Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

[From MK (2015.09.09.0215)]


Richards J. & Glasersfeld E. von (1979) The control of perception and
the construction of reality. Dialectica 33(1): 37�58.

Summary. This paper explicates a Constructivist Epistemology which
underlies cybernetic models of perceiving and knowing. We focus on the
recent work of W. T. Powers (Behavior: The Control of Perception,
Chicago: Aldine, 1973). Powers’ model consists of hierarchially
arranged negative feedback systems, is based on the claim that living
organisms behave to control perceptions, and thus suggests that
organisms construct their experiential world. We argue that this
provides a basis for a modified scientific scepticism, a scepticism
with a positive dimension gained by adding the notion of cognitive
construction. From this perspective, knowing and perceiving pertain to
the construction of invariances in the living organism’s experience.
Free PDF:


[From Rick Marken (2015.09.10.0710)]


[From MK (2015.09.09.0215)]

Richards J. & Glasersfeld E. von (1979) The control of perception and

the construction of reality. Dialectica 33(1): 37–58.

RM: I don’t think they quite get PCT. Yes, the perceptual model in PCT is “constructivist” but they give the impression this means that perception is “constructed” out of whole cloth. This is not the PCT epistemology, which assumes that there is an environment on the “other side” of our perceptions – the environment described by our current models of physics and chemistry – Â and that those perceptions are “constructed” from the sensory effects of the variables described in the physics/chemistry model.Â


Rick Â

Summary. This paper explicates a Constructivist Epistemology which

underlies cybernetic models of perceiving and knowing. We focus on the

recent work of W. T. Powers (Behavior: The Control of Perception,

Chicago: Aldine, 1973). Powers’ model consists of hierarchially

arranged negative feedback systems, is based on the claim that living

organisms behave to control perceptions, and thus suggests that

organisms construct their experiential world. We argue that this

provides a basis for a modified scientific scepticism, a scepticism

with a positive dimension gained by adding the notion of cognitive

construction. From this perspective, knowing and perceiving pertain to

the construction of invariances in the living organism’s experience.

Free PDF:


Richard S. MarkenÂ
Author of  Doing Research on Purpose
Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.12.1240)]

Paul Silverman sent this to me personally rather than to CSGNet as he intended. So here’s what Paul wrote and my reply:


On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Silverman, Paul S wrote:

PS: Rick, long ago I was involved with Ernst’s radical constructivism (and the preparation of this article) as I was a graduate student working with him. While it is certainly epistemologically possible to propose that the physical world out there is well-defined by sciences such as physics and chemistry, this is not at all necessary.

RM: PCT doesn’t propose that the physical world out there is “well-defined” by physics and chemistry. It proposes that that models of physics and chemistry, which are all we know of the physical world out there, can be used as the environment component of the PCT model of behavior. We will never know how well the models of physics and chemistry “define” what is "really’ out there because we can’t look on the other side of our senses to see what (if anything) is really out there. All we know and will ever know are our perceptions. But the models of physics and chemistry have been so spectacularly successful (in terms of allowing us to predict with quantitative precision how our perceptions will vary in relationship to other perceptions – for example, how a ball will accelerate as it rolls down an inclined plane) that we feel quite confident using those models as “the environment” in our models of the behavior of living systems.

PS: In fact, those sciences and their theories are the based on the perceptual and concept constructs

 RM: I think this is only half the story. Science is based on perceiving but it is also based on acting (the other half of the control loop) to see how those actions affect our perceptions.The models of science are not based on observing (perceiving) alone. They are based on acting to manipulate variables (perceptions), such as the inclination of the inclined plane, to see if those manipulations have the expected effect on other perceptions, such as the rate of movement of a ball going down the plane. The “expected effect” of actions on perceptions is based on a model – such as Newton’s laws of motion. If the effect of actions on perceptions is not what is predicted by the model, then the model has to be revised.Â

RM: Powers wanted to build a model of (our perception of) the behavior of living systems that was as precise and successful in its predictions as the models of (our perception of) the behavior of non-living systems – the models of physics and chemistry. In order to do this he had to include the models of physics and chemistry as the environment component of the model of living systems. So far Powers’ model of the behavior of living systems has succeeded as spectacularly as have the models of the behavior of non-living systems.Â

PS: which flow from Bill’s basic proposal that all we initially detect are inputs that are either “off� or “on� and which slowly are given meanings as their hierarchies build in development.

RM: I don’t quite understand this. I think you may be referring to the outputs of our sensors – the level 1 “intensity” perceptions –  as the  “inputs that are either “offâ€? or “onâ€?” (actually they are assumed to vary continuously with the level of external stimulation). And I think what you call the “meanings” given to these inputs are the perceptions constructed from them by the hierarchy – perceptions of sensations, configurations, transitions, relationships, programs, system concepts, etc. And this is all a correct description of the PCT model of perception.Â

RM: So PCT does say that we “give meaning” to our sensory input by constructing a hierarchy of more and more complex perceptual variables from these inputs. But the idea that this “flows out” of the PCT model is not correct. The constructivist model of perception in PCT is something that is put into the PCT model, not something that flows out it. This is the main flaw in the Richards and von Glasersfeld R&vG) paper. In that paper, R &vG argue that a constructivist model of perception follows from the PCT concept of acting to bring perceptions into a match with reference specifications for those perceptions. They take this to mean that a control system acts to construct perceptual invariances. But PCT has nothing to do with “constructing perceptions that are invariant”.  PCT is about bringing perceptual variables to reference states which may be (and often are) variable rather than invariant. The control loop doesn’t “construct”  the perception that is controlled. Rather, it acts on the aspect of the environment that corresponds to the perceptual variable under control in such a way that the perception is brought into a match with the reference for that perception.Â

RM: PCT does assume that the controlled perceptual variable is constructed from the sensory effects of environmental variables. But that wasn’t a necessary assumption. The model would work even if it were assumed that perception is a map of entities that are “really” out there. But that would have required using a different model of the environment than the models of physics and chemistry. That models has no sensations, configurations, programs, systems concepts, etc in it.

RM: The constructivist model of perception in PCT implies that there are many different ways of perceiving the same environment so that there are many different perceptual aspects of the environment that an organism might be controlling when we see it “behaving” in various ways. So we have to have a model of the environment in order to test which aspect(s) of this environment is (are) being controlled when we try to figure out what the organism is “doing” (controlling). This, of course, is the “test for the controlled variable” and, in order to do the test you have to have a good model of the environment and a model of the organism that assumes that controlled variables are constructed from the sensory effects of this environment.Â

RM: The bottom line is that the “constructivist” model of perception in PCT is not quite the same as the constructivist model of perception in the R & vG paper, and a constructivist model of perception doesn’t “flow out” of PCT. But it is proposed by PCT and the evidence is that it is the right proposal.Â





Paul S Silverman, Ph.D.

Developmental Psychology and Clinical Psychology Programs and

Chair, Interdisciplinary Human and Family Development Minor

Psychology Department

University of Montana

Missoula, Montana 59812

Phone: (406) 243-6349

Fax: (406) 243-6366

Confidentiality Note: This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message. Any disclosure, copying or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it is strictly prohibited. If you have received the email in error, please immediately notify me by telephone, (406) 240-1173.

On Sep 10, 2015, at 8:06 AM, Richard Marken <> wrote:

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.10.0710)]

[From MK (2015.09.09.0215)]

Richards J. & Glasersfeld E. von (1979) The control of perception and

the construction of reality. Dialectica 33(1): 37–58.

RM: I don’t think they quite get PCT. Yes, the perceptual model in PCT is “constructivist” but they give the impression this means that perception is “constructed” out of whole cloth. This is not the PCT epistemology, which assumes that there is an environment on the “other side” of our perceptions – the environment described by our current models of physics and chemistry --Â and that those perceptions are “constructed” from the sensory effects of the variables described in the physics/chemistry model.



Summary. This paper explicates a Constructivist Epistemology which

underlies cybernetic models of perceiving and knowing. We focus on the

recent work of W. T. Powers (Behavior: The Control of Perception,

Chicago: Aldine, 1973). Powers’ model consists of hierarchially

arranged negative feedback systems, is based on the claim that living

organisms behave to control perceptions, and thus suggests that

organisms construct their experiential world. We argue that this

provides a basis for a modified scientific scepticism, a scepticism

with a positive dimension gained by adding the notion of cognitive

construction. From this perspective, knowing and perceiving pertain to

the construction of invariances in the living organism’s experience.

Free PDF:<>


Richard S. Marken<>

Author of Doing Research on Purpose<>.
Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Richard S. MarkenÂ
Author of  Doing Research on Purpose
Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

This is a little better but far from good.

  1.   I think you should in points where your oppinion was changed by the »influence« with your discussions on CSGnet forum.
  2.   You again used »that there are many different perceptual aspects of the environment that an organism might be controlling when we see it "behaving" in various ways.«  So it seems that something is controlled outside. Or you wanted to say something else ?
  3.   Constructivist view has nothing to do with the »controlled aspect of environment«. It does have to do with »Control of perception«.

RM : PCT does assume that the controlled perceptual variable is constructed…

BH : What is »controlled perceptual variable« for you and how it is constructed ? Once Gavin used term PCV. Is there any difference in CPV (controlled perceptual variable) and his PCV (perceptually controlled variable)

RM :

So we have to have a model of the environment in order to test which aspect(s) of this environment is (are) being controlled when we try to figure out what the organism is “doing” (controlling). This, of course, is the “test for the controlled variable” and, in order to do the test you have to have a good model of the environment and a model of the organism that assumes that controlled variables are constructed from the sensory effects of this environment.

HB :

Whatever is being controlled is controlled inside organism. There is nothing controlled outside. It’s of secondary importance and the consequence of internal control. Inside control (comparators) are just affecting »outside world« with output and »Control perception«.

You can conclude something from »variables being affected outside« but you can never know what people are really controlling inside, because you can’t see in their brains. You can make various assumption, which are mostly wrong an most conflicts derive from »wrong« interpretations what other people think.

From the »test for the controlled variables« outside you will know very little or noithing about what people are really controlling insde. Did you ever asked yourself how much can you really know about what people are really thinking or feeling ? You have better methods to find out what is »really« happening in people.



P.S: But on the whole it’s much better than the last time I saw your presentation of PCT.


From: Richard Marken []
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.12.1240)]

Paul Silverman sent this to me personally rather than to CSGNet as he intended. So here’s what Paul wrote and my reply:

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Silverman, Paul S wrote:

PS: Rick, long ago I was involved with Ernst’s radical constructivism (and the preparation of this article) as I was a graduate student working with him. While it is certainly epistemologically possible to propose that the physical world out there is well-defined by sciences such as physics and chemistry, this is not at all necessary.

RM: PCT doesn’t propose that the physical world out there is “well-defined” by physics and chemistry. It proposes that that models of physics and chemistry, which are all we know of the physical world out there, can be used as the environment component of the PCT model of behavior. We will never know how well the models of physics and chemistry “define” what is "really’ out there because we can’t look on the other side of our senses to see what (if anything) is really out there. All we know and will ever know are our perceptions. But the models of physics and chemistry have been so spectacularly successful (in terms of allowing us to predict with quantitative precision how our perceptions will vary in relationship to other perceptions – for example, how a ball will accelerate as it rolls down an inclined plane) that we feel quite confident using those models as “the environment” in our models of the behavior of living systems.

PS: In fact, those sciences and their theories are the based on the perceptual and concept constructs

RM: I think this is only half the story. Science is based on perceiving but it is also based on acting (the other half of the control loop) to see how those actions affect our perceptions.The models of science are not based on observing (perceiving) alone. They are based on acting to manipulate variables (perceptions), such as the inclination of the inclined plane, to see if those manipulations have the expected effect on other perceptions, such as the rate of movement of a ball going down the plane. The “expected effect” of actions on perceptions is based on a model – such as Newton’s laws of motion. If the effect of actions on perceptions is not what is predicted by the model, then the model has to be revised.

RM: Powers wanted to build a model of (our perception of) the behavior of living systems that was as precise and successful in its predictions as the models of (our perception of) the behavior of non-living systems – the models of physics and chemistry. In order to do this he had to include the models of physics and chemistry as the environment component of the model of living systems. So far Powers’ model of the behavior of living systems has succeeded as spectacularly as have the models of the behavior of non-living systems.

PS: which flow from Bill’s basic proposal that all we initially detect are inputs that are either “off� or “on� and which slowly are given meanings as their hierarchies build in development.

RM: I don’t quite understand this. I think you may be referring to the outputs of our sensors – the level 1 “intensity” perceptions – as the “inputs that are either “offâ€? or “onâ€?” (actually they are assumed to vary continuously with the level of external stimulation). And I think what you call the “meanings” given to these inputs are the perceptions constructed from them by the hierarchy – perceptions of sensations, configurations, transitions, relationships, programs, system concepts, etc. And this is all a correct description of the PCT model of perception.

RM: So PCT does say that we “give meaning” to our sensory input by constructing a hierarchy of more and more complex perceptual variables from these inputs. But the idea that this “flows out” of the PCT model is not correct. The constructivist model of perception in PCT is something that is put into the PCT model, not something that flows out it. This is the main flaw in the Richards and von Glasersfeld R&vG) paper. In that paper, R &vG argue that a constructivist model of perception follows from the PCT concept of acting to bring perceptions into a match with reference specifications for those perceptions. They take this to mean that a control system acts to construct perceptual invariances. But PCT has nothing to do with “constructing perceptions that are invariant”. PCT is about bringing perceptual variables to reference states which may be (and often are) variable rather than invariant. The control loop doesn’t “construct” the perception that is controlled. Rather, it acts on the aspect of the environment that corresponds to the perceptual variable under control in such a way that the perception is brought into a match with the reference for that perception.

RM: PCT does assume that the controlled perceptual variable is constructed from the sensory effects of environmental variables. But that wasn’t a necessary assumption. The model would work even if it were assumed that perception is a map of entities that are “really” out there. But that would have required using a different model of the environment than the models of physics and chemistry. That models has no sensations, configurations, programs, systems concepts, etc in it.

RM: The constructivist model of perception in PCT implies that there are many different ways of perceiving the same environment so that there are many different perceptual aspects of the environment that an organism might be controlling when we see it “behaving” in various ways. So we have to have a model of the environment in order to test which aspect(s) of this environment is (are) being controlled when we try to figure out what the organism is “doing” (controlling). This, of course, is the “test for the controlled variable” and, in order to do the test you have to have a good model of the environment and a model of the organism that assumes that controlled variables are constructed from the sensory effects of this environment.

RM: The bottom line is that the “constructivist” model of perception in PCT is not quite the same as the constructivist model of perception in the R & vG paper, and a constructivist model of perception doesn’t “flow out” of PCT. But it is proposed by PCT and the evidence is that it is the right proposal.




Paul S Silverman, Ph.D.
Developmental Psychology and Clinical Psychology Programs and
Chair, Interdisciplinary Human and Family Development Minor
Psychology Department
University of Montana
Missoula, Montana 59812
Phone: (406) 243-6349
Fax: (406) 243-6366

Confidentiality Note: This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message. Any disclosure, copying or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it is strictly prohibited. If you have received the email in error, please immediately notify me by telephone, (406) 240-1173.

On Sep 10, 2015, at 8:06 AM, Richard Marken <> wrote:

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.10.0710)]

[From MK (2015.09.09.0215)]

Richards J. & Glasersfeld E. von (1979) The control of perception and
the construction of reality. Dialectica 33(1): 37–58.

RM: I don’t think they quite get PPCT. Yes, the perceptual model in PCT is “constructivist” but they give the impression this means that perception is “constructed” out of whole cloth. This is not the PCT epistemology, which assumes that there is an environment on the “other side” of our perceptions – the environment described by our current models of physics and chemistry – and that those perceptions are “constructed” from the sensory effects of the variables described in the physics/chemistry model.



Summary. This paper explicates a Constructivist Epistemology which
underlies cybernetic models of perceiving and knowing. We focus on the
recent work of W. T. Powers (Behavior: The Control of Perception,
Chicago: Aldine, 1973). Powers’ model consists of hierarchially
arranged negative feedback systems, is based on the claim that living
organisms behave to control perceptions, and thus suggests that
organisms construct their experiential world. We argue that this
provides a basis for a modified scientific scepticism, a scepticism
with a positive dimension gained by adding the notion of cognitive
construction. From this perspective, knowing and perceiving pertain to
the construction of invariances in the living organism’s experience.

Free PDF:<>


Richard S. Marken<>
Author of Doing Research on Purpose<>.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.15.0905]


On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 2:38 AM, Boris Hartman wrote:

BH: 2.      You again used »that there are many different perceptual aspects of the environment that an organism might be controlling when we see it “behaving” in various ways.«  So it seems that something is controlled outside. Or you wanted to say something else ?

RM: Yes, something is controlled “outside” when we control perceptions. No, I didn’t want to say anything else.Â


RM : PCT does assume that the controlled perceptual variable is constructed…


BH : What is »controlled perceptual variable« for you and how it is constructed ?

RM: The controlled perceptual variable is the perceptual aspect of the environment that is controlled by the control loop. It is constructed from the sensory effects of environmental stimulation.Â

BH: Once Gavin used term PCV. Is there any difference in CPV (controlled perceptual variable) and his PCV (perceptually controlled variable)

RM: In English “perceptually” is an adverb, a word that “modifies” a verb, telling how the action of the verb is carried out. In this case, “controlled” is a verb and “perceptually” tells how a “variable” is “controlled”. So the term PCV describes a variable that is controlled perceptually. There is nothing in PCT about control being done “perceptually” so there is no such thing as a PCV in PCT. A controlled perceptual variable (CPV) is a variable that is controlled by a control loop. The CPV is the central feature of PCT. So that’s the difference between PCV and CPV. A PCV does not exist in PCT; a CPV is the central feature of PCT.


HB :

Whatever is being controlled is controlled inside organism. There is nothing controlled outside. It’s of secondary importance and the consequence of internal control. Inside control (comparators) are just affecting »outside world« with output and »Control perception«.

RM: If nothing outside is controlled how can it be of “secondary importance”. How important can something be if it does’t exist? I think what you are trying to say here is that a controlled perception is completely subjective – it exists only inside the control system; it is not something that exists in the environment. And I am saying pretty much the same thing.

RM: I think where we might be having a disconnect is in what we mean by “exists in the environment”. When I say that a control system controls an “aspect of the environment” I am not saying that it is controlling something that necessarily exists in the environment. It is controlling a function of variables that, per the models of physics and chemistry, exist in the environment. For example, a humidity control system is controlling something that does not exist in the environment – humidity. Humidity is a perception, constructed from the sensed value of variables that do exist in the environment – water vapor and temperature.Â

RM: A humidity control system senses the amount of water vapor in the air (Wv) and the temperature of the air (T) and constructs a perception of humidity (H) from the sensed magnitude of these variables: H = Wv/T. It controls H by varying the amount of water vapor it adds to the air (while another control system is presumably controlling just the temperature). So a humidity control system is controlling a perceptual variable that does not correspond to anything that exists in the environment. There is no variable H that exists in the environment. But there is an aspect (function) of variables that do exist in the environment – Wv and T – that is controlled when the control system controls controls its perception of humidity, H. The aspect of the environment that is controlled is the ratio Wv/T. Other aspects of these environmental variables, such as Wv-T or Wv*T or T or Wv, are not controlled when Wv/T is controlled.Â


BH: You can conclude something from »variables being affected outside« but you can never know what people are really controlling inside,

RM: Bill actually speaks to this point in his description of “The Coin Game” on pp 236- 238 of B:CP (2nd edition). In the last paragraph at the bottom of p. 237 Bill notes that there could be disagreement between E (the outside observer) and S (the controller) about the verbal description of the perception S is really controlling. I quote: “When E and S compare written definitions at the end of the game they may often find that they have used quite different language, different verbal analogues of the controlled quantity [the aspect of the environment that corresponds to the controlled perceptual variable – RM]. S may have been preserving a “zig zag” pattern and E may conclude it is the letter N or Z. If they are both word oriented types E and S may argue about whose definition is the “right” one, forgetting that E has discovered what S was in fact controlling, whatever either of them likes to call it. Even S can be mistaken in this argument because he may verbally define the controlled quantity to himself in a way that suggests many aspects of it that he does not actually control – a complex definition may boil down to a trivially simple perception.” (emphasis mine - RM). Â

RM: :I put emphasis on the word “aspect” in that last sentence because the coin gain is a nice way of illustrating what is meant when we say that controlling perceptions involves controlling aspects of the environment. The environment of the Coin Game consists of four coins of any denomination. So there are many aspects of the four coins that can be perceived and controlled – their relative positions, sizes, dates etc. For example, a person can control for the coins being in a line, or for the dates to be in chronological order, etc. None of those aspects of the coins exists in the environment, by the way; they are aspects of the coins that can be perceived and controlled by the control system. But when a perceptual aspect of the coins is controlled by S, that aspect of the environment is also controlled. And if E can also perceive that aspect of the environment, E can tell what perception S is controlling.Â

 BH: from the »test for the controlled variables« outside you will know very little or noithing about what people are really controlling insde.

RM: I think you should be able to see from the passage I quoted from B:CP above that Bill would disagree with this. The test for the controlled variable (as illustrated by the Coin Game) allows E to determine what perception S is controlling and provides a description of that perception that is often better than the one the controlled, S, can provide.Â


BH: Did you ever asked yourself how much can you really know about what people are really thinking or feeling ?

RM: Of course! I ask myself that all the time and the answer always turns out to be “use the test for the controlled variable”.




You have better methods to find out what is »really« happening in people.






P.S: But on the whole it’s much better than the last time I saw your presentation of PCT.





From: Richard Marken []
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality


[From Rick Marken (2015.09.12.1240)]


Paul Silverman sent this to me personally rather than to CSGNet as he intended. So here’s what Paul wrote and my reply:


On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Silverman, Paul S wrote:

PS: Rick, long ago I was involved with Ernst’s radical constructivism (and the preparation of this article) as I was a graduate student working with him. While it is certainly epistemologically possible to propose that the physical world out there is well-defined by sciences such as physics and chemistry, this is not at all necessary.


RM: PCT doesn’t propose that the physical world out there is “well-defined” by physics and chemistry. It proposes that that models of physics and chemistry, which are all we know of the physical world out there, can be used as the environment component of the PCT model of behavior. We will never know how well the models of physics and chemistry “define” what is "really’ out there because we can’t look on the other side of our senses to see what (if anything) is really out there. All we know and will ever know are our perceptions. But the models of physics and chemistry have been so spectacularly successful (in terms of allowing us to predict with quantitative precision how our perceptions will vary in relationship to other perceptions – for example, how a ball will accelerate as it rolls down an inclined plane) that we feel quite confident using those models as “the environment” in our models of the behavior of living systems.


PS: In fact, those sciences and their theories are the based on the perceptual and concept constructs


 RM: I think this is only half the story. Science is based on perceiving but it is also based on acting (the other half of the control loop) to see how those actions affect our perceptions.The models of science are not based on observing (perceiving) alone. They are based on acting to manipulate variables (perceptions), such as the inclination of the inclined plane, to see if those manipulations have the expected effect on other perceptions, such as the rate of movement of a ball going down the plane. The “expected effect” of actions on perceptions is based on a model – such as Newton’s laws of motion. If the effect of actions on perceptions is not what is predicted by the model, then the model has to be revised.Â


RM: Powers wanted to build a model of (our perception of) the behavior of living systems that was as precise and successful in its predictions as the models of (our perception of) the behavior of non-living systems – the models of physics and chemistry. In order to do this he had to include the models of physics and chemistry as the environment component of the model of living systems. So far Powers’ model of the behavior of living systems has succeeded as spectacularly as have the models of the behavior of non-living systems.Â


PS: which flow from Bill’s basic proposal that all we initially detect are inputs that are either “off� or “on� and which slowly are given meanings as their hierarchies build in development.


RM: I don’t quite understand this. I think you may be referring to the outputs of our sensors – the level 1 “intensity” perceptions –  as the  “inputs that are either “offâ€? or “onâ€?” (actually they are assumed to vary continuously with the level of external stimulation). And I think what you call the “meanings” given to these inputs are the perceptions constructed from them by the hierarchy – perceptions of sensations, configurations, transitions, relationships, programs, system concepts, etc. And this is all a correct description of the PCT model of perception.Â


RM: So PCT does say that we “give meaning” to our sensory input by constructing a hierarchy of more and more complex perceptual variables from these inputs. But the idea that this “flows out” of the PCT model is not correct. The constructivist model of perception in PCT is something that is put into the PCT model, not something that flows out it. This is the main flaw in the Richards and von Glasersfeld R&vG) paper. In that paper, R &vG argue that a constructivist model of perception follows from the PCT concept of acting to bring perceptions into a match with reference specifications for those perceptions. They take this to mean that a control system acts to construct perceptual invariances. But PCT has nothing to do with “constructing perceptions that are invariant”.  PCT is about bringing perceptual variables to reference states which may be (and often are) variable rather than invariant. The control loop doesn’t “construct”  the perception that is controlled. Rather, it acts on the aspect of the environment that corresponds to the perceptual variable under control in such a way that the perception is brought into a match with the reference for that perception.Â


RM: PCT does assume that the controlled perceptual variable is constructed from the sensory effects of environmental variables. But that wasn’t a necessary assumption. The model would work even if it were assumed that perception is a map of entities that are “really” out there. But that would have required using a different model of the environment than the models of physics and chemistry. That models has no sensations, configurations, programs, systems concepts, etc in it.


RM: The constructivist model of perception in PCT implies that there are many different ways of perceiving the same environment so that there are many different perceptual aspects of the environment that an organism might be controlling when we see it “behaving” in various ways. So we have to have a model of the environment in order to test which aspect(s) of this environment is (are) being controlled when we try to figure out what the organism is “doing” (controlling). This, of course, is the “test for the controlled variable” and, in order to do the test you have to have a good model of the environment and a model of the organism that assumes that controlled variables are constructed from the sensory effects of this environment.Â


RM: The bottom line is that the “constructivist” model of perception in PCT is not quite the same as the constructivist model of perception in the R & vG paper, and a constructivist model of perception doesn’t “flow out” of PCT. But it is proposed by PCT and the evidence is that it is the right proposal.Â









Paul S Silverman, Ph.D.
Developmental Psychology and Clinical Psychology Programs and
Chair, Interdisciplinary Human and Family Development Minor
Psychology Department
University of Montana
Missoula, Montana 59812
Phone: (406) 243-6349
Fax: (406) 243-6366

Confidentiality Note: This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message. Any disclosure, copying or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it is strictly prohibited. If you have received the email in error, please immediately notify me by telephone, (406) 240-1173.

On Sep 10, 2015, at 8:06 AM, Richard Marken <> wrote:

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.10.0710)]

[From MK (2015.09.09.0215)]

Richards J. & Glasersfeld E. von (1979) The control of perception and
the construction of reality. Dialectica 33(1): 37–58.

RM: I don’t think they quiite get PCT. Yes, the perceptual model in PCT is “constructivist” but they give the impression this means that perception is “constructed” out of whole cloth. This is not the PCT epistemology, which assumes that there is an environment on the “other side” of our perceptions – the environment described by our current models of physics and chemistry --Â and that those perceptions are “constructed” from the sensory effects of the variables described in the physics/chemistry model.



Summary. This paper explicates a Constructivist Epistemology which
underlies cybernetic models of perceiving and knowing. We focus on the
recent work of W. T. Powers (Behavior: The Control of Perception,
Chicago: Aldine, 1973). Powers’ model consists of hierarchially
arranged negative feedback systems, is based on the claim that living
organisms behave to control perceptions, and thus suggests that
organisms construct their experiential world. We argue that this
provides a basis for a modified scientific scepticism, a scepticism
with a positive dimension gained by adding the notion of cognitive
construction. From this perspective, knowing and perceiving pertain to
the construction of invariances in the living organism’s experience.

Free PDF:<>


Richard S. Marken<>
Author of Doing Research on Purpose<>.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble


Richard S. MarkenÂ
Author of  Doing Research on Purpose

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Richard S. MarkenÂ
Author of  Doing Research on Purpose
Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

I think I’m going through this with you for 20th or more time.


From: Richard Marken []
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.15.0905]

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 2:38 AM, Boris Hartman wrote:

RM: Yes, something is controlled “outside” when we control perceptions.

RM: The controlled perceptual variable is the perceptual aspect of the environment that is controlled by the control loop. It is constructed from the sensory effects of environmental stimulation.

HB : Do I understand right UPPER TEXT, that there is something controlled outside (by the control loop) – probabbly some »aspect of environment« or »controlled quantity« that is »emiting environmental stimulation« to sensors and thus through transformation in INPUT FUNCTION »controlled perceptual variable« is constructed.  Do we talk here about perceptual signal – the only »controlled variable« in control loop ?

RM: In English “perceptually” is an adverb, a word that “modifies” a verb, telling how the action of the verb is carried out. In this case, “controlled” is a verb and “perceptually” tells how a “variable” is “controlled”. So the term PCV describes a variable that is controlled perceptually. There is nothing in PCT about control being done “perceptually” so there is no such thing as a PCV in PCT. A controlled perceptual variable (CPV) is a variable that is controlled by a control loop.

If I understand right that »PCV« tells how perceptually »variable« is controlled, and »CPV« how »perceptual variable is controlled«.

As you said »CPV« is constructed from sensory effects of environmental stimulations which are deriving from »controlled variable« or controlled quantity« in environment so it seems like definition how »controlled perceptual variable« is controlled.

And what by the way is that in control loop, that is »controlling aspect of environment« or controlled quantity« in outer environment probably produces »CPV«? Behavior, output ? As there is nothing else what I can see in PCT control loop that could control »controlled variable« or »controlled quantity« or »controlled aspect« in outer environment. Do you see anything else ? So it seems logically that you want to introduce »behavior is control«, because you need something that is controlling all that in outer environment. Otherway every farytail about something is controlled in outer environment is useless, if there is no »controller«. How could be anything controlled in outer environment if there is no »controller« ? Did I missed something ?

Bill P.

OUTPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that converts the magnitude or state of a signal inside the system into a corresponding set of effects in the immediate environment of the system…

HB :

It’s seems that you are no lucky enough. Bill talked about »SET OF EFFECTS« on environment not about »Control of environment«….

RMÂ : The CPV is the central feature of PCT. So that’s the difference between PCV and CPV. A PCV does not exist in PCT; a CPV is the central feature of PCT.

HB :

Can you provide any evidence that »CPV« is the core concept of PCT ? I would need at least 95% of citations in Bill’s literature (as this is core concept, I assume it must be everywhere), so that we could scientifically confirm that »CPV« is the core concept of PCT. But I have a bad feeling that »CPV« is the core concept of RCT.

RM: If nothing outside is controlled how can it be of “secondary importance”. How important can something be if it does’t exist?

HB :

External environment is affected by internal control through output. And these effects through output (behavior) are of »secondary« or »supporting« importance. The primary effects are done inside organism, so whatever effects are done through external environment are supporting to primary effects of internal control.

There is no need for anything to be controlled in environment as PCT is not »supporting« the concept that anything is »controlled« outside. PCT is supporting the concept that something is AFFECTED outside by output. Not controlled.

Bill P. at all – including Rick Marken - (50th Anniversary, 2011) :

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) provides a general theory of functioning for organisms. At the core concept of the theory is the obervation that living things control perceived environment by means of their behavior. Consequently, the phenomen of control takes center stage in PCT, with observable behavior playing an important but supporting role.

HB : Do you understand what I meant with »secondary importance« ? But maybe you are right. It’s maybe better to call it »supporting importance« J.

What does it mean to you the title of the Bill’s book : »Behavior : the control of perception« ?

RM: I think where we might be having a disconnect is in what we mean by “exists in the environment”. When I say that a control system controls an “aspect of the environment” I am not saying that it is controlling something that necessarily exists in the environment. It is controlling a function of variables that, per the models of physics and chemistry, exist in the environment.

HB :

I don’t understand what you mean by »function of variables« ? Models of physics and chemistry which exist in environment have some functions ? Which ? Or you meant just effects of physical variables on sensors ?

As there is really a lot of text, I will devide it into some parts. So this is the end of part one.



From: Richard Marken []
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.12.1240)]

Paul Silverman sent this to me personally rather than to CSGNet as he intended. So here’s what Paul wrote and my reply:

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Silverman, Paul S wrote:

PS: Rick, long ago I was involved with Ernst’s radical constructivism (and the preparation of this article) as I was a graduate student working with him. While it is certainly epistemologically possible to propose that the physical world out there is well-defined by sciences such as physics and chemistry, this is not at all necessary.

RM: PCT doesn’t propose that the physical world out there is “well-defined” by physics and chemistry. It proposes that that models of physics and chemistry, which are all we know of the physical world out there, can be used as the environment component of the PCT model of behavior. We will never know how well the models of physics and chemistry “define” what is "really’ out there because we can’t look on the other side of our senses to see what (if anything) is really out there. All we know and will ever know are our perceptions. But the models of physics and chemistry have been so spectacularly successful (in terms of allowing us to predict with quantitative precision how our perceptions will vary in relationship to other perceptions – for example, how a ball will accelerate as it rolls down an inclined plane) that we feel quite confident using those models as “the environment” in our models of the behavior of living systems.

PS: In fact, those sciences and their theories are the based on the perceptual and concept constructs

RM: I think this is only half the story. Science is based on perceiving but it is also based on acting (the other half of the control loop) to see how those actions affect our perceptions.The models of science are not based on observing (perceiving) alone. They are based on acting to manipulate variables (perceptions), such as the inclination of the inclined plane, to see if those manipulations have the expected effect on other perceptions, such as the rate of movement of a ball going down the plane. The “expected effect” of actions on perceptions is based on a model – such as Newton’s laws of motion. If the effect of actions on perceptions is not what is predicted by the model, then the model has to be revised.

RM: Powers wanted to build a model of (our perception of) the behavior of living systems that was as precise and successful in its predictions as the models of (our perception of) the behavior of non-living systems – the models of physics and chemistry. In order to do this he had to include the models of physics and chemistry as the environment component of the model of living systems. So far Powers’ model of the behavior of living systems has succeeded as spectacularly as have the models of the behavior of non-living systems.

PS: which flow from Bill’s basic proposal that all we initially detect are inputs that are either “off� or “on� and which slowly are given meanings as their hierarchies build in development.

RM: I don’t quite understand this. I think you may be referring to the outputs of our sensors – the level 1 “intensity” perceptions – as the “inputs that are either “offâ€? or “onâ€?” (actually they are assumed to vary continuously with the level of external stimulation). And I think what you call the “meanings” given to these inputs are the perceptions constructed from them by the hierarchy – perceptions of sensations, configurations, transitions, relationships, programs, system concepts, etc. And this is all a correct description of the PCT model of perception.

RM: So PCT does say that we “give meaning” to our sensory input by constructing a hierarchy of more and more complex perceptual variables from these inputs. But the idea that this “flows out” of the PCT model is not correct. The constructivist model of perception in PCT is something that is put into the PCT model, not something that flows out it. This is the main flaw in the Richards and von Glasersfeld R&vG) paper. In that paper, R &vG argue that a constructivist model of perception follows from the PCT concept of acting to bring perceptions into a match with reference specifications for those perceptions. They take this to mean that a control system acts to construct perceptual invariances. But PCT has nothing to do with “constructing perceptions that are invariant”. PCT is about bringing perceptual variables to reference states which may be (and often are) variable rather than invariant. The control loop doesn’t “construct” the perception that is controlled. Rather, it acts on the aspect of the environment that corresponds to the perceptual variable under control in such a way that the perception is brought into a match with the reference for that perception.

RM: PCT does assume that the controlled perceptual variable is constructed from the sensory effects of environmental variables. But that wasn’t a necessary assumption. The model would work even if it were assumed that perception is a map of entities that are “really” out there. But that would have required using a different model of the environment than the models of physics and chemistry. That models has no sensations, configurations, programs, systems concepts, etc in it.

RM: The constructivist model of perception in PCT implies that there are many different ways of perceiving the same environment so that there are many different perceptual aspects of the environment that an organism might be controlling when we see it “behaving” in various ways. So we have to have a model of the environment in order to test which aspect(s) of this environment is (are) being controlled when we try to figure out what the organism is “doing” (controlling). This, of course, is the “test for the controlled variable” and, in order to do the test you have to have a good model of the environment and a model of the organism that assumes that controlled variables are constructed from the sensory effects of this environment.

RM: The bottom line is that the “constructivist” model of perception in PCT is not quite the same as the constructivist model of perception in the R & vG paper, and a constructivist model of perception doesn’t “flow out” of PCT. But it is proposed by PCT and the evidence is that it is the right proposal.




Paul S Silverman, Ph.D.
Developmental Psychology and Clinical Psychology Programs and
Chair, Interdisciplinary Human and Family Development Minor
Psychology Department
University of Montana
Missoula, Montana 59812
Phone: (406) 243-6349
Fax: (406) 243-6366

Confidentiality Note: This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message. Any disclosure, copying or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it is strictly prohibited. If you have received the email in error, please immediately notify me by telephone, (406) 240-1173.

On Sep 10, 2015, at 8:06 AM, Richard Marken <> wrote:

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.10.0710)]

[From MK (2015.09.09.0215)]

Richards J. & Glasersfeld E. von (1979) The control of perception and
the construction of reality. Dialectica 33(1): 37–58.

RM: I don’t think they quitee get PCT. Yes, the perceptual model in PCT is “constructivist” but they give the impression this means that perception is “constructed” out of whole cloth. This is not the PCT epistemology, which assumes that there is an environment on the “other side” of our perceptions – the environment described by our current models of physics and chemistry – and that those perceptions are “constructed” from the sensory effects of the variables described in the physics/chemistry model.



Summary. This paper explicates a Constructivist Epistemology which
underlies cybernetic models of perceiving and knowing. We focus on the
recent work of W. T. Powers (Behavior: The Control of Perception,
Chicago: Aldine, 1973). Powers’ model consists of hierarchially
arranged negative feedback systems, is based on the claim that living
organisms behave to control perceptions, and thus suggests that
organisms construct their experiential world. We argue that this
provides a basis for a modified scientific scepticism, a scepticism
with a positive dimension gained by adding the notion of cognitive
construction. From this perspective, knowing and perceiving pertain to
the construction of invariances in the living organism’s experience.

Free PDF:<>


Richard S. Marken<>
Author of Doing Research on Purpose<>.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

[from philip]

RM: I think where we might be having a disconnect is in what we mean by “exists in the environment”. When I say that a control system controls an “aspect of the environment” I am not saying that it is controlling something that necessarily exists in the environment. It is controlling a function of variables that, per the models of physics and chemistry, exist in the environment.

PY: This one always gets me. Why is there always a disclaimer which says, “The perception you are controlling may not exist in the environment.”? Are we talking about the name of the perception, as it relates to concepts in physics? Like for instance, phlogiston…you may think phlogiston is involved in burning a substance, but it’s actually not because there’s no such thing as phlogiston. If that’s the case, you don’t need PCT to understand that what you’re referring to doesn’t exist. Remember, people with no conception of the models of physics and chemistry are controlling perceptions every day.  Â

PY: Anyway, we are repeatedly getting caught up trying to specify that something exists here but not there, that something is controlled here but not there.   Here’s how I see it. There is some perceptual signal in the system, a recording of some aspect of the environmental state.  If this aspect of the environment doesn’t actually exist, then this aspect is considered an illusion - it is false.    Â

HB: There is no need for anything to be controlled in environment as PCT is not »supporting« the concept that anything is »controlled« outside. PCT is supporting the concept that something is AFFECTED outside by output. Not controlled

PY: I don’t get it.  You need to give an example of this.  What is an example of a perceptual signal which is controlled, but the corresponding environmental correlate is not controlled?  If you can give me just one example of this, I’ll believe you.Â



On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 5:53 AM, Boris Hartman wrote:

I think I’m going through this with you for 20th or more time.



From: Richard Marken []
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality


[From Rick Marken (2015.09.15.0905]


On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 2:38 AM, Boris Hartman wrote:





RM: Yes, something is controlled “outside” when we control perceptions.


RM: The controlled perceptual variable is the perceptual aspect of the environment that is controlled by the control loop. It is constructed from the sensory effects of environmental stimulation.Â


HB : Do I understand right UPPER TEXT, that there is something controlled outside (by the control loop) – probably some »aspect off environment« or »controlled quantity« that is »emiting environmental stimulation« to sensors and thus through transformation in INPUT FUNCTION »controlled perceptual variable« is constructed. Do we talk here about perceptual signal – the only »controlled variable« in control loop ?






RM: In English “perceptually” is an adverb, a word that “modifies” a verb, telling how the action of the verb is carried out. In this case, “controlled” is a verb and “perceptually” tells how a “variable” is “controlled”. So the term PCV describes a variable that is controlled perceptually. There is nothing in PCT about control being done “perceptually” so there is no such thing as a PCV in PCT. A controlled perceptual variable (CPV) is a variable that is controlled by a control loop.


If I understand right that »PCV« tells how perceptually »variable« is controlled, and »CPV« how »perceptual variable is controlled«.

As you said »CPV« is constructed from sensory effects of environmental stimulations which are deriving from »controlled variable« or controlled quantity« in environment so it seems like definition how »controlled perceptual variable« is controlled.


And what by the way is that in control loop, that is »controlling aspect of environment« or controlled quantity« in outer environment probably produces »CPV«? Behavior, output ? As there is nothing else what I can see in PCT control loop that could control »controlled variable« or »controlled quantity« or »controlled aspect« in outer environment. Do you see anything else ? So it seems logically that you want to introduce »behavior is control«, because you need something that is controlling all that in outer environment. Otherway every farytail about something is controlled in outer environment is useless, if there is no »controller«. How could be anything controlled in outer environment if there is no »controller« ? Did I missed something ?


Bill P.

OUTPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that converts the magnitude or state of a signal inside the system into a corresponding set of effects in the immediate environment of the system…


HB :

It’s seems that you are no lucky enough. Bill talked about »SET OF EFFECTS« on environment not about »Control of environment«….


RMÂ : The CPV is the central feature of PCT. So that’s the difference between PCV and CPV. A PCV does not exist in PCT; a CPV is the central feature of PCT.


HB :

Can you provide any evidence that »CPV« is the core concept of PCT ? I would need at least 95% of citations in Bill’s literature (as this is core concept, I assume it must be everywhere), so that we could scientifically confirm that »CPV« is the core concept of PCT. But I have a bad feeling that »CPV« is the core concept of RCT.





RM: If nothing outside is controlled how can it be of “secondary importance”. How important can something be if it does’t exist?


HB :

External environment is affected by internal control through output. And these effects through output (behavior) are of »secondary« or »supporting« importance. The primary effects are done inside organism, so whatever effects are done through external environment are supporting to primary effects of internal control.


There is no need for anything to be controlled in environment as PCT is not »supporting« the concept that anything is »controlled« outside. PCT is supporting the concept that something is AFFECTED outside by output. Not controlled.


Bill P. at all – including Rick Marken - (50th Anniversary, 2011) : >

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) provides a general theory of functioning for organisms. At the core concept of the theory is the obervation that living things control perceived environment by means of their behavior. Consequently, the phenomen of control takes center stage in PCT, with observable behavior playing an important but supporting role.


HB : Do you understand what I meant with »secondary importance« ? But maybe you are right. It’s maybe better to call it »supporting importance« J.


What does it mean to you the title of the Bill’s book : »Behavior : the control of perception« ?





RM: I think where we might be having a disconnect is in what we mean by “exists in the environment”. When I say that a control system controls an “aspect of the environment” I am not saying that it is controlling something that necessarily exists in the environment. It is controlling a function of variables that, per the models of physics and chemistry, exist in the environment.


HB :

I don’t understand what you mean by »function of variables« ? Models of physics and chemistry which exist in environment have some functions ? Which ? Or you meant just effects of physical variables on sensors ?


As there is really a lot of text, I will devide it into some parts. So this is the end of part one.















From: Richard Marken []
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality


[From Rick Marken (2015.09.12.1240)]


Paul Silverman sent this to me personally rather than to CSGNet as he intended. So here’s what Paul wrote and my reply:


On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Silverman, Paul S wrote:

PS: Rick, long ago I was involved with Ernst’s radical constructivism (and the preparation of this article) as I was a graduate student working with him. While it is certainly epistemologically possible to propose that the physical world out there is well-defined by sciences such as physics and chemistry, this is not at all necessary.


RM: PCT doesn’t propose that the physical world out there is “well-defined” by physics and chemistry. It proposes that that models of physics and chemistry, which are all we know of the physical world out there, can be used as the environment component of the PCT model of behavior. We will never know how well the models of physics and chemistry “define” what is "really’ out there because we can’t look on the other side of our senses to see what (if anything) is really out there. All we know and will ever know are our perceptions. But the models of physics and chemistry have been so spectacularly successful (in terms of allowing us to predict with quantitative precision how our perceptions will vary in relationship to other perceptions – for example, how a ball will accelerate as it rolls down an inclined plane) that we feel quite confident using those models as “the environment” in our models of the behavior of living systems.


PS: In fact, those sciences and their theories are the based on the perceptual and concept constructs


 RM: I think this is only half the story. Science is based on perceiving but it is also based on acting (the other half of the control loop) to see how those actions affect our perceptions.The models of science are not based on observing (perceiving) alone. They are based on acting to manipulate variables (perceptions), such as the inclination of the inclined plane, to see if those manipulations have the expected effect on other perceptions, such as the rate of movement of a ball going down the plane. The “expected effect” of actions on perceptions is based on a model – such as Newton’s laws of motion. If the effect of actions on perceptions is not what is predicted by the model, then the model has to be revised.Â


RM: Powers wanted to build a model of (our perception of) the behavior of living systems that was as precise and successful in its predictions as the models of (our perception of) the behavior of non-living systems – the models of physics and chemistry. In order to do this he had to include the models of physics and chemistry as the environment component of the model of living systems. So far Powers’ model of the behavior of living systems has succeeded as spectacularly as have the models of the behavior of non-living systems.Â


PS: which flow from Bill’s basic proposal that all we initially detect are inputs that are either “off� or “on� and which slowly are given meanings as their hierarchies build in development.


RM: I don’t quite understand this. I think you may be referring to the outputs of our sensors – the level 1 “intensity” perceptions –  as the  “inputs that are either “offâ€? or “onâ€?” (actually they are assumed to vary continuously with the level of external stimulation). And I think what you call the “meanings” given to these inputs are the perceptions constructed from them by the hierarchy – perceptions of sensations, configurations, transitions, relationships, programs, system concepts, etc. And this is all a correct description of the PCT model of perception.Â


RM: So PCT does say that we “give meaning” to our sensory input by constructing a hierarchy of more and more complex perceptual variables from these inputs. But the idea that this “flows out” of the PCT model is not correct. The constructivist model of perception in PCT is something that is put into the PCT model, not something that flows out it. This is the main flaw in the Richards and von Glasersfeld R&vG) paper. In that paper, R &vG argue that a constructivist model of perception follows from the PCT concept of acting to bring perceptions into a match with reference specifications for those perceptions. They take this to mean that a control system acts to construct perceptual invariances. But PCT has nothing to do with “constructing perceptions that are invariant”.  PCT is about bringing perceptual variables to reference states which may be (and often are) variable rather than invariant. The control loop doesn’t “construct”  the perception that is controlled. Rather, it acts on the aspect of the environment that corresponds to the perceptual variable under control in such a way that the perception is brought into a match with the reference for that perception.Â


RM: PCT does assume that the controlled perceptual variable is constructed from the sensory effects of environmental variables. But that wasn’t a necessary assumption. The model would work even if it were assumed that perception is a map of entities that are “really” out there. But that would have required using a different model of the environment than the models of physics and chemistry. That models has no sensations, configurations, programs, systems concepts, etc in it.


RM: The constructivist model of perception in PCT implies that there are many different ways of perceiving the same environment so that there are many different perceptual aspects of the environment that an organism might be controlling when we see it “behaving” in various ways. So we have to have a model of the environment in order to test which aspect(s) of this environment is (are) being controlled when we try to figure out what the organism is “doing” (controlling). This, of course, is the “test for the controlled variable” and, in order to do the test you have to have a good model of the environment and a model of the organism that assumes that controlled variables are constructed from the sensory effects of this environment.Â


RM: The bottom line is that the “constructivist” model of perception in PCT is not quite the same as the constructivist model of perception in the R & vG paper, and a constructivist model of perception doesn’t “flow out” of PCT. But it is proposed by PCT and the evidence is that it is the right proposal.Â









Paul S Silverman, Ph.D.
Developmental Psychology and Clinical Psychology Programs and
Chair, Interdisciplinary Human and Family Development Minor
Psychology Department
University of Montana
Missoula, Montana 59812
Phone: (406) 243-6349
Fax: (406) 243-6366

Confidentiality Note: This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message. Any disclosure, copying or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it is strictly prohibited. If you have received the email in error, please immediately notify me by telephone, (406) 240-1173.

On Sep 10, 2015, at 8:06 AM, Richard Marken <> wrote:

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.10.0710)]

[From MK (2015.09.09.0215)]

Richards J. & Glasersfeld E. von (1979) The control of perception and
the construction of reality. Dialectica 33(1): 37–58.

RM: I don’t think they quite get PCT. Yes, the perceptual model in PCT is “constructivist” but they give the impression this means that perception is “constructed” out of whole cloth. This is not the PCT epistemology, which assumes that there is an environment on the “other side” of our perceptions – the environment described by our current models of physics and chemistry --Â and that those perceptions are “constructed” from the sensory effects of the variables described in the physics/chemistry model.



Summary. This paper explicates a Constructivist Epistemology which
underlies cybernetic models of perceiving and knowing. We focus on the
recent work of W. T. Powers (Behavior: The Control of Perception,
Chicago: Aldine, 1973). Powers’ model consists of hierarchially
arranged negative feedback systems, is based on the claim that living
organisms behave to control perceptions, and thus suggests that
organisms construct their experiential world. We argue that this
provides a basis for a modified scientific scepticism, a scepticism
with a positive dimension gained by adding the notion of cognitive
construction. From this perspective, knowing and perceiving pertain to
the construction of invariances in the living organism’s experience.

Free PDF:<>


Richard S. Marken<>
Author of Doing Research on Purpose<>.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble


Richard S. MarkenÂ
Author of  Doing Research on Purpose

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble


Richard S. MarkenÂ
Author of  Doing Research on Purpose

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.19.0940)]


[from philip]

RM: I think where we might be having a disconnect is in what we mean by “exists in the environment”. When I say that a control system controls an “aspect of the environment” I am not saying that it is controlling something that necessarily exists in the environment. It is controlling a function of variables that, per the models of physics and chemistry, exist in the environment.

PY: This one always gets me. Why is there always a disclaimer which says, “The perception you are controlling may not exist in the environment.”?

RM:This disclaimer is actually very rarely invoked. It’s only been used in this thread because Boris (and some others) have been arguing that, according to PCT,a control system controls only a perception, not the environmental correlate thereof. I made the above “disclaimer” in the hopes of clarifying what PCT means by “control of perception”.

RM: It’s true that, according to PCT, what is controlled is a perceptual variable. But this perceptual variable corresponds to some aspect of the environment (which is called the controlled quantity, q.o) that is also controlled. My “disclaimer” simply acknowledged that q.o does not necessarily correspond anything that actually exists in the environment according to our existing physical models of that environment. I mentioned humidity and, in B:CP Bill mentions the taste of lemonade as examples of perceptions that don’t correspond to anything that exist in the environment. But they do correspond aspects of the environment (functions of physical variables that do exist in the environment according to our physical models) and these aspects of the environment are controlled when the perceptions that correspond to them are controlled.

HB: There is no need for anything to be controlled in environment as PCT is not »supporting« the concept that anything is »controlled« outside. PCT is supporting the concept that something is AFFECTED outside by output. Not controlled

PY: … What is an example of a perceptual signal which is controlled, but the corresponding environmental correlate is not controlled? If you can give me just one example of this, I’ll believe you.

RM: Excellent question. I’d like to hear an example of this too. If nothing else it would help me understand what Boris is talking about.



Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.
Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Hi Philip,

I’ll answer you privately. If anybody else is interested for this answer, he/she may conatct me.




Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2015 11:55 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

[from philip]

RM: I think where we might be having a disconnect is in what we mean by “exists in the environment”. When I say that a control system controls an “aspect of the environment” I am not saying that it is controlling something that necessarily exists in the environment. It is controlling a function of variables that, per the models of physics and chemistry, exist in the environment.

PY: This one always gets me. Why is there always a disclaimer which says, “The perception you are controlling may not exist in the environment.”? Are we talking about the name of the perception, as it relates to concepts in physics? Like for instance, phlogiston…you may think phlogiston is involved in burning a substance, but it’s actually not because there’s no such thing as phlogiston. If that’s the case, you don’t need PCT to understand that what you’re referring to doesn’t exist. Remember, people with no conception of the models of physics and chemistry are controlling perceptions every day.

PY: Anyway, we are repeatedly getting caught up trying to specify that something exists here but not there, that something is controlled here but not there. Here’s how I see it. There is some perceptual signal in the system, a recording of some aspect of the environmental state. If this aspect of the environment doesn’t actually exist, then this aspect is considered an illusion - it is false.

HB: There is no need for anything to be controlled in environment as PCT is not »supporting« the concept that anything is »controlled« outside. PCT is supporting the concept that something is AFFECTED outside by output. Not controlled

PY: I don’t get it. You need to give an example of this. What is an example of a perceptual signal which is controlled, but the corresponding environmental correlate is not controlled? If you can give me just one example of this, I’ll believe you.

On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 5:53 AM, Boris Hartman wrote:

I think I’m going through this with you for 20th or more time.

From: Richard Marken []
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.15.0905]

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 2:38 AM, Boris Hartman wrote:

RM: Yes, something is controlled “outside” when we control perceptions.

RM: The controlled perceptual variable is the perceptual aspect of the environment that is controlled by the control loop. It is constructed from the sensory effects of environmental stimulation.

HB : Do I understand right UPPER TEXT, that there is something controlled outside (by the control loop) – probably some »aspect of environment« or »contrrolled quantity« that is »emiting environmental stimulation« to sensors and thus through transformation in INPUT FUNCTION »controlled perceptual variable« is constructed. Do we talk here about perceptual signal – the only »controlled variable« inn control loop ?

RM: In English “perceptually” is an adverb, a word that “modifies” a verb, telling how the action of the verb is carried out. In this case, “controlled” is a verb and “perceptually” tells how a “variable” is “controlled”. So the term PCV describes a variable that is controlled perceptually. There is nothing in PCT about control being done “perceptually” so there is no such thing as a PCV in PCT. A controlled perceptual variable (CPV) is a variable that is controlled by a control loop.

If I understand right that »PCV« tells how perceptually »variable« is controlled, and »CPV« how »perceptual variable is controlled«.

As you said »CPV« is constructed from sensory effects of environmental stimulations which are deriving from »controlled variable« or controlled quantity« in environment so it seems like definition how »controlled perceptual variable« is controlled.

And what by the way is that in control loop, that is »controlling aspect of environment« or controlled quantity« in outer environment probably produces »CPV«? Behavior, output ? As there is nothing else what I can see in PCT control loop that could control »controlled variable« or »controlled quantity« or »controlled aspect« in outer environment. Do you see anything else ? So it seems logically that you want to introduce »behavior is control«, because you need something that is controlling all that in outer environment. Otherway every farytail about something is controlled in outer environment is useless, if there is no »controller«. How could be anything controlled in outer environment if there is no »controller« ? Did I missed something ?

Bill P.

OUTPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that converts the magnitude or state of a signal inside the system into a corresponding set of effects in the immediate environment of the system…/span>

HB :

It’s seems that you are no lucky enough. Bill talked about »SET OF EFFECTS« on environment not about »Control of environment«….

RM : The CPV is the central feature of PCT. So that’s the difference between PCV and CPV. A PCV does not exist in PCT; a CPV is the central feature of PCT.

HB :

Can you provide any evidence that »CPV« is the core concept of PCT ? I would need at least 95% of citations in Bill’s literature (as this is core concept, I assume it must be everywhere), so that we could scientifically confirm that »CPV« is the core concept of PCT. But I have a bad feeling that »CPV« is the core concept of RCT.

RM: If nothing outside is controlled how can it be of “secondary importance”. How important can something be if it does’t exist?

HB :

External environment is affected by internal control through output. And these effects through output (behavior) are of »secondary« or »supporting« importance. The primary effects are done inside organism, so whatever effects are done through external environment are supporting to primary effects of internal control.

There is no need for anything to be controlled in environment as PCT is not »supporting« the concept that anything is »controlled« outside. PCT is supporting the concept that something is AFFECTED outside by output. Not controlled.

Bill P. at all – includingg Rick Marken - (50th Anniversary, 2011) :

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) provides a general theory of functioning for organisms. At the core concept of the theory is the obervation that living things control perceived environment by means of their behavior. Consequently, the phenomen of control takes center stage in PCT, with observable behavior playing an important but supporting role.

HB : Do you understand what I meant with »secondary importance« ? But maybe you are right. It’s maybe better to call it »supporting importance« J.

What does it mean to you the title of the Bill’s book : »Behavior : the control of perception« ?

RM: I think where we might be having a disconnect is in what we mean by “exists in the environment”. When I say that a control system controls an “aspect of the environment” I am not saying that it is controlling something that necessarily exists in the environment. It is controlling a function of variables that, per the models of physics and chemistry, exist in the environment.

HB :

I don’t understand what you mean by »function of variables« ? Models of physics and chemistry which exist in environment have some functions ? Which ? Or you meant just effects of physical variables on sensors ?

As there is really a lot of text, I will devide it into some parts. So this is the end of part one.



From: Richard Marken []
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.12.1240)]

Paul Silverman sent this to me personally rather than to CSGNet as he intended. So here’s what Paul wrote and my reply:

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Silverman, Paul S wrote:

PS: Rick, long ago I was involved with Ernst’s radical constructivism (and the preparation of this article) as I was a graduate student working with him. While it is certainly epistemologically possible to propose that the physical world out there is well-defined by sciences such as physics and chemistry, this is not at all necessary.

RM: PCT doesn’t propose that the physical world out there is “well-defined” by physics and chemistry. It proposes that that models of physics and chemistry, which are all we know of the physical world out there, can be used as the environment component of the PCT model of behavior. We will never know how well the models of physics and chemistry “define” what is "really’ out there because we can’t look on the other side of our senses to see what (if anything) is really out there. All we know and will ever know are our perceptions. But the models of physics and chemistry have been so spectacularly successful (in terms of allowing us to predict with quantitative precision how our perceptions will vary in relationship to other perceptions – for example, how a ball will accelerate as it rolls down an inclined plane) that we feel quite confident using those models as “the environment” in our models of the behavior of living systems.

PS: In fact, those sciences and their theories are the based on the perceptual and concept constructs

RM: I think this is only half the story. Science is based on perceiving but it is also based on acting (the other half of the control loop) to see how those actions affect our perceptions.The models of science are not based on observing (perceiving) alone. They are based on acting to manipulate variables (perceptions), such as the inclination of the inclined plane, to see if those manipulations have the expected effect on other perceptions, such as the rate of movement of a ball going down the plane. The “expected effect” of actions on perceptions is based on a model – such as Newton’s laws of motion. If the effect of actions on perceptions is not what is predicted by the model, then the model has to be revised.

RM: Powers wanted to build a model of (our perception of) the behavior of living systems that was as precise and successful in its predictions as the models of (our perception of) the behavior of non-living systems – the models of physics and chemistry. In order to do this he had to include the models of physics and chemistry as the environment component of the model of living systems. So far Powers’ model of the behavior of living systems has succeeded as spectacularly as have the models of the behavior of non-living systems.

PS: which flow from Bill’s basic proposal that all we initially detect are inputs that are either “off� or “on� and which slowly are given meanings as their hierarchies build in development.

RM: I don’t quite understand this. I think you may be referring to the outputs of our sensors – the level 1 “intensity” perceptions – as the “inputs that are either “offâ€? or “onâ€?” (actually they are assumed to vary continuously with the level of external stimulation). And I think what you call the “meanings” given to these inputs are the perceptions constructed from them by the hierarchy – perceptions of sensations, configurations, transitions, relationships, programs, system concepts, etc. And this is all a correct description of the PCT model of perception.

RM: So PCT does say that we “give meaning” to our sensory input by constructing a hierarchy of more and more complex perceptual variables from these inputs. But the idea that this “flows out” of the PCT model is not correct. The constructivist model of perception in PCT is something that is put into the PCT model, not something that flows out it. This is the main flaw in the Richards and von Glasersfeld R&vG) paper. In that paper, R &vG argue that a constructivist model of perception follows from the PCT concept of acting to bring perceptions into a match with reference specifications for those perceptions. They take this to mean that a control system acts to construct perceptual invariances. But PCT has nothing to do with “constructing perceptions that are invariant”. PCT is about bringing perceptual variables to reference states which may be (and often are) variable rather than invariant. The control loop doesn’t “construct” the perception that is controlled. Rather, it acts on the aspect of the environment that corresponds to the perceptual variable under control in such a way that the perception is brought into a match with the reference for that perception.

RM: PCT does assume that the controlled perceptual variable is constructed from the sensory effects of environmental variables. But that wasn’t a necessary assumption. The model would work even if it were assumed that perception is a map of entities that are “really” out there. But that would have required using a different model of the environment than the models of physics and chemistry. That models has no sensations, configurations, programs, systems concepts, etc in it.

RM: The constructivist model of perception in PCT implies that there are many different ways of perceiving the same environment so that there are many different perceptual aspects of the environment that an organism might be controlling when we see it “behaving” in various ways. So we have to have a model of the environment in order to test which aspect(s) of this environment is (are) being controlled when we try to figure out what the organism is “doing” (controlling). This, of course, is the “test for the controlled variable” and, in order to do the test you have to have a good model of the environment and a model of the organism that assumes that controlled variables are constructed from the sensory effects of this environment.

RM: The bottom line is that the “constructivist” model of perception in PCT is not quite the same as the constructivist model of perception in the R & vG paper, and a constructivist model of perception doesn’t “flow out” of PCT. But it is proposed by PCT and the evidence is that it is the right proposal.




Paul S Silverman, Ph.D.
Developmental Psychology and Clinical Psychology Programs and
Chair, Interdisciplinary Human and Family Development Minor
Psychology Department
University of Montana
Missoula, Montana 59812
Phone: (406) 243-6349
Fax: (406) 243-6366

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On Sep 10, 2015, at 8:06 AM, Richard Marken <> wrote:

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.10.0710)]

[From MK (2015.09.09.0215)]

Richards J. & Glasersfeld E. von (1979) The control of perception and
the construction of reality. Dialectica 33(1): 37–58.

RM: I don’t think they quite get PCT. Yes, tthe perceptual model in PCT is “constructivist” but they give the impression this means that perception is “constructed” out of whole cloth. This is not the PCT epistemology, which assumes that there is an environment on the “other side” of our perceptions – the environment described by our current models of physics and chemistry – and that those perceptions are “constructed” from the sensory effects of the variables described in the physics/chemistry model.



Summary. This paper explicates a Constructivist Epistemology which
underlies cybernetic models of perceiving and knowing. We focus on the
recent work of W. T. Powers (Behavior: The Control of Perception,
Chicago: Aldine, 1973). Powers’ model consists of hierarchially
arranged negative feedback systems, is based on the claim that living
organisms behave to control perceptions, and thus suggests that
organisms construct their experiential world. We argue that this
provides a basis for a modified scientific scepticism, a scepticism
with a positive dimension gained by adding the notion of cognitive
construction. From this perspective, knowing and perceiving pertain to
the construction of invariances in the living organism’s experience.

Free PDF:<>


Richard S. Marken<>
Author of Doing Research on Purpose<>.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.19.1005)]


On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Boris Hartman wrote:

Hi Philip,

I’ll answer you privately. If anybody else is interested for this answer, he/she may conatct me.

RM: Consider yourself contacted. I’m interested!



Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.
Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Well I doubt Rick that you will ever understand what is »Control of perpcetion«. But you obviously understand what is control of behavior, which you want to introduce into PCT. You are psychologist with your heart and soul. It’s seems that can’t be changed.


From: Richard Marken []
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.19.0940)]

[from philip]

RM: I think where we might be having a disconnect is in what we mean by “exists in the environment”. When I say that a control system controls an “aspect of the environment” I am not saying that it is controlling something that necessarily exists in the environment. It is controlling a function of variables that, per the models of physics and chemistry, exist in the environment.

PY: This one always gets me. Why is there always a disclaimer which says, “The perception you are controlling may not exist in the environment.”?

RM:This disclaimer is actually very rarely invoked. It’s only been used in this thread because Boris (and some others) have been arguing that, according to PCT,a control system controls only a perception, not the environmental correlate thereof. I made the above “disclaimer” in the hopes of clarifying what PCT means by “control of perception”.

HB : What is that you don’t understand ? »Control of perception« is not the exact »correlate« of what is happening in environemnt. Whatever you are percieving is just your personal view of environment and of course your interpretation what is happening in environment on the bases of »controll of perception«. Anyway you didn’t tell us yet how do you imagine the »control in outer environment« is being realized ?

RM: It’s true that, according to PCT, what is controlled is a perceptual variable. But this perceptual variable corresponds to some aspect of the environment (which is called the controlled quantity, q.o) that is also controlled.

HB : Read B:CP again and try to understand what »percpetual signal« is corresponding to ? I will not repat for you 21 time. You mixed something here. I’d advise you to consider Bill’s diagrams in LCS III and »50th Anniversary«. »Controlled quantitiy« is quite misleading« as the only »controlled quantity« is perceptual signal not some imagined »term« in environment. In »moern times« it’s called »input quantity« and is the result of »effects« in environment. You will in no place find anythjing about »control«. It’s old information and it could be indicatoor that you are living in past. Wake up it’s present time. You understand that Bill changed his mind from time to time, but last 10 years he seem to be very stable. And article 50th Anniversary, 2011 look like to be the »crown« of all PCT efforts and I’m taking as the »reference« fro PCT understanding. It has high consesus as I said many times. And we should start from that point whenever we have problemsin discussions.

RM :

My “disclaimer” simply acknowledged that q.o does not necessarily correspond anything that actually exists in the environment according to our existing physical models of that environment. I mentioned humidity and, in B:CP Bill mentions the taste of lemonade as examples of perceptions that don’t correspond to anything that exist in the environment. But they do correspond aspects of the environment (functions of physical variables that do exist in the environment according to our physical models) and these aspects of the environment are controlled when the perceptions that correspond to them are controlled.

HB : As I said, you should read B:CP again and try to understand what milions of perceptual signals are coresponding to on first level. Andi if you’ll try to understand, I’ll maybe explain to you what’s written abou perceptual signal on second level. The problem is that you don’t understand what Bill wote about »perception«. I’ve seen it immediately, but I think I still tryed to expalin you couple times what he wrote, but it look like nothing is »getting« to you or you are forgetting so quickly. I’m not young any more, and I have some problems with remembering things, but I’m not forgetting so quickly as you do.

HB: There is no need for anything to be controlled in environment as PCT is not »supporting« the concept that anything is »controlled« outside. PCT is supporting the concept that something is AFFECTED outside by output. Not controlled

PY: … What is an example of a perceptual signal which is controlled, but the corresponding environmental correlate is not controlled? If you can give me just one example of this, I’ll believe you.

RM: Excellent question. I’d like to hear an example of this too. If nothing else it would help me understand what Boris is talking about.

HB :

I’ve explained you so many times and I don’t intend to do it again, if you don’t read again B:CP and our converstaions about why »aspect of outer environment« is not controlled. There is only one »spot« in the loop where controlling is done.

But I can give you a hint. You were on good way to understand how output always afffect input in the example of »turning head«. And quite promissing was the starting introduction of PCT in discusiion with Paul. I don’t understand why you turned »right« instead of going straight to the PCT point.

But than you mixed everything with other examples you know and with your RCT (Rick’s Control Theory). You are promoting two or three examples which are obviously not enough to understand the complexity of PCt and understanding how organisms work.

There are continuous »examples« in everyday life how continuously »Control of perception« is working that you don’t need to stick to 2 or 3 examples. Everyday »behavior« is all the time following the same »patten« of »output affecting input« as it is proposed in Bill’s diagram. There are no »behaviors« which follow pattern of » controlling some aspect of environment«. Make upgrade from »turning your head« and maybe you’ll understand. All »Control of percetion« works as that example.

And another hint which I already mentiond before is that it’s good if you start from diagrams which are in LCS III and in article »50th Anniversary«, 2011, because they represent high consensus among PCT thinkers and are quite »in time«. As I said Bill has changed his mind sometimes.

And it would be good whenever you will make any »new statement« in RCT manner (like »CPV«), that you support it with »Bill’s citations« without your »marks« beside. You have PhD. You should know how citations have to be done.





Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

[Fom Fred Nickols (2015.09.20.0520)]

What is the 50th Anniversary article Boris refers to and where can I find it?

Fred Nickols


From: Boris Hartman []
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 12:09 AM
Subject: RE: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

Well I doubt Rick that you will ever understand what is »Control of perpcetion«. But you obviously understand what is control of behavior, which you want to introduce into PCT. You are psychologist with your heart and soul. It’s seems that can’t be changed.

From: Richard Marken []
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.19.0940)]

[from philip]

RM: I think where we might be having a disconnect is in what we mean by “exists in the environment”. When I say that a control system controls an “aspect of the environment” I am not saying that it is controlling something that necessarily exists in the environment. It is controlling a function of variables that, per the models of physics and chemistry, exist in the environment.

PY: This one always gets me. Why is there always a disclaimer which says, “The perception you are controlling may not exist in the environment.”?

RM:This disclaimer is actually very rarely invoked. It’s only been used in this thread because Boris (and some others) have been arguing that, according to PCT,a control system controls only a perception, not the environmental correlate thereof. I made the above “disclaimer” in the hopes of clarifying what PCT means by “control of perception”.

HB : What is that you don’t understand ? »Control of perception« is not the exact »correlate« of what is happening in environemnt. Whatever you are percieving is just your personal view of environment and of course your interpretation what is happening in environment on the bases of »controll of perception«. Anyway you didn’t tell us yet how do you imagine the »control in outer environment« is being realized ?

RM: It’s true that, according to PCT, what is controlled is a perceptual variable. But this perceptual variable corresponds to some aspect of the environment (which is called the controlled quantity, q.o) that is also controlled.

HB : Read B:CP again and try to understand what »percpetual signal« is corresponding to ? I will not repat for you 21 time. You mixed something here. I’d advise you to consider Bill’s diagrams in LCS III and »50th Anniversary«. »Controlled quantitiy« is quite misleading« as the only »controlled quantity« is perceptual signal not some imagined »term« in environment. In »moern times« it’s called »input quantity« and is the result of »effects« in environment. You will in no place find anythjing about »control«. It’s old information and it could be indicatoor that you are living in past. Wake up it’s present time. You understand that Bill changed his mind from time to time, but last 10 years he seem to be very stable. And article 50th Anniversary, 2011 look like to be the »crown« of all PCT efforts and I’m taking as the »reference« fro PCT understanding. It has high consesus as I said many times. And we should start from that point whenever we have problemsin discussions.

RM :

My “disclaimer” simply acknowledged that q.o does not necessarily correspond anything that actually exists in the environment according to our existing physical models of that environment. I mentioned humidity and, in B:CP Bill mentions the taste of lemonade as examples of perceptions that don’t correspond to anything that exist in the environment. But they do correspond aspects of the environment (functions of physical variables that do exist in the environment according to our physical models) and these aspects of the environment are controlled when the perceptions that correspond to them are controlled.

HB : As I said, you should read B:CP again and try to understand what milions of perceptual signals are coresponding to on first level. Andi if you’ll try to understand, I’ll maybe explain to you what’s written abou perceptual signal on second level. The problem is that you don’t understand what Bill wote about »perception«. I’ve seen it immediately, but I think I still tryed to expalin you couple times what he wrote, but it look like nothing is »getting« to you or you are forgetting so quickly. I’m not young any more, and I have some problems with remembering things, but I’m not forgetting so quickly as you do.

HB: There is no need for anything to be controlled in environment as PCT is not »supporting« the concept that anything is »controlled« outside. PCT is supporting the concept that something is AFFECTED outside by output. Not controlled

PY: … What is an example of a perceptual signal which is controlled, but the corresponding environmental correlate is not controlled? If you can give me just one example of this, I’ll believe you.

RM: Excellent question. I’d like to hear an example of this too. If nothing else it would help me understand what Boris is talking about.

HB :

I’ve explained you so many times and I don’t intend to do it again, if you don’t read again B:CP and our converstaions about why »aspect of outer environment« is not controlled. There is only one »spot« in the loop where controlling is done.

But I can give you a hint. You were on good way to understand how output always afffect input in the example of »turning head«. And quite promissing was the starting introduction of PCT in discusiion with Paul. I don’t understand why you turned »right« instead of going straight to the PCT point.

But than you mixed everything with other examples you know and with your RCT (Rick’s Control Theory). You are promoting two or three examples which are obviously not enough to understand the complexity of PCt and understanding how organisms work.

There are continuous »examples« in everyday life how continuously »Control of perception« is working that you don’t need to stick to 2 or 3 examples. Everyday »behavior« is all the time following the same »patten« of »output affecting input« as it is proposed in Bill’s diagram. There are no »behaviors« which follow pattern of » controlling some aspect of environment«. Make upgrade from »turning your head« and maybe you’ll understand. All »Control of percetion« works as that example.

And another hint which I already mentiond before is that it’s good if you start from diagrams which are in LCS III and in article »50th Anniversary«, 2011, because they represent high consensus among PCT thinkers and are quite »in time«. As I said Bill has changed his mind sometimes.

And it would be good whenever you will make any »new statement« in RCT manner (like »CPV«), that you support it with »Bill’s citations« without your »marks« beside. You have PhD. You should know how citations have to be done.





Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

[From Fred Nickols (2015.09.20.1110)]

Ignored my question. I found it.

Fred Nickols


From: Fred Nickols []
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 5:21 AM
Subject: RE: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

[Fom Fred Nickols (2015.09.20.0520)]

What is the 50th Anniversary article Boris refers to and where can I find it?

Fred Nickols

From: Boris Hartman []
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 12:09 AM
Subject: RE: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

Well I doubt Rick that you will ever understand what is »Control of perpcetion«. But you obviously understand what is control of behavior, which you want to introduce into PCT. You are psychologist with your heart and soul. It’s seems that can’t be changed.

From: Richard Marken []
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.19.0940)]

[from philip]

RM: I think where we might be having a disconnect is in what we mean by “exists in the environment”. When I say that a control system controls an “aspect of the environment” I am not saying that it is controlling something that necessarily exists in the environment. It is controlling a function of variables that, per the models of physics and chemistry, exist in the environment.

PY: This one always gets me. Why is there always a disclaimer which says, “The perception you are controlling may not exist in the environment.”?

RM:This disclaimer is actually very rarely invoked. It’s only been used in this thread because Boris (and some others) have been arguing that, according to PCT,a control system controls only a perception, not the environmental correlate thereof. I made the above “disclaimer” in the hopes of clarifying what PCT means by “control of perception”.

HB : What is that you don’t understand ? »Control of perception« is not the exact »correlate« of what is happening in environemnt. Whatever you are percieving is just your personal view of environment and of course your interpretation what is happening in environment on the bases of »controll of perception«. Anyway you didn’t tell us yet how do you imagine the »control in outer environment« is being realized ?

RM: It’s true that, according to PCT, what is controlled is a perceptual variable. But this perceptual variable corresponds to some aspect of the environment (which is called the controlled quantity, q.o) that is also controlled.

HB : Read B:CP again and try to understand what »percpetual signal« is corresponding to ? I will not repat for you 21 time. You mixed something here. I’d advise you to consider Bill’s diagrams in LCS III and »50th Anniversary«. »Controlled quantitiy« is quite misleading« as the only »controlled quantity« is perceptual signal not some imagined »term« in environment. In »moern times« it’s called »input quantity« and is the result of »effects« in environment. You will in no place find anythjing about »control«. It’s old information and it could be indicatoor that you are living in past. Wake up it’s present time. You understand that Bill changed his mind from time to time, but last 10 years he seem to be very stable. And article 50th Anniversary, 2011 look like to be the »crown« of all PCT efforts and I’m taking as the »reference« fro PCT understanding. It has high consesus as I said many times. And we should start from that point whenever we have problemsin discussions.

RM :

My “disclaimer” simply acknowledged that q.o does not necessarily correspond anything that actually exists in the environment according to our existing physical models of that environment. I mentioned humidity and, in B:CP Bill mentions the taste of lemonade as examples of perceptions that don’t correspond to anything that exist in the environment. But they do correspond aspects of the environment (functions of physical variables that do exist in the environment according to our physical models) and these aspects of the environment are controlled when the perceptions that correspond to them are controlled.

HB : As I said, you should read B:CP again and try to understand what milions of perceptual signals are coresponding to on first level. Andi if you’ll try to understand, I’ll maybe explain to you what’s written abou perceptual signal on second level. The problem is that you don’t understand what Bill wote about »perception«. I’ve seen it immediately, but I think I still tryed to expalin you couple times what he wrote, but it look like nothing is »getting« to you or you are forgetting so quickly. I’m not young any more, and I have some problems with remembering things, but I’m not forgetting so quickly as you do.

HB: There is no need for anything to be controlled in environment as PCT is not »supporting« the concept that anything is »controlled« outside. PCT is supporting the concept that something is AFFECTED outside by output. Not controlled

PY: … What is an example of a perceptual signal which is controlled, but the corresponding environmental correlate is not controlled? If you can give me just one example of this, I’ll believe you.

RM: Excellent question. I’d like to hear an example of this too. If nothing else it would help me understand what Boris is talking about.

HB :

I’ve explained you so many times and I don’t intend to do it again, if you don’t read again B:CP and our converstaions about why »aspect of outer environment« is not controlled. There is only one »spot« in the loop where controlling is done.

But I can give you a hint. You were on good way to understand how output always afffect input in the example of »turning head«. And quite promissing was the starting introduction of PCT in discusiion with Paul. I don’t understand why you turned »right« instead of going straight to the PCT point.

But than you mixed everything with other examples you know and with your RCT (Rick’s Control Theory). You are promoting two or three examples which are obviously not enough to understand the complexity of PCt and understanding how organisms work.

There are continuous »examples« in everyday life how continuously »Control of perception« is working that you don’t need to stick to 2 or 3 examples. Everyday »behavior« is all the time following the same »patten« of »output affecting input« as it is proposed in Bill’s diagram. There are no »behaviors« which follow pattern of » controlling some aspect of environment«. Make upgrade from »turning your head« and maybe you’ll understand. All »Control of percetion« works as that example.

And another hint which I already mentiond before is that it’s good if you start from diagrams which are in LCS III and in article »50th Anniversary«, 2011, because they represent high consensus among PCT thinkers and are quite »in time«. As I said Bill has changed his mind sometimes.

And it would be good whenever you will make any »new statement« in RCT manner (like »CPV«), that you support it with »Bill’s citations« without your »marks« beside. You have PhD. You should know how citations have to be done.





Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.

Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

[From Rick Marken (2015.09.20.1330)]


On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 9:08 PM, Boris Hartman wrote:

PY: … What is an example of a perceptual signal which is controlled, but the corresponding environmental correlate is not controlled? If you can give me just one example of this, I’ll believe you.

RM: Excellent question. I’d like to hear an example of this too. If nothing else it would help me understand what Boris is talking about.

HB : I’ve explained you so many times and I don’t intend to do it again, if you don’t read again B:CP and our converstaions about why »aspect of outer environment« is not controlled. There is only one »spot« in the loop where controlling is done.

RM: You have never given me (or anyone, as far as I know) an example of a perceptual signal being controlled while the environmental correlate of that perception is not. An example, from my perspective, would be a computer simulation (or a mathematical model) showing that a perceptual variable, p, can be controlled while the aspect of the environment that corresponds to p is not. Until you can provide such an example I will, as per my previous post, continue to see your “explanations” as having nothing to do with with what I am interested in doing, which is research aimed at testing PCT.



Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.
Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Boris brought up to me the example of looking at a passerby. What Boris is saying is that the effect of the environment on the senses is controlled as well as the effect of the actions on the environment. Move body to look at person; look at person but don’t touch. The environmental object corresponding to the image on the eye is not influenced, merely which aspect is observed. This is a “perceptual switch” type thingy.

Keep in mind that the reference signal is a copy of a registered perceptual signal (memory). So as the person strolls along, you’re going to be looking at them during the entire time, from when some aspect of the person’s existence (perhaps their ears) enters your memory until the time it departs and you are no longer entertaining thoughts about any aspect of the person.

This is an important example because we are looking at a person: a single, entire, finite behaving system, not countless numbers of atoms comprising inanimate matter. Even if we could see the individual atoms of inanimate matter, they would still not take up a life of their own and move in a manner analogous to a living thing. Perhaps we would observe some discrete, rememberable pattern. But on the whole, there is no physical organism.

This is not quantum mechanics. The choice of which aspect of the person to observe (i.e. which variable to measure) does not affect the observed system (the person), who exists independent of our perception. Neither does the act of pure sight affect in any way the outcome of the measurement. We can look at any visible aspect of the person we like. We cannot, however, see the forces exerted by the person’s muscles.

The perception of the forces which move the person along are controlled by the person but occur independently of the image cast on your retina. What’s more important than the stabilization of the image in your eye is the stabilization of the relationship controlled by the person walking (the relationship is the proportion of the amount of effort output by various groups of muscles involved in walking and posture).

In such a case, the perceptual signal of “having helped those poor people” was controlled by making the large donation whereas the environmental correlate of that perception was not (i.e., the money or its benefits never reached “those poor people”).


Good question. Helping the poor people is the CV. There are two threats to the poor people (two sources of disturbance) the environmental disaster and the dishonest people. The donation was a response to the environmental disaster disturbance but you mentioned no response to the second disturbance. The perceptual signal is acted upon, but if the poor are not helped, neither the perceptual signal nor the environmental correlate was controlled.

Hi Philip, this is a very important example! Rick, could we have reached a breakthrough? Could there be actions that control the perceived controlled variable via changing the controlled quantity AND actions that control the perceived controlled variable simply via a shift in the information that is currently inputed from that controlled quantity? AND of course we have the imagination mode exception as well. Maybe you are BOTH RIGHT? Often happens in debates I find!


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 1:11 AM, PHILIP JERAIR YERANOSIAN wrote:

Boris brought up to me the example of looking at a passerby. What Boris is saying is that the effect of the environment on the senses is controlled as well as the effect of the actions on the environment. Move body to look at person; look at person but don’t touch. The environmental object corresponding to the image on the eye is not influenced, merely which aspect is observed. This is a “perceptual switch” type thingy.

Keep in mind that the reference signal is a copy of a registered perceptual signal (memory). So as the person strolls along, you’re going to be looking at them during the entire time, from when some aspect of the person’s existence (perhaps their ears) enters your memory until the time it departs and you are no longer entertaining thoughts about any aspect of the person.

This is an important example because we are looking at a person: a single, entire, finite behaving system, not countless numbers of atoms comprising inanimate matter. Even if we could see the individual atoms of inanimate matter, they would still not take up a life of their own and move in a manner analogous to a living thing. Perhaps we would observe some discrete, rememberable pattern. But on the whole, there is no physical organism.

This is not quantum mechanics. The choice of which aspect of the person to observe (i.e. which variable to measure) does not affect the observed system (the person), who exists independent of our perception. Neither does the act of pure sight affect in any way the outcome of the measurement. We can look at any visible aspect of the person we like. We cannot, however, see the forces exerted by the person’s muscles.

The perception of the forces which move the person along are controlled by the person but occur independently of the image cast on your retina. What’s more important than the stabilization of the image in your eye is the stabilization of the relationship controlled by the person walking (the relationship is the proportion of the amount of effort output by various groups of muscles involved in walking and posture).

Dr Warren Mansell
Reader in Clinical Psychology
School of Psychological Sciences
2nd Floor Zochonis Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL

Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 8589


Advanced notice of a new transdiagnostic therapy manual, authored by Carey, Mansell & Tai - Principles-Based Counselling and Psychotherapy: A Method of Levels Approach

Available Now

Check for further information on Perceptual Control Theory

Hu Warren,

What a mess….


From: Warren Mansell []
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2015 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

Hi Philip, this is a very important example! Rick, could we have reached a breakthrough? Could there be actions that control the perceived controlled variable via changing the controlled quantity AND actions that control the perceived controlled variable simply via a shift in the information that is currently inputed from that controlled quantity? AND of course we have the imagination mode exception as well. Maybe you are BOTH RIGHT? Often happens in debates I find!

HB : Why don’t you make orientation in the article »50th Anniversary« you were participating. You are denying everything what you agreed in that article. Actions can never be controlled. Read Bill’s book. There is no »perceived controlled variable«. It’s just »perceptual signal »millions of them which do not any information about environment. Read B:CP. There is no »controled quantity. It’s just imagined term… In the latest Bill’s diagram you will meet justt »input quantity« that is affected by output. You can see clearly these things out of diagram (Anniversary). Read Bill, respect Bill, use his terms, stop listening Rick and his RCT (Rick Control Theory) who is anyway just »trouble-maker«. Â



On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 1:11 AM, PHILIP JERAIR YERANOSIAN wrote:

Boris brought up to me the example of looking at a passerby. What Boris is saying is that the effect of the environment on the senses is controlled as well as the effect of the actions on the environment. Move body to look at person; look at person but don’t touch. The environmental object corresponding to the image on the eye is not influenced, merely which aspect is observed. This is a “perceptual switch” type thingy.

Keep in mind that the reference signal is a copy of a registered perceptual signal (memory). So as the person strolls along, you’re going to be looking at them during the entire time, from when some aspect of the person’s existence (perhaps their ears) enters your memory until the time it departs and you are no longer entertaining thoughts about any aspect of the person.

This is an important example because we are looking at a person: a single, entire, finite behaving system, not countless numbers of atoms comprising inanimate matter. Even if we could see the individual atoms of inanimate matter, they would still not take up a life of their own and move in a manner analogous to a living thing. Perhaps we would observe some discrete, rememberable pattern. But on the whole, there is no physical organism.

This is not quantum mechanics. The choice of which aspect of the person to observe (i.e. which variable to measure) does not affect the observed system (the person), who exists independent of our perception. Neither does the act of pure sight affect in any way the outcome of the measurement. We can look at any visible aspect of the person we like. We cannot, however, see the forces exerted by the person’s muscles.

The perception of the forces which move the person along are controlled by the person but occur independently of the image cast on your retina. What’s more important than the stabilization of the image in your eye is the stabilization of the relationship controlled by the person walking (the relationship is the proportion of the amount of effort output by various groups of muscles involved in walking and posture).

Dr Warren Mansell
Reader in Clinical Psychology
School of Psychological Sciences
2nd Floor Zochonis Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL

Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 8589


Advanced notice of a new transdiagnostic therapy manual, authored by Carey, Mansell & Tai - Principles-Based Counselling and Psychotherapy: A Method of Levels Approach

Available Now

Check for further information on Perceptual Control Theory

Hi Philip,

You overlooke my request to keep our conversation in private.


Sent: Monday, September 21, 2015 2:12 AM
Subject: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality

Boris brought up to me the example of looking at a passerby. What Boris is saying is that the effect of the environment on the senses is controlled as well as the effect of the actions on the environment. Move body to look at person; look at person but don’t touch. The environmental object corresponding to the image on the eye is not influenced, merely which aspect is observed. This is a “perceptual switch” type thingy.

HB : I didin’t say that »effect of the actions« on the envieonment in controlled. I think that nobody can prove that… Ouptus are just trrials.

Keep in mind that the reference signal is a copy of a registered perceptual signal (memory). So as the person strolls along, you’re going to be looking at them during the entire time, from when some aspect of the person’s existence (perhaps their ears) enters your memory until the time it departs and you are no longer entertaining thoughts about any aspect of the person.

This is an important example because we are looking at a person: a single, entire, finite behaving system, not countless numbers of atoms comprising inanimate matter. Even if we could see the individual atoms of inanimate matter, they would still not take up a life of their own and move in a manner analogous to a living thing. Perhaps we would observe some discrete, rememberable pattern. But on the whole, there is no physical organism.

This is not quantum mechanics. The choice of which aspect of the person to observe (i.e. which variable to measure) does not affect the observed system (the person), who exists independent of our perception. Neither does the act of pure sight affect in any way the outcome of the measurement. We can look at any visible aspect of the person we like. We cannot, however, see the forces exerted by the person’s muscles.

The perception of the forces which move the person along are controlled by the person but occur independently of the image cast on your retina. What’s more important than the stabilization of the image in your eye is the stabilization of the relationship controlled by the person walking (the relationship is the proportion of the amount of effort output by various groups of muscles involved in walking and posture).

Yep, for ‘perceived controlled variable’ read ‘perceptual signal’ and for ‘controlled quantity’ read ‘input quantity’. I think you are missing the point of my post which is to try to at least agree that there are different ways that output signals can ultimately affect shifts in perception - via moving the object itself, via shifting one’s view of the object, and via imagining the object differently.Â
All the best,



On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Boris Hartman wrote:

Hu Warren,


What a mess….


From: Warren Mansell []
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2015 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: Richards & Glasersfeld, 1979: The control of perception and the construction of reality


Hi Philip, this is a very important example! Rick, could we have reached a breakthrough? Could there be actions that control the perceived controlled variable via changing the controlled quantity AND actions that control the perceived controlled variable simply via a shift in the information that is currently inputed from that controlled quantity? AND of course we have the imagination mode exception as well. Maybe you are BOTH RIGHT? Often happens in debates I find!Â


HB : Why don’t you make orientation in the article »50th Anniversary« you were participating. You are denying everything what you agreed in that article. Actions can never be controlled. Read Bill’s book. There is no »perceived controlled variable«. It’s just »perceptual signal »millions of them which do not any information about environment. Read B:CP. There is no »controled quantity. It’s just imagined term… In the latest Bill’s diagram you will meet just »inpuut quantity« that is affected by output. You can see clearly these things out of diagram (Anniversary). Read Bill, respect Bill, use his terms, stop listening Rick and his RCT (Rick Control Theory) who is anyway just »trouble-maker«. Â






On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 1:11 AM, PHILIP JERAIR YERANOSIAN wrote:

Boris brought up to me the example of looking at a passerby. What Boris is saying is that the effect of the environment on the senses is controlled as well as the effect of the actions on the environment. Move body to look at person; look at person but don’t touch. The environmental object corresponding to the image on the eye is not influenced, merely which aspect is observed. This is a “perceptual switch” type thingy.Â


Keep in mind that the reference signal is a copy of a registered perceptual signal (memory). So as the person strolls along, you’re going to be looking at them during the entire time, from when some aspect of the person’s existence (perhaps their ears) enters your memory until the time it departs and you are no longer entertaining thoughts about any aspect of the person.Â


This is an important example because we are looking at a person: a single, entire, finite behaving system, not countless numbers of atoms comprising inanimate matter. Even if we could see the individual atoms of inanimate matter, they would still not take up a life of their own and move in a manner analogous to a living thing. Perhaps we would observe some discrete, rememberable pattern.  But on the whole, there is no physical organism. Â


This is not quantum mechanics. The choice of which aspect of the person to observe (i.e. which variable to measure) does not affect the observed system (the person), who exists independent of our perception. Neither does the act of pure sight affect in any way the outcome of the measurement. We can look at any visible aspect of the person we like. We cannot, however, see the forces exerted by the person’s muscles.Â


The perception of the forces which move the person along are controlled by the person but occur independently of the image cast on your retina. What’s more important than the stabilization of the image in your eye is the stabilization of the relationship controlled by the person walking (the relationship is the proportion of the amount of effort output by various groups of muscles involved in walking and posture). Â





Dr Warren Mansell
Reader in Clinical Psychology
School of Psychological Sciences
2nd Floor Zochonis Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 8589

Advanced notice of a new transdiagnostic therapy manual, authored by Carey, Mansell & Tai - Principles-Based Counselling and Psychotherapy: A Method of Levels Approach

Available Now

Check for further information on Perceptual Control Theory


Dr Warren Mansell
Reader in Clinical Psychology
School of Psychological Sciences
2nd Floor Zochonis Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 8589
Advanced notice of a new transdiagnostic therapy manual, authored by Carey, Mansell & Tai - Principles-Based Counselling and Psychotherapy: A Method of Levels Approach

Available Now

Check for further information on Perceptual Control Theory