Peter Burke's website

From Ray 2002.11.28.0815]

Thanks Peter for the website address and
access to your papers. I have found the ones I have looked at very interesting.
I will read more and check out those I have looked at more thoroughly when
time. Thanks again for posting your site.


“Peter J. Burke” wrote:


[From Peter Burke (2002.11.27.1010PST)]

From Bruce Gregory (2002.11.27.1258)

As far as I know, interpretations of emotional responses using the

PCT model are all just-so stories. They have never been published

peer-reviewed literature and for good reason–there is no

quantitative data to compare with a simulation. I am not objecting

telling these stories, since they demonstrate how the model might

use to simulate data when and if it becomes available, I am simply

suggesting that one might not want to blur the distinction between

just-so stories and actual confrontations between data and


Persons who are interested in affective outcomes of the control model

be interested in the following papers that are available on my web


  1. Burke, Peter J. and Michael M. Harrod. 2002. “To Good to Be Believed?”

Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago.

  1. Burke, Peter J. and Jan E. Stets. 1999. "Trust and Commitment through

Self-Verification." Social Psychology Quarterly 62:347-66.

  1. Cast, Alicia D. and Peter J. Burke. 2002. “A Theory of Self-Esteem.”

Social Forces 80:1041-68.
