Part II CSG message for the new year, 2009

[From Lloyd Klinedinst (2008.12.27.0701 CST)]

For your convenience I am including in the body of two messages

1 in the previous message a greeting and news from our current CSG President, Fred Good.

2 in this message from me, Part II, the minutes of this year’s CSG meeting, July, 2008.

Control Systems Group - BUSINESS MEETING

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The meeting convened at 7:20:10 PM.


Barbara Bollmann Ted Cloak David Goldstein

Fred Good Ken Kitzke Lloyd Klinedinst

Alice McElhone Linda Westerschulte Rick Marken

Mike Mermel Bill Powers Dick Robertson

Aileen Williams

[Sometime late in the meeting Lloyd Klinedinst was asked to be secretary and agreed. These minutes then are the best recollection Lloyd has of what transpired, further corrected and augmented by comments from all other CSG members present who reviewed a first draft of these minutes.]

After opening, David Goldstein asked a question:

Do we want to shift from national to international conferences?

Rick Marken reviewed how CSG was in 1984 compared to how it is now - there is not the same number of ‘scientists’ or ‘researchers’, more practitioners. Discussion ensued about Gordon Pask conferences and their oral tradition sessions, also about the American Society of Cybernetics conferences.

Noted was the new energy contributed by Warren Mansell, Tim Carey and related Great Britain and Australian developments.

Rick Marken further suggested renaming the website and organization.

Alice McElhone contributed a view from ‘outside’: that CSG is the superordinate group, encouraging and promoting international meetings, that we need professional advertising of highly scientific meetings.

Bill Powers initiated a string of imaginative projects: Warren Mansell’s idea of a van of MOL therapists - what about a documentary on PCT - A&E classroom video - youtube video.

Someone suggested to check with Gary Padover on our niche as a SIG (Special Interest Group) in APA, also to check with AERA.

Someone suggested that we hold a webinar* for 2009.

David Goldstein emphasized attracting young people, graduate students applying for CSG scholarships.

Ken Kitzke talked about expanding, growing PCT.

Membership was discussed: $90, regular - $45, students.

The question of meetings reentered the discussion?

They could or should still be in July - their size and length might be fine-tuned - pros & cons of being simultaneous with a larger conference - issues of contiguous related workshops and meetings might include - David Goldstein with an APA-like event, Ted Cloak doing something in Anthropology, Gary Cziko in Education, Kent McClelland in Sociology.

Lloyd Klinedinst spoke about the need for archiving Bill’s MSS and artifacts, that we need to contact Dag Forssell about this transition from several of our members preserving our records in different geographical locations to some more than likely university or institute based repository.

Rick Marken then gave the Treasurer’s Report : CSG had $9000 after last meeting until this meeting. The 2008 income - expenses: $4200 conference cost ($10,187.57) - Balance: $1124.82. The short of it is that our low meeting attendance cost us not breaking even.

Towards the end of the meeting it was agreed that there would not be a CSG meeting in the summer of 2009, in favor of considering organizing a larger meeting for July 2010. Bill Powers nominated Fred Good to be President for 2008-09, as Fred Nichols had withdrawn his name. Lloyd Klinedinst was elected Secretary. Fred will consult with the President elect for 2009-10, Glenn Smith, about the idea of organizing a larger (100-150 participants) meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, in July 2010. It was also agreed that an effort would be made to recruit members and past members to prepare scientific papers and presentations for the meeting. The general sense of the meeting was that we should make one last effort to reinvigorate the CSG. The minutes of this meeting are therefore being posted on the CSGnet and will be sent out to our present and past members asking for their comments and suggestions and encouraging them to join. It was noted that members have traditionally been those persons attending the annual CGG conference.

Bill Powers suggested that Fred Good serve as President in lieu of Fred Nickols. Lloyd Klinedinst agreed to act as Secretary.

All in attendance then thanked our host and the valuable contact with local participants, colleagues of David Goldstein, which it afforded.

The meeting adjourned at 9:13:11 PM.

*Short for Web-based seminar, a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web.

A key feature of a Webinar is its interactive elements – the ability to give, receive and discuss information. Contrast with Webcast, in which the data transmission is one way and does not allow interaction between the presenter and the audience.

Wishing you a sufficiently controlled and, consequently, a relatively comfortable new year,


Lloyd Klinedinst -

10 Dover Lane - Villa Ridge, MO 63089-2001

Home: (636) 451-3232 FAX: (636)451-3232 Mobile: (314)-609-5571