From Ray 2002.11.28.0815]
Thanks Peter for the website address and
access to your papers. I have found the ones I have looked at very interesting.
I will read more and check out those I have looked at more thoroughly when
time. Thanks again for posting your site.
“Peter J. Burke” wrote:
[From Peter Burke (2002.11.27.1010PST)]
From Bruce Gregory (2002.11.27.1258)
As far as I know, interpretations of emotional responses using the
PCT model are all just-so stories. They have never been published
inpeer-reviewed literature and for good reason–there is no
quantitative data to compare with a simulation. I am not objecting
totelling these stories, since they demonstrate how the model might
beuse to simulate data when and if it becomes available, I am simply
suggesting that one might not want to blur the distinction between
just-so stories and actual confrontations between data and
Persons who are interested in affective outcomes of the control model
maybe interested in the following papers that are available on my web
- Burke, Peter J. and Michael M. Harrod. 2002. “To Good to Be Believed?”
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago.
- Burke, Peter J. and Jan E. Stets. 1999. "Trust and Commitment through
Self-Verification." Social Psychology Quarterly 62:347-66.
- Cast, Alicia D. and Peter J. Burke. 2002. “A Theory of Self-Esteem.”
Social Forces 80:1041-68.