The increase of dynamic range of the attractant sensor is a mechanism known as Fold Change Detection. The sensitivity of the receptors is modulated by an internal chemical feedback loop, essentially functioning as a memory. An excellent article by Miri Adler and Uri Alon, “Fold Change Detection in Biological Systems” presents the main ideas and gives examples of biological networks employing the principle.
I find it useful to employ mathematical notation, so please forgive me. In chemotaxis modelling, u(t) represents sensed attractant (in these models as a concentration), x an internal variable (memory?, again as a concetration), and y the output, which represents frequency of tumble.
Consider the network motif designated Type 1 Incoherent Feed Forward Loop (there is a taxonomy of such network motifs, see book by Uri Alon and his research group). In this motif, u attractant positively activates the production of both x and increases y, while the intermediary x inhibits or reduces y. This is modelled with the coupled differential equations
Here the prime denotes derivative with respect to time and S is a scale constant (which absorbs the details of various rate to keep the equations dimensionless). The equations indicate that x tracks u in. When x is equal to u, y is constant, i.e. tumbles occur at regular intervals. However, a change in u will elicit a rapid change in y, and x will slowly “catch” up. As it does, the frequency of tumbles slows down until x reaches the value of u and y returns to its base rate of tumbling.
This mechanism yields a variable clock, which is tuned by the sensor which itself then habituates. This mechanism, if tuned properly, keeps the non-linear sensor in its linear region which then enables finer local “discrimination” of the surround.
Powers’ re-organization concept can now utilize this mechanism by arranging the sensors and the “velocities” to do what Powers describes: if things don’t get better, change course!
I developed a similar mechanism to model reorganization in PCT because I was dissatisfied with the level of detail provided by Powers. I found the software demo convincing but not compelling; the digital aspect and the counter embedded in the code of the simulated e. coli seemed to me a sort of cheat.
There are other simple network motifs (see Adler and Alon paper) that I have played around with.
I might write another post related to these findings because I seem to have strayed afar from the topic of dynamic range.
I will attempt to give a synopsis of the referenced paper if there is interest. In the meantime, I found it very fruitful to watch lectures from Alon lab, in particular the Systems Biology Course 2018. Fascinating stuff! And more compatible with Powers’ ideas that might at first seem.
Leo(?) Geontoro and Eduardo Sontag are both researchers who have published control-theoretic papers in this area for those that are mathematically inclined.