A lovely suspension bridge of words. Or NIGYYSOB spider web.
Priorities which are not subjective are presumably objective priorities. An evolutionary basis for the distinction is stated e.g.at Bill Powers (2004.05.23.2026 NMDT) in the thread called ‘Evangelical Control Theory’. Intersubjective agreement is widely regarded as another basis (discussion), at least when the agreeing parties are engaged in a science.
‘Priorities’ are a function of reference values for CVs and loop gain in their control; if you want a lot of perception p it’s a higher priority, and if you want it a lot, i.e. will make efforts to overcome strong disturbances, it’s a higher priority.
Seeing both sides meets F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “test of a first-rate intelligence … the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” It can be tolerance for cognitive dissonance while working out an internal conflict. It can occur while imagining perceptions from another’s point of view. That is a prerequisite for the Test for Controlled Variables (viz. the subject’s point of view alongside that of the experimenter).
In this exchange, perceptions of ‘movement scientists’ are imagined, with some evidential basis, but not tested.