Nobel Prize for Beck?

[From Bill Powers (2006.09.28.0943 MDT)]

Some reporter on TV said that Beck ( Cognitive Behavior Therapy) is under consideration for a Nobel Prize. Anybody know anything about that?


Bill P.

[From Rick Marken (2006.09.28.0925)]

Bill Powers (2006.09.28.0943 MDT)

Some reporter on TV said that Beck ( Cognitive Behavior Therapy) is under consideration for a Nobel Prize. Anybody know anything about that?

It wouldn't surprise me at all. William Glasser was just given a visiting professorship at LMU, where I teach only when they don't have a regular faculty person available to do a class (which is apparently rather rarely, for the classes I do). Also, have you noticed who is the President of the United States? (Hint: It's not Bill Clinton) And did you see the reaction to Clinton's articulate, substantive and intelligent interview on Fox? (Hint: The reaction was neither articulate, substantive nor intelligent). Very similar to the reaction to your own articulate, substantive and intelligent criticisms of conventional behavioral science. The Swedes may be able to properly evaluate the merits of Beck's work. But who knows? These are not good times for informed, intelligent scientific achievement.

The fact that you have not been awarded a Nobel prize speaks volumes about the current state of behavioral science.




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