understanding the hierarchy (long)

[Martin Taylor 991104]

[From Bill Powers (991025.0410 MDT)]

Martin Taylor 991022 10:19--

This is a reprise of a notion that I expounded a couple of years ago,
about the "category level" and those above it. I am inspired to rewrite
it by Bill's self-doubts expressed in his message to Bruce Abbott,
because I think it resolves the issues that cause him problems.


As I think further about this, I'm inclined to change my mind about the
idea that an input function of a given level can recieve signals from _any_
lower level of perceptions. I can't explain what has swayed me -- there's
just a sort of general sense of difficulties associated with that
assumption. ..... I'm almost persuaded that
sequences belong below categories, and that the category level is where
symbols are created.


My proposal agrees with that.

I recall your saying that the category level should be able to receive from
all lower levels, but not your saying that sequences belong below

I didn't say they do. I said that there would be an analogue level of
sequence perceptions and a discrete (post-categorical?) level of sequence
perceptions. I don't think of the category interface as being "above"
or "below" _any_ analogue level, since for every level of analogue
perceptions there could be a corresponding level of discrete (categorized,
symbolic) perceptions.

I don't see any principled way to decide which kind of perception is of the
higher level. I can think of examples that lead either way.

Exactly why I brought up the notion of the "category interface" as opposed
to the "category level." You don't need to decide which perception is at
the "higher level" They are both at the same level, though the discrete
perceptions at a level are, of course, derived from the analogue ones, so
you could, I suppose, designate "configuration discrete" as a level
above "configuration analogue" if you wanted. I wouldn't want.


So: If anything, the program level would control a perception that is the
name of, or a symbol for, a category-level perception.


And with that.

That works for the way the program level would use symbols if the
categorizing level were just below programs,

or anywhere else between "programs" and the sensory-muscular interface to
the outer world.

but does not resolve the
problem of whether that is true. So we can't deal with the program level
properly until we settle the issue of whether categorizing lies above

The proposal says it both does and doesn't. There's a sequence category
perception and a perception of sequences of categories.

And of course we are still faced with the problem that "program"
is a name for what the program level does, implying that categories lie
above programs. You're agreeing with contradictory statements.

I see no contradictions whatever. And I think that by conflating an
analyst's perception of an element of the hierarchy (the name of the
"category level") with the functioning of the element in the system
analyzed, you add little to the discussion.


I agree. I'm not trying to dismiss the problems, only to express how I have
attempted to sort them out. Chances are that there are more levels than I
have detected in this region of the hierarchy. Or it could be that some
other architecture takes over at the high levels.


That is what I proposed and now re-describe.

It's hard to see what you're saying you proposed, since I'm offering
different ideas as alternatives and "That" isn't a sufficient reference to
say which you're claiming to have proposed. You've done this for several
paragraphs above -- what "that" are you agreeing with, and what are you

I'm agreeing with all the alternatives you set up as mutually incompatible.
You find evidence in your thinking for each alternative to be correct.
I try to show how they are neither mutually exclusive nor contradictory,
and your subjective evidence for each alternative can be considered


Simple statement (i.e., abstract or executive summary)

I thought the "executive summary" was supposed to be the dumbed-down one!

It was! I simplified too much, it now seems.


Analogue levels are organized as described in the "standard model of HPCT".
The "category level" produces symbols, but is not a level in the sense
that say "event" is a level.

How does it produce a symbol like "John" to refer to a person-object?

In my proposal, the category level produces symbols, not references
to labels. The _association_ between symbols generates references. One
symbol is the what you perceive as the person John (note: not 90% John,
but John or someone else). The other symbol is the word "John" (note:
not 90% "John") that is sensorily derived from an acoustic waveform, a
string of letters, or, often, memory/imagination.

Also, the reverse phenomenon exists. Perception of the category "John"
from an acoustic configuration is likely to result in the perception of
the image of the person referenced.

can't see it actually emitting that word!

Of course not. But it does make the perception of that word more probable
than if the person you saw were the one you label "Jane". And of seeing
the person viewed as the one labelled "John" if you hear the acoustic
configuration categrized as the word "John."

What I have been thinking is that
the output of a category-perceiver would be just a neural signal, as usual,
its magnitude representing the presence of the category detected by the
category-generating input function.

Same here.

When the signal is present, the
category is present. In some cases the category-signal could be
continuously variable, and in others it might flip between two states, or
even show hysteresis. Your "super flip-flop" with varying degrees of
positive feedback is one circuit design for accomplishing this, but I don't
really think it's time to start guessing about circuitry at that level of

That's why my original posting (991022 10:19) dissociated the mechanism
for perceiving categories from the architecture of the hierarchy around
the category interface. Above, I referred to the _association_ between
categories (symbols) such as persons and words. One needs a mechanism for
association as well as one for category generation. The "grand flip flop"
produces both, so I didn't try to reprise it. How categorization and
association are done--the circuitry--is a separate matter from whether
they are done and how the results are used.

We have to establish the phenomenon first. And there are
alternative means of achieving the same result -- why settle on any one of

Exactly. But the properties of the different possibilities should be
investigated before any are dismissed out of hand.

My biggest gap in understanding is how we can use word-configurations (or
spoken word-events) as the names of categories.

I think it's the same issue as for any other associations. If there exists
a mechanism whereby the perception of _any_ one category is made more
probable in the presence of the perception of _any_ other category, then
the association of a "name" category (a discrete word-configuration) to
any symbol (categorized perception) can use the same mechanism.


I prefer to call it the "category interface"
since its job is to interface between analogue levels and digital levels.

Well, you're _proposing_ that that's what it's job is -- you shouldn't
refer to that proposal as if it's an established fact.

I don't think I did. I posted very tentatively, and labelled it a "notion"
right up front in the first line of my posting, and as a "proposal" several
times thereafter. However, _on the assumption_ that the proposal is
correct, then the system works in particular ways. And in my proposal,
the job of the category interface _IS_ to interface between digital and
analogue levels, one-to-one. Even in your classic hierarchy, the job of
the category level is to "interface between analogue levels and digital
levels", so I really don't know what you are complaining about, here.


The assumption is that perceptual signals flow upward through the
analogue levels, being non-linearly transformed level-by-level, but
that the category interface accepts perceptual signals from all the
analogue levels.

A side-issue: saying that signals "flow through" levels has already proven
to be misleading (private communication with another person). I'd prefer to
avoid that image. My concept is that each level creates a new kind of
abstraction in which lower-level signals are not individually discernible.
The world in which one level exists is composed of systems of the next
level down.

Didn't I say exactly that in first part of the section you just quoted?
The specific proposal in the second part is that the category
level/interface is different precisely in having direct access to the
perceptual signals from all levels, untransformed.

The category interface accepts inputs from all analogue perceptual
functions at all levels, and produces symbols to which linguistic names
may sometimes be attached, but often are not. If the analogue perceptual
control hierarchy is visualised as a vertical array of levels, the
category interface can be visualised as a skin lying along its whole
height, like this:

  <-------> interface
  >>> d | | analogue
  >>> i | | levels
  >>> g |symbols| -------------
  >>> i |<-- -->| level N
  >>> t | s | -------------
  >>> a |<--y-->| level N-1
  >>> l | m | -------------
  >>> ><--b--> .......
  >>> l | o | -------------
  >>> e |<--l-->| level 2
  >>> v | s | -------------
  >>> e |<-- -->| level 1
  >>> l |symbols| -------------
  >>> s | ^ ^ | |
<--------> | | V V
                      > > > >
                  external environment

The effect of conceiving it this way is that the arguments against level
jumping in the analogue levels are fully applicable.

It seems to me they are fully inapplicable. You show a two-way interaction
between this category "skin" and each level, implying that the category
level can alter reference signals, and hence perceptions, at any level in
the analog hierarchy.

I guess that's a problem with ASCII diagrams. The "category level" doesn't
alter reference signals or perceptions at _any_ level of the analogue
hierarchy. In this diagram (but not in the alternative I drew just below
it in my original posting) the analogue perceptions cross from, say,
"analogue event" to become "discrete event" and the outputs from any
"discrete event" control unit go to the same places in the analogue
hierarchy as would the outputs from an "analogue event" control unit.
The interface itself works across units. There's no level skipping on
the analogue side.

Likewise there's no level-skipping on the disgital side, because the base
level (corresponding to sensation on the analogue side) is "symbol" or
"category". I like "symbol" as the word for it, because that's what
logicians use as variables in logical functions, and logical functions
are what the base digital level perceptions feed into. A symbol is a symbol
regardless of what analogue level it originally came from. And the output
of the lowest level control units on the discrete side are symbols. But
just as the perceptual symbols do each come from some specific level of
the analogue hierarchy, so do the output symbols feed to the reference
inputs at their own specific levels of the analogue hierarchy. Just
like any other signal in the system, a symbol is only a value of a neural

But doing that would disturb perceptions in any
higher levels of the analog hierarchy, so the higher levels would react as
to any disturbance, altering their own effects on lower-level reference
signals and cancelling any effects from the category-skin. So you've
ignored the condition that is my very reason for concluding that
level-skipping must not happen.

You see now how this is not correct?

All symbols are just that--symbols--within the discrete part of the
system. But in relation to the analogue part of the system, symbols
are of different kinds. Symbols for events are different from symbols for
configurations simply because they connect into different parts of the
analogue hierarchy. An "event" symbol output from the discrete part
to the analogue part is seen simply as would be a "high" value output
from an analogue "event" control unit.

You can allow the category-skin to receive copies of perceptual signals
from any lower system, but you can't allow its outputs to affect reference
signals in any level but the highest one in the analog systems. So it may
as well just be one of the levels.

I hope I've suggested (not shown) how that is not correct--however, you
may have noted also that I did show a top-level-only output to the analogue
system as an alternate possibility in my original posting.

Symbols may be
produced by the category interface from any analogue perception, but
not all analogue perceptions are categorized into symbolic form.

What is "symbolic form?" And how does the category interface produce a
symbol "from" an analog perception?

"Symbolic form" means that the perception is there or it isn't. It has
been categorized. (Actually, that's an overstatement, in that my mechanism
doesn't produce strictly one-zero values for symbols. Their values can
vary somewhat, but tend to be either near maximum or near minimum).

You're making a huge assumption here,
or leaving a huge hole in your reasoning. How does the continuous flow of
sound-changes we know as the word-symbol "John" get produced by the
category level? That can't be at all how it works. You're skipping over a
whole lot of problems.

Two problems with this comment: (1) Who says that the association between
the symbol for the person and the symbol for a sound (or letter)
configuration must be produced by the category level? (2) In point of
fact, the mechanism I proposed some years ago (the grand flip-flop)
has as a side-effect of producing categories the production of just such
associations. I didn't want to bring it up, as I said above, because the
mechanism is a separate issue. One is enough to discuss at a time,
especially when it seems so hard to get this one very simple idea across.

Or is the comment intended to ask how speech recognition works? The
automatic speech recognition people have done a lot of work on that--which
is not to say that the machines work the same way as people do. Anyway,
if that's the question, I think it's inappropriate to introduce here,
though interesting in its own right.

I show a two-way arrow between symbols and the digital levels on the one
hand and the analogue levels on the other. This is too simple.

No, it's hiding enormous complexities and problems. Are these digital
signals, having only two values? What happens when a digital signal enters
an analog system, especially a low-level analog system? How can a neural
signal have two forms, one being symbolic and the other being -- what, a
train of impulses?

Both are of the same form--values of a neural signal, which you choose to
think of as frequencies of neural impulses. The "high" value of a symbol
(an analyst/observer might see "symbol present") is a large value of the
neural signal; a "low" value is a small value of the neural signal. Where's
the enormous complexity and problem in that?

My model
allows symbols as both input and output to both sides, so that a symbol
can be input to an analogue OR a digital perceptual function (it's only
a value of a signal, not an entity like a word)

What, isn't a word a signal? Aren't all experienced entities signals?

A word is NOT a signal (the map is not the territory). A word is an
analyst's concept. The perception of a word (or any other entity) is
a signal within the system being analyzed.


Either way, I think this architecture can resolve some of Bill's misgivings,
and at the same time answer the question of how an apparently low-level
perception can seem to set references for program-level actions.

Sorry, Martin, but your "architecture" is just too full of unresolved
issues to strike me as useful. It does nothing to resolve my misgivings and

I hope that you are now a little closer to seeing what the proposal _is_.
If that is so, and you still don't see how it resolves any of your
misgivings about the "classical" hierarchy, we can discuss why that might
be, and what might be a proposal better than either. But until you start to
talk about the actual proposal, it's hard to discuss it technically.

I can't see any unifying principle in it.

Well, here's one. Any kind of perception can be categorized, and is likely
to be if so doing improves control of intrinsic variables. The presence
or absence of a perceived category would be the reference for any control
system using such symbolic (categorized) input. Categorized values are
amenable to logical analysis and control, and there is no apparent reason
why the nature of the original (analogue) perception should matter to the
logical analysis. The outputs of logical-valued control units are likely
to be logical, and there is no apparent reason why the output value should
relate to the same kind of analogue perceptual level as the input.

You _say_ that
certain things are acccomplished by it, but I see no reasoning at all
behind such statements; however you reached your conclusions, it wasn't by
any public process that I could follow.

Try again. Have I made it public enough yet? I've reduced the simplification
a little, but I do acknowledge that the current re-description is still
vastly over simplified.

And please don't mix up the mechanism proposed for categorization and
association with the architectures that use those functions. Both the
"classic" hierarchy and my proposal need both mechanisms. But the nature
of those mechanisms can be argued and experimented separately.


[From Bill Powers (991104.09810 MDT)]

Martin Taylor 991104--

I'm afraid this particular thread has become much too complicated for me to
make sense of. I can't imagine the things you propose, and keep all of them
straight. For example, you propose that the category signal "Left" would
enter an arm-position control system as an on-off signal, so when "left"
was emitted by the level 5 relationship-category-control system, the arm
would snap immediately to a position as far to the left as possible, and
similarly for "up", "down", "right", "retracted", and so on. You don't say
what the analog control system for the same variable, which might be
receiving an analog reference signal implying "40 degrees to the right",
would do when the arm snapped completely to the left, or in some other
direction. You don't explain how a control system that is stable for analog
signals would remain stable if a digital category perception controller
were added in a parallel loop.

It seems clear that if I'm ever to grasp your proposal, it's going to have
to be modeled so I can watch it working. The same, of course, goes for
whatever I propose: without a model, it's mostly just arm-waving.


Bill P.

[Martin taylor 991104 23:09]

[From Bill Powers (991104.09810 MDT)]

Martin Taylor 991104--

I'm afraid this particular thread has become much too complicated for me to
make sense of. I can't imagine the things you propose, and keep all of them

Well, it might still be worth trying to do so. There's only one thing
different from your "classic" hierarchy, so far as I can see, and that
is that the signals output from the category level/interface go to
analogue levels appropriate to the kind of category to which those
signals correspond, rather than all category outputs being lumped into
a level called "category" which necessarily provides references to
the level immediately below (e.g. "sequence"). In the "classic"
hierarchy, that would be output level-jumping, and you have given
good and sufficient reasons why it is unlikely to happen. But I think
those reasons don't apply here, and in earlier messages I explained why.

For example, you propose that the category signal "Left" would
enter an arm-position control system as an on-off signal, so when "left"
was emitted by the level 5 relationship-category-control system, the arm
would snap immediately to a position as far to the left as possible,

Why so? Most control systems produce the desired perception and maintain
their outputs in such a way as to keep it there. When the arm is in a
position that satisfies the category "left" perception, the control system
for which that is the reference value has zero error. Lots of analogue
arm positions satisfy that, not only "as far to the left as possible". I
cannot see why you assert an S-R mechanism for this case alone. I have
assumed normal control system operation.

If this is complicated, have a look at Rick's 3-level demo, that has
logical variables at the top level. It doesn't behave the way you suggest
it should.

You don't say
what the analog control system for the same variable, which might be
receiving an analog reference signal implying "40 degrees to the right",
would do when the arm snapped completely to the left, or in some other

Conflicts happen in the hierarchy. How does the same analogue system
perform when it receives simultaneous reference values for "40 degrees
to the right" and "40 degrees to the left"? The answer is the same,
whatever that answer might be, because the signals are all just neural

You don't explain how a control system that is stable for analog
signals would remain stable if a digital category perception controller
were added in a parallel loop.

Or if _any_ two control systems use parts of the same hierarchy below
them, and therefore may possibly be in conflict.

You are bringing up issues that are normal issues in the "classic"
hierarchy. You have solutions for those problems. Apply them.

It seems clear that if I'm ever to grasp your proposal, it's going to have
to be modeled so I can watch it working. The same, of course, goes for
whatever I propose: without a model, it's mostly just arm-waving.

A good metaphor, considering your example above. I'd love to do as you
suggest, and if my lottery ticket wins, I will hire someone to do it.


[From Bill Powers (991105.0500 MDT)]

Martin taylor 991104 23:09]--

There's only one thing
different from your "classic" hierarchy, so far as I can see, and that
is that the signals output from the category level/interface go to
analogue levels appropriate to the kind of category to which those
signals correspond, rather than all category outputs being lumped into
a level called "category" which necessarily provides references to
the level immediately below (e.g. "sequence").


For example, you propose that the category signal "Left" would
enter an arm-position control system as an on-off signal, so when "left"
was emitted by the level 5 relationship-category-control system, the arm
would snap immediately to a position as far to the left as possible,

Why so? Most control systems produce the desired perception and maintain
their outputs in such a way as to keep it there. When the arm is in a
position that satisfies the category "left" perception, the control system
for which that is the reference value has zero error. Lots of analogue
arm positions satisfy that, not only "as far to the left as possible". I
cannot see why you assert an S-R mechanism for this case alone. I have
assumed normal control system operation.

I'm talking about the reference signal emitted by the category system. It
is a digital, not an analog signal; there is either a category error, or
there is not. If you send a digital signal into an analog system as a
reference signal, you will have a contribution to the reference signal or
no contribution, with no gradations. I assume that the digital signal scale
is, as usual, maximum signal or zero signal. But whatever it is, it jumps
instantly from its on value to its off value and back.

If this is complicated, have a look at Rick's 3-level demo, that has
logical variables at the top level. It doesn't behave the way you suggest
it should.

Yes, it does. The logical error is either 1 or 0. That signal either turns
the next reference level down on or off. In Rick's system there are no
analog systems higher than or at the same level as the digital level, so no
conflict ever develops. If there were, the level-skipping problem would arise.

You don't say
what the analog control system for the same variable, which might be
receiving an analog reference signal implying "40 degrees to the right",
would do when the arm snapped completely to the left, or in some other

Conflicts happen in the hierarchy.

Not in a healthy hierarchy, as you well know.

How does the same analogue system
perform when it receives simultaneous reference values for "40 degrees
to the right" and "40 degrees to the left"? The answer is the same,
whatever that answer might be, because the signals are all just neural

The problem is that the digital signal emitted by the category system has
only two values, which are not likely to match the analog reference signals
being received by the same lower-level analog system from higher analog
systems. However you try to make it work, there is a lower-level system
disturbing the analog levels in the middle of their hierarchy.

You don't explain how a control system that is stable for analog
signals would remain stable if a digital category perception controller
were added in a parallel loop.

Or if _any_ two control systems use parts of the same hierarchy below
them, and therefore may possibly be in conflict.

It's the digital operation of a category system that is at the center of my
objection. Where the category signal jumps between 0 and 1, the loop gain
is extremely large. You can't mix that kind of signal with normal analog
signals that vary smoothly and continuously, and expect normal analog

You are bringing up issues that are normal issues in the "classic"
hierarchy. You have solutions for those problems. Apply them.

I am applying them. A digital control system has stability problems due to
the on-off nature of the signals it handles. An analog system running in
parallel with the digital system would be impossible to stabilize if you
also wanted to maintain a high loop gain.

It seems clear that if I'm ever to grasp your proposal, it's going to have
to be modeled so I can watch it working. The same, of course, goes for
whatever I propose: without a model, it's mostly just arm-waving.

A good metaphor, considering your example above. I'd love to do as you
suggest, and if my lottery ticket wins, I will hire someone to do it.

It would be far better if you were to submit to the discipline of
developing the model yourself. If you just hand off what seems like a
bright idea to a contractor, you're not doing either yourself or the
contractor any favors. You can always accuse the contractor, when he fails,
of incompetence, when the problem is that your idea is basically unworkable
because of details you have failed to consider. When you develop your own
models, you've faced with these problems in private, and they can be solved
before you go public.


Bill P.

[From Bruce Nevin (991105.1331 EDT)]

Bill Powers (991105.0500 MDT) --

I'm talking about the reference signal emitted by the category system. It
is a digital, not an analog signal; there is either a category error, or
there is not. If you send a digital signal into an analog system as a
reference signal, you will have a contribution to the reference signal or
no contribution, with no gradations. I assume that the digital signal scale
is, as usual, maximum signal or zero signal. But whatever it is, it jumps
instantly from its on value to its off value and back.

Isn't this a problem with a category level as originally conceived?

Consider your example of looking for "a button", Bill. How does a digital
reference signal (value something like "on" or "yes") go into many analog
control systems as an appropriate variable for each?

Category recognition is not hard to understand. Possible inputs from analog
levels to a category detector are variable and perhaps open-ended. To go
from particular to general (from exemplar to category), you have suggested
OR-ing the many to the one. Going from the general to the particular, going
from a category to all the diverse features that might contribute to
recognition of an exemplar of that category, going from "a button" to "this
button" (suppose you are whittling one from ivory), is less easy. Start a
search program and run until the category input function generates a strong
enough signal? Start a "whittle" program and run it until the category
"button" is perceived? Where do the reference signals for the analog
control loops come from?

However it is implemented for a category level, that same implementation is
available for a category "interface".

  Bruce Nevin


At 04:48 AM 11/05/1999 -0700, Bill Powers wrote:

[From Bill Powers 991105.1433 MDT)]

Bruce Nevin (991105.1331 EDT)--


I'm talking about the reference signal emitted by the category system. It
is a digital, not an analog signal; there is either a category error, or
there is not.

Bruce N:

Isn't this a problem with a category level as originally conceived?

No, because I am not attempting to run the category control system in
parallel with an analog control system that does the same thing, as Martin
Taylor is doing. The category control system, experiencing an error, can
suddenly set a reference signal for a system at the next lower level, which
will match its perception to that signal as quickly as it can. If this
results in the right category perception, the category error will become
zero and the activated control system will turn off as its reference signal
suddenly becomes zero.

The problem arises if the category system is trying to control the same
variable that an analog system is controlling. The analog system requires
that its perceptual signal change smoothly in proportion to error, while
the digital system knows only two states of its perceptual or error signal:
on or off. When these are mixed together, the analog system experiences
changes in the digital system as sudden jumps in its (the analog system's)
variables from one value to a widely different value. This is simply not
compatible with fine analog control.

Consider your example of looking for "a button", Bill. How does a digital
reference signal (value something like "on" or "yes") go into many analog
control systems as an appropriate variable for each?

There is no difference between neural signals. What makes the difference is
the system they enter or come from. A reference signal is any signal that
enters the comparator of a control system so that a perceptual signal can
be compared with it. Any signal -- it could be generated by an electrical

Category recognition is not hard to understand. Possible inputs from analog
levels to a category detector are variable and perhaps open-ended. To go
from particular to general (from exemplar to category), you have suggested
OR-ing the many to the one. Going from the general to the particular, going
from a category to all the diverse features that might contribute to
recognition of an exemplar of that category, going from "a button" to "this
button" (suppose you are whittling one from ivory), is less easy. Start a
search program and run until the category input function generates a strong
enough signal? Start a "whittle" program and run it until the category
"button" is perceived? Where do the reference signals for the analog
control loops come from?

True answer: I don't know. The category error has to be translated first
into a configuration error, doesn't it? So if the category is "button", any
error signal has to turn into a reference signal for a visual
button-configuration. Then, to paraphrase Michaelangelo, you just carve
away everything that doesn't look like a button. Or you go looking through
drawers until what you see matches the reference signal for button.

That is much oversimplified, of course, but I consider that appropriate
considering what we know.

The main idea here is that the problem of producing a category is, in PCT,
seen as a problem of producing a particular perception, not a particular
action or objective state of affairs. And if the object is to create a
perception at a given level, it doesn't matter what collection of
lower-level perceptions is used to do that; it needn't even be the same
every time, as long as it does produce the same higher-level perception.

So if you just specify the category "button," the first button that strikes
your eye will satisfy the reference condition. If you specify the category
"blue" at the same time, you now have to find something that will be a
member of both categories: a blue button. But any blue button will do,
unless you are specifying a still larger number of categories: a "big"
"blue" "cloth-covered" "coat" "button". The more categories you specify at
the same time, the fewer items will satisfy all the reference conditions
simultaneously, and the longer it will probably take you to correct the
category error.

However it is implemented for a category level, that same implementation is
available for a category "interface".

Don't forget the level-skipping problem on the output side. It is not
permitted for a higher system, or for present purposes a system outside the
hierarchy, to inject arbitrary signals into the analog hierarchy (except at
the top analog level). To do so will disturb the perceptions of higher
analog systems, which will counteract the disturbance by readjusting
reference signals in the next lower level of control, nullifying the
effects of the injected signal.

The hierarchy has always been thought of as allowing signals from many
lower levels to reach systems of any higher level. I am considering a
revision in which we require the input signals, too, to come only from the
next level down. But the model has not yet been modified that way, and we
still allow perceptual signals from any level to reach the category level.
So we can still have (named) categories of intensities, sensations,
configurations, and so on to whatever level is just below the category
level (I'm not taking any bets). However, we cannot have category errors
being turned into analog reference signals at any but the next level down
from categories. Whether you want to call categories a level or not,
functionally they act like one: receiving signals from all lower levels,
but sending reference signals only to the top analog level.


Bill P.

[Martin Taylor 991106 12:22]

[From Bill Powers (991105.0500 MDT)]

Martin Taylor 991104 23:09]--

I'm talking about the reference signal emitted by the category system. It
is a digital, not an analog signal; there is either a category error, or
there is not. If you send a digital signal into an analog system as a
reference signal, you will have a contribution to the reference signal or
no contribution, with no gradations. I assume that the digital signal scale
is, as usual, maximum signal or zero signal. But whatever it is, it jumps
instantly from its on value to its off value and back.

And a "classic" pure-integrator analogue system that is fed this reference
signal brings its perceptual signal smoothly and exponentially up to its
reference value and smoothloy and exponentially back down again. That's
normal, isn't it?

And to Bruce Nevin you say (991105.1433)

The problem arises if the category system is trying to control the same
variable that an analog system is controlling. The analog system requires
that its perceptual signal change smoothly in proportion to error, while
the digital system knows only two states of its perceptual or error signal:
on or off. When these are mixed together, the analog system experiences
changes in the digital system as sudden jumps in its (the analog system's)
variables from one value to a widely different value. This is simply not
compatible with fine analog control.

Unless I misunderstand you, you are talking about problems common
to all bang-bang controllers. Human designers have developed ways of
dealing with this problem, and it is reasonable to believe that nature
is no less clever. I'll address that first, and then the issue of mixing
reference levels derived from analogue and from digital controller outputs.

Here are a couple of ways that a control system with on-off reference
values can avoid going into rapid oscillation (which I understand to
be one issue, mixing being the other):

(1) hysteresis in the perceptual input function for category P:
when the analogue input moves from values corresponding to not-P into
values that might represent P (perception of the category), the switch
into P happens at one value. One the way back, as the analogue values
become less P-like, the switch to not-P happens at a lower value. All
experiments with human category perception of which I am aware show this

(2) Integration in the output function: When the reference value switches,
the error immediately becomes large, but the output grows over time
rather than switching suddenly. Actually, this is assumed to be
characteristic of the canonical control system in PCT, and most models
assume it, so it isn't specific to control systems with categorical
values of the reference signal. But it does allow control systems with
binary reference values to operate stably, and to some degree it mimics
hysteresis in the perceptual input function.

The first of these techniques seems to characterise real human perception,
and the second has been used in most of the fine PCT model fits of which
I am aware (for analogue valued reference signals as well as for
reference values that change abruptly). It seems likely that integration
is used in the output functions of at least some human control units,
so it is unreasonable to exclude it specifically in the case in which
it is most useful--category control.

If this is complicated, have a look at Rick's 3-level demo, that has
logical variables at the top level. It doesn't behave the way you suggest
it should.

Yes, it does. The logical error is either 1 or 0. That signal either turns
the next reference level down on or off. In Rick's system there are no
analog systems higher than or at the same level as the digital level, so no
conflict ever develops. If there were, the level-skipping problem would


In my model there are no level skips, either. There is no "analogue
level above the digital level." There is indeed an analogue level at
the _same_ level as each category type, but this involves no level
skipping. It involves only the usual connection in which the reference
signals to the lower levels come from the outputs of several systems
at the next higher level.

Conflicts happen in the hierarchy.

Not in a healthy hierarchy, as you well know.

Whoops! I very well _don't_ know that. Are you saying that I, a healthy
hierarchy, can eat an ice-cream, turn pages of a book I am reading,
drink coffee, talk on the phone, dig my garden, and drive to work
simultaneously? Do I never want to move my arm to the right to pick up
a cup at the same time as I want to move it to the left to turn a page?
Is there no conflict among the control units that have references for
perceiving these things to be happening?

How does the same analogue system
perform when it receives simultaneous reference values for "40 degrees
to the right" and "40 degrees to the left"? The answer is the same,
whatever that answer might be, because the signals are all just neural

The problem is that the digital signal emitted by the category system has
only two values, which are not likely to match the analog reference signals
being received by the same lower-level analog system from higher analog
systems. However you try to make it work, there is a lower-level system
disturbing the analog levels in the middle of their hierarchy.

No there isn't. Again, I ask you whether you are claiming, for the analogue
part of the hierarchy, that all the outputs from level N units that
contribute to the reference signal for a particular level N-1 unit _must_
have the same value? I'm sure you are not. In that case, why would it
concern you that the signal output from a category control unit to some
analogue unit would have a different value from that output to the
same analogue unit from a higher analogue level? Conflict arises if the
perceptual signals of the two higher-level units cannot simultaneously
match their reference values. The situation is actually worse when both
units at the higher level are analogue than when at least one is

If the two higher units are both analogue, and there is only one lower
level analogue unit whose reference signal they both feed, then conflict
is inevitable. But if one of the higher units has a categorical perceptual
function, it is possible that canflict could be avoided. To see this
by example, imagine (a) both analogue: unit A1 wants to perceive "arm
left 40 degrees" and unit A2 wants to perceive "arm left 60 degrees."
If there is just one arm, conflict exists. Now imagine (b) one analogue
one digital: Unit A1 wants to perceive "arm left 40 degrees", unit D1
wants to perceive "arm 'Left'". Provided 40 degrees is far enough left
to be perceived as 'Left', there is no conflict, and one arm can satisfy
both reference values.

Reduction of such conflict might even be a reason for the very existence
of categoric perception (random speculation:-)

Let's follow the evolution of the signals in case (b), one analogue and
one digital contribution to the reference signal of a lower-level unit.
Call the units A1, D1, and A0. Contravening the principles of good
design for stability, I will assume that the Digital unit D1 does _not_
have an integrating output function, but switches its output
instantaneously when its error value switches from max to zero
or vice-versa.

All control units have some way of combining the higher-level output
signals that contribute to their reference signal. One way is simple
addition, though it is probably not a good way in many cases. Averaging
is probably better as a rule, and other combinations are better for
specific control requirements. But as addition seems to be the way that
causes most trouble for the combination of analogue and digital signals,
I'll use it. The reference value for A0 is taken to be the sum of the
outputs of A1 and D1.

I'll start the example with the arm in a state far from either the
analogue or the digital contribution to the reference angle of unit A0.

A0 perceives "arm at 30 degrees right". Its reference signal is from
analogue unit A1 that wants to perceive the arm to be at 40 degrees
left, and from digital unit D1 unit that wants to perceive the arm
to be 'Left' (which for the sake of argument I take to be between
20 and 90 degrees left). The reference signal contribution from D1
has some magnitude, most likely corresponding to the analogue
value for a perception of arm somewhere in the middle of the 'Left'
range, or about 55 degrees. So the reference value for the arm angle
unit A0 is 55 degrees + 40 degrees = 95 degrees. The arm error is
large -- 125 degrees.

The arm angle control unit A0 moves the arm, reducing its error. When the
arm is at 10 degrees left, the A0 reference signal still is at 95 degrees,
and the error is 85 degrees. But when the arm passes 20 degrees left,
the category perception 'Left' is satisfied, and the A0 reference signal
value changes (abruptly under the assumption that D1 has no integration
in its output function--but see the aside that follows immediately).

-----------------an aside on category control in general---------------

At this point, I want to address an issue about category control systems
that has, so far as I remember, never been mentioned on CSG-net.

When the inputs to a category control unit result in a perceptual signal
value corresponding to "category perceived" (call it "1" or "yes"), it
does not matter what further changes there are in the input signals,
so long as the category continues to be perceived. The loop gain is
exactly zero, because the perceptual signal value is insensitive
to changes in the input values that don't change the perceived
category. It follows, then, that any contribution of the output
of that category control unit to the behaviour of the rest of the
hierarchy is of no value, and merely perturbs the operation of the
affected part of the hierarchy.

In normal reorganization (or evolution), things that reduce the control
precision of the hierarchy tend to go away, while things that result
in good perceptual control are retained. We haven't discussed (much)
the variation of gain as an aspect of reorganization (though Tom Bourbon
has studied it), but it is one way reorganization can occur.

If the loop gain is always zero for any category control system for
which the perceptual signal is at its reference value, any contribution
of its output to lower level reference values includes the possibility
of conflict with other control units that use the same lower-level
subsystems. Reorganization (or evolution) will therefore be likely to
disconnect the output of a category control unit when--and only when--
the category is being perceived. This is different from setting the
output to zero, because zero is itself a value that could contribute
to lower-level reference signals. I don't require this disconnect for
the discussion of the parallel analogue and digital control of arm
position, but I think it is an important aspect of category control
that should be kept in mind

-------------end of aside-----------------

When the arm going left satisfies the category perception 'Left', the
output of that category unit is shut off, and the arm unit reference
value is derived only from the analogue unit. It drops abruptly from
95 degrees left to 40 degrees left, and the error value drops equally
abruptly from 75 degrees to 20 degrees (exactly the same would happen
if the category output dropped to zero rather than being switched out
of play, if the reference combination function was a pure addition, but
not for other reference combination functions such as averaging).

When the error in the arm control unit drops abruptly, the rate of
increase in its output will be reduced (assuming it has the normal
integrating output function) and the arm will move gracefully to
the 40 degree target of the analogue system that set that reference

You don't explain how a control system that is stable for analog
signals would remain stable if a digital category perception controller
were added in a parallel loop.

I hope I have now done so.



Or if _any_ two control systems use parts of the same hierarchy below
them, and therefore may possibly be in conflict.

It's the digital operation of a category system that is at the center of my
objection. Where the category signal jumps between 0 and 1, the loop gain
is extremely large.

I am quite unclear in what way the loop gain of a unit relates to the
value of its reference signal. Could you explain this new addition to
the theory?

You can't mix that kind of signal with normal analog
signals that vary smoothly and continuously, and expect normal analog

I grant you that if the situation at time t0 was as in situation (b)
above, and unit D1 changed its reference value to requiring "arm 'Right'",
there would be conflict with the analogue unit trying to set the same
arm to 40 degrees left. But how does that affect "normal operation"?
It's normal conflict, resolved in the ways normal conflicts are--by
one overwhelming the other, or by satisfying a yet-higher reference
value in other ways.

You are bringing up issues that are normal issues in the "classic"
hierarchy. You have solutions for those problems. Apply them.

I am applying them. A digital control system has stability problems due to
the on-off nature of the signals it handles.

Problems handled in many ways in engineered systems. Two of those ways
apparently used in humans are mentioned above.

An analog system running in
parallel with the digital system would be impossible to stabilize if you
also wanted to maintain a high loop gain.

I think you have to explain that assertion. So far as I can see it, a
category unit has more tolerance in the analogue values that allow its
perceptual signal to match its reference value than does an analogue
control system, but is otherwise identical to the analogue control

All else being equal, then, the digital control system is
likely to be more, rather than less stable than the corresponding
analogue system. Small disturbances are ignored (not perceived) by the
digital system, as are small variations in the effect of the output
on the CEV. It is true that the error signal changes only stepwise,
but the effect of this is reduced to the normal behaviour of an analogue
control system provided with a stepwise jump in its reference value.

When a digital control unit and an analogue unit operate in parallel
to contribute reference values to lower levels, then, I should expect
the stability problems to be easier to resolve than when only analogue
units combine at the lower levels. In particular, categorical values
can be constant within in a hypervolume of the input space, whereas
analogue values are constant only along a unidimensional curve in the
space. This reduces dramatically the likelihood of conflict, inasmuch
as the intersection of a curve with a volume is generic, whereas in a
space of more than two dimensions two curves intersect only by
deliberation or by accident.


Thank you for providing technical arguments against my proposed
architecture. As you can see, I either don't understand the nature of
the comments or disagree with their technical correctness. Perhaps
you could go a little further in discussing where the stability
problems that you assert to exist come from.

For the record, once again I am not asserting that my proposal is a
"correct" architecture--only that it is a feasible architecture, and one
that addresses some of the misgivings you have expressed about the
architecture of the "classical" hierarchy.


[From Bill Powers (991108.1018 MDT)]

Martin Taylor 991106 12:22

I'm talking about the reference signal emitted by the category system. It
is a digital, not an analog signal; there is either a category error, or
there is not. If you send a digital signal into an analog system as a
reference signal, you will have a contribution to the reference signal or
no contribution, with no gradations. I assume that the digital signal scale
is, as usual, maximum signal or zero signal. But whatever it is, it jumps
instantly from its on value to its off value and back.

And a "classic" pure-integrator analogue system that is fed this reference
signal brings its perceptual signal smoothly and exponentially up to its
reference value and smoothloy and exponentially back down again. That's
normal, isn't it?

But an analog control system within the hierarchy also receives analog
reference signals from higher analog systems (unless we're talking about
the highest analog system). So when the category system of the same level
injects a reference signal, it necessarily alters the perceptual signal in
the receiving analog system, which will bring its perceptual signal to the
value (analog reference) + (digital reference). But this will alter the
perceptions in the higher analog systems, which in turn will alter the
analog reference signal in the attempt to correct the error. This change in
analog reference will thus work to counteract the digital reference
injected by the category system.

If the category reference signal were the only one entering the same-level
analog system, what you say would be right: the perceptual signal would
change smoothly to match the new reference setting. As soon as it did so,
of course, the category error at the same level in the category system
would go to zero, and the analog reference signal would jump back to zero.
This would bring the analog perceptual signal smoothly down to zero, at
which point the category error signal would turn on again, and so on in an
endless series of oscillations. This kind of interaction between digital
and analog systems sharing the same perceptual variable is inherently

This problem is _in addition_ to the problem that arises when the category
system disturbs the reference level for the same-level analog system that
is also part of an analog hierarchy with higher levels.


Here are a couple of ways that a control system with on-off reference
values can avoid going into rapid oscillation (which I understand to
be one issue, mixing being the other):

(1) hysteresis in the perceptual input function for category P:
when the analogue input moves from values corresponding to not-P into
values that might represent P (perception of the category), the switch
into P happens at one value. One the way back, as the analogue values
become less P-like, the switch to not-P happens at a lower value. All
experiments with human category perception of which I am aware show this

Yes, but this switch occurs somewhere between the two category states, not
when the category is all the way one way or the other way: clearly a mouse
or clearly an elephant. It's only while you're morphing and are somewhere
between the two shapes that the hysteresis effect occurs.

Start with the category system's error signal at 1, meaning that the
category perception is not present. The error of 1 sets the analog
reference signal to one extreme, and the value of the analog perceptual
signal begins to change toward that extreme, say value A. Some time before
the analog perceptual signal reaches the value A, the category perceptual
signal switches to "true". At this point the category error signal goes to
0, and the analog reference signal switches to 0. The analog perceptual
signal now begins to move toward the other extreme, value B. The category
perceptual signal will remain true until the analog perceptual signal has
passed the former switching point and gone to another, more B-like level;
this is the hysteresis effect. At that point the category signal will
become false, and the category error signal will jump back to 1. Thus the
oscillation will continue as fast as the analog system can make its
perception follow the changing reference signal. The hysteresis effect will
do nothing to prevent the oscillations.

(2) Integration in the output function: When the reference value switches,
the error immediately becomes large, but the output grows over time
rather than switching suddenly. Actually, this is assumed to be
characteristic of the canonical control system in PCT, and most models
assume it, so it isn't specific to control systems with categorical
values of the reference signal. But it does allow control systems with
binary reference values to operate stably, and to some degree it mimics
hysteresis in the perceptual input function.

As I think I have shown above (and as I'm confident a simulation would
clearly show), neither the integration nor the hysteresis effect will stop
the oscillations.

In my model there are no level skips, either. There is no "analogue
level above the digital level."

No, but there is an analog level above the _ANALOG_ level. That's what
causes the problem. When the digital system, off to the side, injects a
contribution to the analog reference signal, the resulting change in analog
perceptual signal disturbs _higher_ analog systems, which will attempt to
correct the disturbance.

There is indeed an analogue level at
the _same_ level as each category type, but this involves no level
skipping. It involves only the usual connection in which the reference
signals to the lower levels come from the outputs of several systems
at the next higher level.

See just above; you are mistaken.


Conflicts happen in the hierarchy.


Whoops! I very well _don't_ know that. Are you saying that I, a healthy
hierarchy, can eat an ice-cream, turn pages of a book I am reading,
drink coffee, talk on the phone, dig my garden, and drive to work
simultaneously? Do I never want to move my arm to the right to pick up
a cup at the same time as I want to move it to the left to turn a page?
Is there no conflict among the control units that have references for
perceiving these things to be happening?

No. Not in a healthy adult hierarchy. You have reorganized so that you
don't try to do these incompatible things at the same time.


Again, I ask you whether you are claiming, for the analogue
part of the hierarchy, that all the outputs from level N units that
contribute to the reference signal for a particular level N-1 unit _must_
have the same value? I'm sure you are not.

Of course not. But the n higher analog systems employing m of the next
lower analog systems (where m >= n) adjust all their contributions to the
analog systems so that each higher analog system satisfies its own
reference signal. The interactions among the systems result in solving n
equations in m variables and keeping the mean error in the higher system as
low as possible.

Any signal entering from outside these analog loops will disturb the
balance among these systems, and they will shift their outputs to
compensate for, and cancel as far as possible, the effect of the injected


In that case, why would it
concern you that the signal output from a category control unit to some
analogue unit would have a different value from that output to the
same analogue unit from a higher analogue level?

Because the injected signal necessarily disturbs the higher analog systems,
which will react by trying to cancel the disturbance.


When the arm going left satisfies the category perception 'Left', the
output of that category unit is shut off, and the arm unit reference
value is derived only from the analogue unit. It drops abruptly from
95 degrees left to 40 degrees left, and the error value drops equally
abruptly from 75 degrees to 20 degrees (exactly the same would happen
if the category output dropped to zero rather than being switched out
of play, if the reference combination function was a pure addition, but
not for other reference combination functions such as averaging).


This verbal reasoning is getting you nowhere. The only way to work out what
will really happen is to simulate it. You don't care to do this; I am doing
other things right now; I don't hear any volunteers piping up. What this
adds up to is that further talk on this issue is pointless. Sorry, Martin,
but I'n not asking any more of you than I ask of myself.


Bill P.