[Shannon Williams (2010-11-18 02:00 am CST)]
I am currently looking at waterflow modelings of glaciers, lakes, and
streams to find a methodology for modelling money flow. I think that
Rick's diagram needs a bit of improvement, but I am not finding any
existing diagram that is any better. I think I will return to trying
to model through song, but I did want to comment on Martin's concept
of the debit card without too much time passing by.
Below is an article that tries to describe the economic easing that
the government tried last year. You can clearly see in this
description that the govenment's actions were constrained by the
belief that the transfer of money must result in the transfer of some
'value'. From my view, it is kind of idiotic for the entity who can
print money to believe that the transfer of money is equated with
value because this entity knows that he just conjured money out of
thin air. So I suspect that the people who are near the printing
process do not have the
transfer-of-money=transfer-of-something-valuable reference (or at
least it is not as inviolate as it is in the general public). I
suspect that they would agree that Martin's card scheme would have
been a much more efficient mechanism of economic easing than the
purchase of various assets which put the money into the hands of just
a few people who may or may not spend it. But their choice of
mechanism was constrained by what the general public would tolerate.
Note: I submit the article below because it gives a clear picture of
the mechanisms that the government was trying use to stimulate the
economy. I don't agree with very many of Roubini's explanations on
any topic, much less economics. I believe that currently all of our
economic equations (namely V=PQ/M) are based on the supply-demand
dictum. Which makes all of our economic equations eqivalent to the
planetary equations that were based on the dictum: all heavenly motion
is circular.
Roubini: 'Inflation Is Not a Problem'
On Tuesday November 16, 2010, 10:28 am EST
Despite a huge program by the Federal Reserve intended to provide
monetary stimulus to the economy, Nouriel Roubini doesn't think we
need to worry about inflation.
In fact, he argues that people who take the position that the Fed
should curtail its easing policies do not really understand inflation.
In the first two parts of my interview with economist Nouriel Roubini
we discussed two issues: Why Professor Roubini believes a gold
standard is no longer a viable option for modern economies, and second
why monetary easing is a necessary evil.
So let's take a deeper look at Roubini's theory of inflation.
Let's begin with what seems to be the principal conclusion of
Roubini's argument. Simply put: "Inflation is not the problem."
Why does he believe that to be true?
The key to understanding Roubini's assertion may be best summed up in
his own words: "Increasing base money is not inflationary because M0
more than doubled in the last year and a half-since QE1-but velocity
has collapsed."
That sentence may seem densely packed with economic theory, but with a
little explanation it's fairly straightforward to grasp. It is
essentially made up of three interrelated concepts.
First, let's begin by exploring the concept of M0. As you probably
recall from your college economics classes, there are several measures
of the U.S. money supply. M0 is the most liquid measure of money in
the U.S. economy. It represents actual coins and currency notes
circulating in the economy, as well as the coins and currency notes
stored in bank vaults. M0 is actually quite easy to envision, because
it represents the sum of physical money you can actually touch with
your hands.
Second, Roubini refers to ' QE1'. This of course is the first round of
Quantitative Easing, which the Fed began last year. In March of 2009,
in the doldrums of recession, the US Federal Reserve began injecting
money into the US economy by purchasing assets other than short-term
treasury debt. The goal of these purchases was to expand the US money
supply-and thereby stimulate the economy-through 'unconventional
monetary policy.' What that means is this: With interest rates very
close to zero, the US Federal Reserve no longer had the ability to
stimulate economic activity by the traditional means of lowering
interest rate targets. Without that option available, the Fed engaged
in this 'unconventional policy'-creating new money for its own
account, and then buying assets to put that money into circulation.
(In a post to his New York Times blog last spring, economist Paul
Krugman did an excellent job of explaining the goals-and risks -of
quantitative easing.)
The third and final term that requires a bit of explanation is
'velocity'. What Roubini is referring to here is the velocity of money
in the U.S. economy. Velocity is perhaps best thought of as the rate
at which money changes hands in the economy, although the precise
definition is a little more complicated. (Wikipedia, for example,
defines the velocity of money as: "The average frequency with which a
unit of money is spent in a specific period of time.") But, for the
purposes of understanding the broad outlines of Roubini's argument,
our definition should suffice.
When you put those three components together, it would seem Dr.
Roubini's basic meaning is this: Despite the fact that the United
States Federal Reserve has injected well over $1 trillion (and rising)
into the U.S. economy-even with all that new money sloshing around-the
rate at which money is changing hands has actually dropped.
Without an increase in lending and spending, prices simply are not rising.
Roubini further ties his statement about why quantitative easing has
not yet been inflationary into the broader Quantity Theory of Money .
You may recall a related topic from your college economics class
called the Equation of Exchange . The simplified version of this
equation is the famous MV = PQ. As you may remember, the letters stand
for Money Times Velocity equals Price times Quantity.
If we apply what Roubini is saying to the Equation of Exchange, the
broad implications seem comprehensible: Despite the fact that there is
more money in circulation, that money isn't changing hands fast enough
to cause a rise in prices based on the total amount of goods and
services being produced.
No economist's academic work can ever be reduced to the summary
explanation that a brief and general treatment requires. But with some
effort we should be able to understand the broad outline of the ideas
they encapsulate.
In the case of the argument put forth by Roubini-namely, that
inflation is not currently a significant risk to the U.S. economy-the
structure is broadly understandable. We can get our heads around this
basic idea: If the Fed creates new money, but the money still isn't
moving through the U.S. economy, goods and services don't get
purchased, and therefore prices do not rise.