Power gain, power loss.

[Martin Taylor 930621 11:10]
(Hans Blom 930619)

Misunderstandings sometimes are better resolved by a non-combatant.

Bill Powers mentioned power gain as an essential element of a control
system. Hans countered with the power LOSS required by an engineer
trying to ensure stability in a high-voltage electricity delivery system
by observing the images on an oscilloscope.

Bill was talking about the power gain between the error signal and
the resulting effector operations that directly affect the CEV. Hans
is talking about the power loss between the CEV and the perceptual

It seems to me that just as a power gain is an essential element of the
outflow side of a control system, so a corresponding power loss is an
essential element of the inflow (perceptual) side. The perceiving of
the state of a CEV should not contribute as a disturbance any more than
it must (Heisenberg showed that it must, to some extent). Perceiving
that state of a CEV should be as power-decoupled from the CEV as it
possibly can be. On the other hand, the output power of the control
system wants to have maximum effect on the CEV, or as tight coupling
and as high power gain as is feasible, given the information limitations
on the perceptual side. Output power gain and input power loss are
intimately coupled requirements for a control system.

On models, I tend to side with Hans. It is part of the whole information
argument. The more information is avaialble within the control system,
the less is to be acquired from the CEV through the perceptual apparatus,
and the better control can be.


(Bill Powers (930618.1930)

It IS an important point. Martin has been implying that the
resolution of the input function depends on its RMS noise level,
and I completely disagree with this concept of resolution of the
measuring apparatus. If the noise is 10% RMS of the range,
Martin's intepretation would be that there are only 10 possible
values of the perceptual signal with a range of 10 units, 0
through 9. This would make the probability of any one value of
perceptual signal 10 percent. In fact, however, the perceptual
signal can have a magnitude between 0 and 9 with a _precision_
that depends on how long you observe it: if you observe it 10
times as long, it has 3 times the precision if the noise is

Gaussian, actually. I'm glad you have got this point. It is the
heart of my Gain-bandwidth computation. If you didn't understand
that earlier, I'm not surprised you didn't follow the analysis.

I'm sure you sometimes feel a little frustration at people telling you
that you said things that are the opposite of what you tried to tell
them. So am I, but at least on this point you have come around to
the "correct" view.

And however long you observe, whether for a
short time or a long time, the RMS noise does not predict the
probability of a specific measure, for a specific measure can
have any value in the real number range between 0 and 9. The
_resolution_ is infinite, although the _precision_ and
_repeatability_ are not.

The resolution IS infinite under certain conditions, which include
infinite observation time and *a priori* certainty that the thing
observed does not change over the observation interval. If you cannot
be assured beforehand that the thing observed will be unchanging until
the end of time, the observation interval can only be as long as it
is known to be effectively stable. That's the point of the Nyquist
sampling theorem. That's why if there is negative gain in the loop
greater than unity, the perceptual sampling rate must be greater
than the Nyquist rate for the controlled part of the disturbance (see
Friday's postings for the interpretation of that phrase).


From Tom Bourbon (930621.1323)

[Martin Taylor 930621 11:10]
(Hans Blom 930619)

Misunderstandings sometimes are better resolved by a non-combatant.

Most of Martin's post was about power gain in a control system. But at one
point Martin said:

On models, I tend to side with Hans. It is part of the whole information
argument. The more information is avaialble within the control system,
the less is to be acquired from the CEV through the perceptual apparatus,
and the better control can be.

Martin, to paraphrase a line from the movie, "Field of Dreams," all I can
say is, "If you build it, we will come." Take one example of
control, as it is recreated or predicted by PCT models, and show me, in the
results of simulations, how making more "information" available "within the
control system" improves the recreations and predictions from the model.
Then show me that those results generalize, with no further tinkering with
the model, to new conditions, with unpredictably different disturbances and
targets. That is not much to ask. Just improve on the performance of a
single-level, single-loop PCT model.

And please delineate how your ideas in the remark to Hans differ from, say,
a plan driven system that relies on information in the form of
programs for action, thereby freeing itself from a need to rely on
information about the CEV obtained through the pereptual apparatus. As you
stated it, I see no difference.

This is not a put down. It is the only way to do business, if you rely on
models to test your assumptions. It is my often repeated plea that you
present the evidence, in the form of improved performance of the PCT model.
Nothing else will impress us or win us over. You already know that. But
I assure you that, if you build it, we will come.

Until later,
  Tom Bourbon

From Tom Bourbon (930622.1231)

[Martin Taylor 930621 18:00]
(Tom Bourbon 930621.1323)

And please delineate how your ideas in the remark to Hans differ from, say,
a plan driven system that relies on information in the form of
programs for action, thereby freeing itself from a need to rely on
information about the CEV obtained through the pereptual apparatus. As you
stated it, I see no difference.

The difference is in those words "relies on" and "freeing itself from." I
have no concept of either. Change them to "uses" and "reduces its
need for" respectively, and I have less of a problem.

Fine. Change the words. Now, please because I still do not understand, tell
me how the model implied in your remarks to Hans differ from, say, a plan
driven system that "uses" information in the form of programs for action,
thereby "reducing its need for" information about the CEV obtained through
the perceptual apparatus. As you stated it, I see no difference.

Then show me that those results generalize, with no further tinkering with
the model, to new conditions, with unpredictably different disturbances and

What I assume would be in the model doesn't have much to do with the
disturbances and targets, but with what Bill has labelled f(e)--the
effect of a particular output change on the CEV. Reorganization is
one way of building a f(e) that conforms to a predetermined model, which
has the characteristic of being monotonic, as steep as can be constructed,
and leads to negative feedback. That "model" needs no explicit form.
It works with little information about the environment (which, Bill,
incorporates all the lower-level ECSs, not just the part of the world
outside the skin envelope) other than that the sign of the feedback is
constant and the environmental gain stays adequately high. Bats, on
the other hand, seem to adjust their perceptual input filters according
to the expected time and frequency of the (doppler-shifted) echo. They
need the model to distinguish the very low-power but precisely determined
echo from whatever else is going on in their acoustic world.

How could such a model work? In the neural-net world, one rather
powerful form of node is called a sigma-pi node. It does summation
and multiplication, and can be used as a variable filter. It would
be quite reasonable, I think, for a perceptual input function to contain
the pi part of the sigma-pi, in addition to the sigma that is generally
acknowledged to be there. The input to the pi could come from the
output signal, changing the relative sensitivity of different elements
of the PIF, and thereby changing its prior uncertainty about the expected
signal. That's just one way it could work.

I'm not committed (yet) to internal models in general. I can see their
potential usefulness, but they add a complexity to the ECS with which I am
not happy. In the syntax predictor that Allan is developing for me, we do
not include (yet) any internal model. We hope we will not need to include
one to achieve good prediction. We are starting by relying on perceptual
input functions that include differentiation. Nevertheless, when we
get to noisy, smoothly changing representations of the syntax, I am
at least open to the idea that we will have to incorporate models.

As I said, it's a question of the required information rate from
perceptual signals. If you are among those who consider it an
uninteresting quantity, you will not be interested in the possible
value of an internal model as a component of an ECS.

Please, all I asked was:

Then show me that those results generalize, with no further tinkering with
the model, to new conditions, with unpredictably different disturbances and

Of course, in the original I asked to see a generalization of the
results of simulations by the model you suggested. That is all I need to
see, for you to convince me that what you say about information theory
*does* translate into imnprovements in the performance of the PCT model.
In the demonstration, you are free (encouraged) to assume the model in its
fully developed and informed state. You need not simulate evolution,
conception, birth, maturation, learning, social control proceses, or
enlightenment. Simply take an extant PCT model, add to it the features or
measures you believe must be there for it to be an information theoretic PCT (ITPCT)
model, and let it run. I described my criteria for improvement in other
posts long ago, and in one addressed to Hans Bloom a few minutes ago. A
demonstration like that would clear the air of gigabytes of "I said," "You
said," "We said," and the like. And it would focus the discussion on the
real issue -- does the PCT model work and, if so, can it be improved?

Here's a counter-challenge to the skilled modellers. I think it is fair,
because we have not yet developed our own model, so we can see whether
anyone, ourselves included, can solve the problem.

This is another kind of "challenge" entirely. In fact, my offer is not a
challenge. I am merely saying that we know the PCT model works for certain
instances of control by humans. We know the model can be and should be
improved. We are eager to enlist the support of anyone who wishes to join
in that endeavour. The criteria for demonstrating improvement in the model
are simple and direct. Have at it. We have even published and posted the
PCT model (all two lines of it, if you include the environment) many times,
so you can avoid the need to develop your own model. Please, use ours as a
testbed for your ideas. (I am completely serious -- no attempt by me to be
cute, clever or condescending.)

This is not a contest in which we try to prove prowess and skill -- not for
me it isn't -- I have neither of those "attributes." My skills are limited.
I would like to see people with skills and resources superior to my own
devote some of their time and creativity to working on our project.

Define a formal grammar (say a BNF grammar) with 3 levels between the
root and the leaves. Assert for each leaf symbol a description consisting
of a location in an arbitrary 3-space (by analogy, think of phonetic
feature values for phonemes). Let a control system "see" the succession
of locations defined by the successive symbols output by executing the
grammar with predefined probabilities of taking the different branches.
The ouput of the control system is a location in 3-space. The three
"intrinsic variables" that the control system must maintain are the
difference between the locations of the output symbols and its own
three dimensional output. The control system may be designed or it
may learn (ours will learn).

Obviously, if the grammar output moves very slowly, any 3-D control
system will work. Our problem is to get the control system to move
to the right place as early as possible, preferably in synchrony with
the motion of the grammar output point, which is moving quickly.

So far, we have not defined a challenge grammar or specified its rate
of output, but we assume that the output point will have to stay stable
for at least two compute cycles for the control system to have any chance
of learning. We think that our control system will learn to have about
as many levels as there are in the grammar, but that remains to be seen
(it will grow by inserting ECSs between the "intrinsic variable" control
ECSs and the top perceptual layer, as discussed last week).

You got me there, Martin. Congratulations. I sure can't do that, but then
I never claimed to be a skilled modeler. Now, can I interest you in
helping us figure out how to improve the PCT model for something as mundane
and trivial as stick wiggling?

Until later,
    Tom Bourbon