Online MOL course october 2020

In this part of the IAPCT forum, we’d like to welcome participants in the Online MOL course that will take place in October 2020 to ask questions about MOL and help each other find answers. Please feel free to reply to this message below.


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I am very interested. I am currently enrolled in MA program in ABA. I think that PCT might be better model of Behavior then ABA would like to pursue PhD and write dissertation showing PCT a better model. I am interested in learning about MOL as a therapy as well.

Hi David,
The current course filled up pretty quickly over summer. We’re planning to run another one after finishing the current course in October. If you sign up for the course you’ll be placed on a waitinglist and be the first to know about the second round. For all the other ideas about pursuing a PhD, please browse the other topics on this forum.
