ ... and you simply are not
getting it right at all. Too bad, too, since the idea of
applying control system theory to humans is an excellent way
of showing how psychology is nothing but physics."

Bruce Nevin (921218.1324) --

That Latin saying developed into a most interesting and relevant
discussion. It is surely true that our most profound problems in
introducting PCT come from those who think they already have a
grasp of what feedback and control are about. You'll remember
that a year or so ago we had a participant on the net who was a
"real control-system engineer." He obviously understood control
systems -- but he absolutely could not accept the statement that
control systems control their inputs! He eventually bade us
farewell, saying in a perfectly friendly way that he just
couldn't go along with this strange way of looking at control
systems, but good luck to us.

Dennis Delprato