
[From Rick Marken (940726.1520)]

Tom Bourbon (940726.1121) --

Glad to hear it [the seminar] went well.

What were the things they liked the most? The least? Did you use any
demonstrations -- portable or otherwise? If so, which ones worked the best?
The worst? Inquiring minds want to know!

I'll tell you (and anyone else who is interested) all about it at the CSG

I also want to quickly remove a disturbance that I might have unintentionally
created when I first discussed the seminar (940725.1410). I said:

Most importantly, I learned that it is possible to present the basics of
PCT in a way that is accurate, interesting and useful.

I meant that as a personal statement about my own ability to present PCT.
For clarity, I should have said it this way:

"Most importantly, I learned that it is possible FOR ME to present the basics
of PCT in a way that is accurate, interesting and useful."

After all, I'm an old, pedantic professor and it's tough to break old habits.
But, apparently, I've been away from professoring long enough so that I can
now talk about PCT as though I were a normal human being.

I know that there are at least two people (Dag Forssell and Ed Ford) who have
already demonstrated their ability to present PCT in a way that is accurate,
interesting and useful. I hope I didn't offend them with my poorly worded

