[From Rick Marken (2015.11.09.1620)]
RM: Boris suggested analyzing some behaviors in terms of control and Fred came up with his own example so I thought I would give them a try in terms of the main categories in the "Behavior is control" spreadsheet. Here they are:
Behavior Controlled Variable(s) Reference State Means Disturbances
Standing and watching the sunset Location of sunset relative to center of field of view Centered Moving head, eyes, body Obstructions such as trees, other people
Turning your head to see whether car is coming along the street Angle of head relative to location of car Zero degrees Applying torque to head using the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles Movement of car, which way you are facing
Sitting in the park and observing Position on bench Seated position Applying force with appropriate muscles Gravity, Changing posture to observe whatever is being observed
Sleeping Intrinsic variables Close to Intrinsic references Who knows? Noise, jostling
Standing at cross walk, waiting to cross the street Relationship between crossing and color of pedestrian cross light Cross when green, wait when red Walking or not walking Color of pedestrian crossing light
RM: Sleeping is a tough one but I think it is controlling done by the autonomic nervous system that has the aim of keeping some intrinsic physiological variables in genetically determined reference states. For the others I just picked the one controlled variable that seemed to be most clearly implied by the behavior description in the Behavior column.
RM: Doing this made me realize that rather than using verbal descriptions of behavior as the basis for a control analysis it would be much better to use short video snippets of people (or other animals) behaving and trying to come up with a list of several controlled variables for the behavior. So I've added a "Video" column to the spreadsheet and inserted a pointer to one of my favorite behavioral videos: the greylag goose rolling an egg into her nest.
RM: I'm going to start an all video version of the Behavior as Control spreadsheet. Once I get some videos I'll make it public. If anyone has any suggested videos -- nice, short videos of behaviors done by people or other organisms -- please send me the URLs. That should make things a lot more interesting.
Richard S. Marken
Author of <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.amazon.com_Doing-2DResearch-2DPurpose-2DExperimental-2DPsychology_dp_0944337554_ref-3Dsr-5F1-5F1-3Fie-3DUTF8-26qid-3D1407342866-26sr-3D8-2D1-26keywords-3Ddoing-2Bresearch-2Bon-2Bpurpose&d=BQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=-dJBNItYEMOLt6aj_KjGi2LMO_Q8QB-ZzxIZIF8DGyQ&m=xN_tytZCgxCBobK2JnfDs66qQ1KR8PiptCoPlzAqVfU&s=RqlSrXTJJMtB0xskSpRruGQ8mtdKnIDSVA_nCwGInPg&e=>Doing Research on Purpose.
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