New IAPCT website

Dear IAPCT fellows,
Our new IAPCT website is online at!

This site is build in wordpress by Eva de Hullu and Matias Salgado. The purpose of the site is to provide a web portal for knowledge about Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) to those new to the theory and those familiar with its history. The site will also present information on the International Association for Perceptual Control Theory and its events.

The site currently hosts a limited amount of information mined from other sites, such as and We intend to increase the volume of papers over time and provide a place to keep important information and make it easily accessible.

This website is under development, and in its early phase will contain some dead links and outdated information. We think it is due time however, to replace the old iapct site with this new site. If anyone wants to help update and expand the information here, please contact us. If you want your information on pct to find a home here, we can provide you with the instructions to take care of that.

Matias Salgado & Eva de Hullu


If you’d like to add a single thing to the site (e.g. a website, a book) please prepare the materials according to the list below. If you want to add more or correct mistakes, please contact us.

If you want to contribute a single page/paper/post and need some help getting it on our site, please prepare them according to the short list below and then send your materials to Matias or Eva through e-mail. Please take into consideration that we're all volunteering and make this as easy for us as possible.

  1. Title of the post
  2. Author name or nickname (use your real name or an acronym or tell us if you'd rather share the material anonymously or under iapct's name).
  3. Date (current or original, like 22nd of January, 1993).
  4. Short introductory text. The first 35 words will automatically be converted into the excerpt that will show on the frontpage.
  5. Body text. We prefer text in word, google docs or rtf. PDF's can be attached but will be unsuitable for mobile access. Take care of correct spelling and layout.
  6. Images in jpg (preferred) or png in adequate resolution (at least 500 px, not larger than 1500px) that need to be placed in the text. Profide markers in the text where they need to be pasted.
  7. Featured Image: One image of the dimension 3:2, preferably 1500x1000 px, landscape format. This will be shown on the frontpage. Images can be collected for free from Please include the name of the artist in your text.
  8. Location of the site that you think your post belongs (e.g., papers/applications/news).
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