trigger a knee-jerk reaction to control everyone. If consensual agreements
on such behavior limits disturb some folks, help them find another way to
successfully control their perceptions without harming others. If not
perhaps there is an island they can live on that has no limits. We have
plenty of mothballed war ships that could serve such a purpose.
OK, I have just blown off some steam. I feel better now.
Sort of like
I do when I play tennis whether I win or lose.
In a message dated 12/18/2012 2:30:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
davidmg@VERIZON.NET writes:
David Goldstein (2012.12.18.1420 EST)
[From Kenny Kitzke (2012.12.18.1100 EST)]
Hi Ken,
I like your idea of teaching PCT concepts to parents and children.
Given that the Adam Lynch cannot be interviewed, all that any person has to
go on are the known facts.
As a PCTer, I look at what he did as the way he was controlling experiences
inside him. He must have been experiencing
big error signals and the only way he could think of reducing them was to do
what he did.
By making a guess at what these experiences might have been, based on the
known facts, some novel ideas might emerge other
than the generalizatons of: more gun control, more mental health servcies
and more control over violent cultural media.
Playing any tennis?
From: Kenneth Kitzke Value Creation Systems <KJKitzke@AOL.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: Newtown Square
[From Kenny Kitzke (2012.12.18.1100 EST)]
Factual evidence about Adam's behavior can provide clues as to what
perceptions he was and was not controlling that morning. But, honestly, can
we ever reach a correct, actual answer?
I don't know how anyone who accepts PCT would think it is possible much less
worthwhile. At best, we PCT'ers too will end up with speculations of what
he was controlling moment by moment. Hoping that observers and experts in
law enforcement, mental health or psychology can discover causes for Adam's
behavior and take systemic environmental actions that would prevent such
atrocities is the illusion game played by S-R and cognitive understandings
used by professionals about why people do what they do.
Your speculation that "He could not be ignored any more." makes a lot of
sense to me. But, it is just speculation, isn't it? What actions should a
government take based on a speculation (well reasoned, well intended and
possibly completely incorrect) to prevent some reoccurrence?
My advice: require PCT basics be taught in school beginning in kindergarten
and at all subsequent levels of public and private education and continue in
more depth with each grade or degree level. Would Adam, his mother, father,
brother or teachers behaved differently had they understood PCT. Me thinks
so. Adam most likely could have found a better, less destructive way of
controlling whatever he was that morning.
OK, that is my idea. It is so riduculous. Who could know? Please reply
when the laughter ends.
Instead, let's do something that appears sensible and doable like pass more
gun control rules no matter how naive that solution may be in preventing
such tragedies. Is it really about controlling guns or about controlling
perceptions in the minds of people, even mentally troubled people as Adam
apparently was?
In a message dated 12/18/2012 10:00:37 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
davidmg@VERIZON.NET writes:
David Goldstein (2012.12.18.0957)
I am not sure that the CSGnet people saw this, so I am resubmitting it with
the hope of starting some PCT oriented discussion about the topic.
Adam Lanza was not able to buy guns on his own, or was unwilling to wait. He
broke into his mother's gun collection
and used those. Connecticut is supposed to have some gun control laws. Adam
was controlling for
the means by which he was going to take actions. He could have chosen other
means but didn't.
Adam Lanza killed his mother first.
He might be protecting her from the adverse publicity which was going to
He might be hurting her for not protecting him better from some kind of
abuse, or from neglect.
Adam Lanza is reported to have walked past some classrooms and went to the
Kindergarten class room.
He wanted to kill the chldren in this room, not the others for some reason.
We would need to know his
history in this school. Were there problems in Kindergarten? Since he
probably didn't know the
children in the classroom, was he wanting to hurt the parents of these
children? Was he thinking that
this would make the biggest impact on the community?
Adam Lanza killed some of the adults who tried to stop him. They were
disturbances for him and he
eliminated them.
Adam Lanza killed himself after the first responders broke in. If he only
wanted to suicide, he could
have done this at home. He avoided capture, jail, and trial by doing this.
He is reported to have been a loner. Even his brother had not had contact
with him in a while. I don't see
how his actions changed this except when the first responders broke in and
then confronted him. The
teachers who tried to stop him had to confront him. He could not be ignored
any more.
Other thoughts about what Adam Lanza was controlling would be of interest.
David Goldstein