over-identification with thinking


Jason Gosnell (06.06.05 20.30CST)

Don't feel obligated please...I am sending something that I find very
interesting. On the surface it looks like some form of rational-emotive
therapy or other cognitive therapy. But, the questions in it are asked very
deeply, inwardly as if asking the observer self or the heart to see what is.
So, it is not just coming up with new nifty thoughts. I have found it very
useful in breaking through what Bill calls being too identified with

I wanted to see if some of the PCT folks would try this little worksheet and
comment on their experience. I would say that it is a way of inducing
awareness/MOL. But, I would like to hear it from the experts. The secret is
to ask the four questions after doing the worksheet--don't try to do it just
in the head--and to really do it like a meditation and allow enough space
for answers to surface.

Work like this may prove useful to clinical-PCT, but I need to get the right
questions working. These may be some of them.

Regards...Jason Gosnell

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JudgeYourNeighborWorksheet.pdf (426 KB)