[from Gary Cziko 940818.1648 GMT]
I have attached below a message from Bruce Nevin concerning searches of
CSGnet. Bruce was trying to locate some fairly recent posts about Milgram.
I did not even know that this was possible before hearing from Bruce. I
thought others might find this of interest, but keep in mind to things.
1. I have never done this myself, so will not be able to help you conduct
such searches. But apparently the software is standard on listserv and so
your local listserv gurus should be able to help you.
2. Our host machine (VMD) does not store archives indefinitely. I haven't
checked recently, but last time I did I believe that about the last six
months of CSGnet traffic was archived.--Gary
My search and retrieval have been successful. I won't send the
actual files eventually retrieved, but FYI here is the series of
messages. The procedure is I think of general usefulness to the
Actually, I sent the first one, the actual request, twice. The first
time I received the following error message (I've put in the line-initial
dots as a quoting mechanism) saying the listserv had to tidy up after
human intervention in the DB:
.Internal error 28 while calling LSVDBS, search cancelled. This error is most
.probably due to a discrepancy between the database index and the actual
.contents of the database files (this is usually caused by "manual" interventio
.on the database files). The database index is being refreshed to make it less
.likely that this error might happen again. You may want to try your search
.again - if you do so, be aware of the fact that it will take much longer than
.usual because the index will have to be rebuilt.
There follows the sequence of messages after that, the first simply a
repeat of the request that generated the error the first time. The
response was quite fast, a matter of minutes.
------- Forwarded Messages
------- Message 1
To: LISTSERV@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu
Subject: Milgram query
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 08:40:45 -0400
From: Bruce Nevin <bnevin>
------- Message 2
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 07:42:15 -0500
From: BITNET list server at UIUCVMD (1.8a) <LISTSERV@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: File: "DATABASE OUTPUT"
To: Bruce Nevin <bnevin@LightStream.COM>
- --> Database CSG-L, 9 hits.
Item # Date Time Recs Subject
- ------ ---- ---- ---- -------
000454 93/09/29 00:51 74 DIFFERENT TOPICS
001110 93/11/23 03:03 36 Following Asch was Milgram and he found
001114 93/11/23 09:16 88 4-D control; Milgram Expt
001119 93/11/23 13:51 115 Re: 4-D control; Milgram Expt
001168 93/11/29 00:03 108 Annie's problems; FF demo; Milgram Questions; Feed+
001171 93/11/29 11:39 26 931129--Hal P.--to Ed's 931125 on Maricopa juvenil+
001198 93/12/01 11:04 206 The awlfulness of Milgram
001230 93/12/03 14:04 104 Re: double bound
001544 94/01/13 11:29 335 940113 Hal Pepinsky--the text that follows, on PCT?
------- Message 3
To: LISTSERV@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu
Subject: Milgram posts
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 09:38:43 -0400
From: Bruce Nevin <bnevin>
//search job echo=no
database search dd=rules
//rules dd *
search * in csg-l
print 001110
print 001114
print 001119
print 001168
print 001198
------- End of Forwarded Messages