Powers Demo Fix

[From Bruce Abbott (941221.1350)]

To anyone trying to run Bill Powers's most recently posted demo program--

Something went haywire in transmission, so that the code will not compile and
run as received. I asked Bill to resend the code to me privately, and he did,
but the new copy was scrambled in the same way as the original. However, I've
discovered a way to fix it.

Load the file(s) into Turbo Pascal, then select SEARCH from the menu bar. In
the SEARCH menu, select REPLACE. When the dialog box comes up, type 3D as the
"text to find," and delete anything in the "new text" box. Mark the option
box for "case sensitive" and choose the "change all" option. All instances of
3D in the file will be deleted, and the resulting cleaned up file should run
(mine did).

Good Luck!
