I’m trying to find where I can get a new copy of Making Sense of Behavior, but I can’t find it on pctweb and it’s out of stock everywhere. Please advise.
Hi Phillip,
For the time being, please contact me about placing orders for books by WTP at
We are in transition with fulfilling orders. I will send you an order form once you respond to the above email address.
You will likely need to snail-mail your order request to me since that will be the most secure way for you to send payment.
Thanks for your patience while we are working this out.
Allie Powers
On Sun, Sep 16, 2018, 10:15 AM PHILIP JERAIR YERANOSIAN wrote:
I’m trying to find where I can get a new copy of Making Sense of Behavior, but I can’t find it on pctweb and it’s out of stock everywhere. Please advise.