Oops, RTP<>Reality Therapy

[From Rick Marken (971229.1200)]

Bruce Gregory (971229.0822 EST) --

It seems to me that MOL resembles RTP in that both are consistent
with HPCT but neither were developed with the goal of creating
an application of HPCT.


What is RTP? Is it Reality Therapy?

Oops. I just remembered that RTP is Ed's Responsible Thinking
Program. Unlike Reality Therapy, RTP _was_ developed with the
goal of creating an application of HPCT. Well, PCT, anyway. The
hierarchical aspect of PCT seems to me to be more evident in
MOL than in RTP.




Richard S. Marken Phone or Fax: 310 474-0313
Life Learning Associates e-mail: rmarken@earthlink.net