[MOL_PCT_2005] FW: Please take note

Lloyd Klinedinst - lloydk@klinedinst.com

10 Dover Lane - Villa Ridge, MO 63089-2001

Home: (636) 451-3232 FAX: (636)451-3232 Mobile: (314)-609-5571


Begin forwarded message:

From: Lloyd Klinedinst lloydk@klinedinst.com

Date: October 15, 2007 9:19:01 AM BDT

To: MOL_PCT_2005@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: [MOL_PCT_2005] FW: Please take note

David, the date for the end of the conference is Sunday, July 20 (not 22), correct?

Bobbie and I intend to attend.

Now we are in Dublin, getting ready for Manchester conference.

Thanks for your work in setting this up.


On Oct 13, 2007, at 10:10 PM, D Goldstein wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: D Goldstein [mailto:davidmg@verizon.net]
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 5:04 PM
To: David Goldstein
Subject: Please take note

The url for the CSC 2008 23rd Conference is:


Attendance and presentations are invited.

Registration is limited to 30 because of room size.

Hope to see you.

David M. Goldstein, Ph.D. lease Date: 10/13/2007 10:15 AM



Lloyd Klinedinst - lloydk@klinedinst.com

10 Dover Lane - Villa Ridge, MO 63089-2001

Home: (636) 451-3232 FAX: (636)451-3232 Mobile: (314)-609-5571