The Wonder Weeks available in the U.S.


Long time readers of the Control Systems Group network will remember
Hetty Vanderijt and Frans Plooij's book "Why They Cry" (now out of print),
which we had to import from England.

Originally published in the Netherlands in 1992 as _Oei, ik groei!_,

this book has been published in

German: _Oje, ich wachse! Achtmal steht Ihr Baby kopf_,

Spanish: _Y ahora, �por qu� llora? Las claves del desarollo psicol�gico
          del beb� hasta los 12 meses_,
French: _Pourquoi pleurent-ils? Comprendre le d�veloppement de l'enfant,
          de la naissance � 1 an._,
Swedish: _V�xa och uppt�cka v�rlden. Sju utvecklingsspr�ng under
          barnets f�rsta levnads�r._,
Italian: _Ehi, sto crescendo. Lo sviluppo mentale del bambino nel
           primo anno di vita._,
and now

American: _The Wonder Weeks. How to Turn Your Baby's 8 Great Fussy
           Phases into Magical Leaps Forward.

Frans has told me that in each country, word-of-mouth advertising by
mothers has been a major factor in the book's success.

The American publisher is Rodale in Emmanus, PA. The book will be available
soon at their website, and is already available
at Searh for Vanderijt or Plooij and you will find it
right away.

PCTers readily recognize that Frans and Hetty have adopted the HPCT
hierarchy suggested by Bill Powers to label and describe the mental
development steps of an infant. This is no secret. Frans spelled it out
clearly in chapter one in _The behavioral development of free-living
chimpanzee infants_ Plooij, Frans X, (1984) NJ: Ablex.

What's new and exciting for PCT is that in this edition, Frans and Hetty
provide explicit reference to PCT as the theoretical framework for their

Now I am under the gun to finalize the website they refer to. :slight_smile:

Best, Dag

Dag Forssell,
2740 Gamble Court, Hayward 94542-2402 USA New address after Jan 24, 2003
Tel: +1 510 727 0767 Fax: +1 510 372 2776