
Bruce, I hope this doesn't put you on the spot, but can you tell Rick Marken
who "Sarsi" was? I'm asking you because I think you might know, and don't
want to be the one to have to break it to him, poor fellow.

All I know about Sarsi is what the Britannica Online tells me:

About 20 languages of the Athabascan family are still spoken in four
different culture areas: the Yukon and Mackenzie areas of the
Subarctic (the centre of Athabascan diversity, with 17 living
languages, including Chipewyan-Slave-Yellowknife and Carrier),
the Northwest Coast(where only Hupa, Tolowa, and Chasta Costa
may still be spoken), the Southwest (where the Navajo dialect of
what may be considered a single Southwestern Apachean language
has more speakers than any other Indian language north of
Mexico), and the Plains (where two Athabascan languages are more
recently intrusive--Sarcee [Sarsi] from the Subarctic and Kiowa
Apache from the Southwest). Three language isolates spoken
in the Northwest Coast (Eyak, Tlingit, and Haida) are remotely
related to Athabascan in the Na-Den� phylum, but Eyak is so
much more closely related to the Athabascan family that it might
be considered a divergent member of the family.

This hardly seems to be what you had in mind!
