Good hell! I’ve not been following the list now for quite some time, for various reasons and don’t intend to restart.
However, this ‘fight’ between Martin and Rick has reached the point of absurdity!
Yes, absolutely, Perception is what is being controlled! AND yes behaviour is control! BCP: = Behaviour, the control of perception! The point being that behaviour is NOT what is controlled (unless there is a perception related to the behaviour that has a reference value). Perception is what is controlled and behaviour is the means by which that control is achieved… so behaviour IS control. Saying that does NOT mean that one considers the entire control loop as not being significant.
When you observe an individual acting on the environment (or internally when it is possible to make the necessary measurements), they are demonstrating that their is some aspect of their perception of the environment that they have a reference for and the perception is NOT matching the reference.
It is indeed that belief that spawned the TEST! The truth of PCT is that a proper TEST achieves correlations of 95% or greater. And of course, as Bill himself said, an “outlier” means that you have fertile ground for further research (and that their is some deficiency in you TEST methodology!
From: Bill Leach ( via csgnet Mailing List) []
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2019 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: WIRED: The Genius Neuroscientist Who Might Hold the Key to True AI
Hi Bill
Where did you come from ? Middle Ages ? J
You exploaded again in wrong direction. Behavior is generally not controlled. Show us how, not just with wording and phylosophing, but with evidences ? With cheep sentences you’ll hardly prove that »Behavior is control«. I would say that this is an insult for PCT. It seems that you think that PCT is cheep psychological »Behavior is control« theory.
Well I advice you to start reading and studying PCT. Whatever you are doing is just making more confussion.
You are denying beasic principles of PCT. For you »Behavior can be controlled« but that doesn’t mean that it is. You can’t control muscle tension directly. Let us see some PCT »facts« :
Bill P. (B:CP ) :
Rather, the central problem has been to find out a plausible model which can behave at all…. For example it will be shown later that the brain does not command the muscles to act. That concept implies properties that the neuromuscular system simply does not have… There is just no way the brain can select a muscle tension that will produce one and only one behavioral effect, even if that tension is accurately produced. The result of this approcah is a model nearly devoid of specific behavioral content.
HB : There is not only basic PCT text denying your idea of »Control of behavior«, but there are also physiologocal evidences which you obviously »jumped over«. And there is a problem of generality. PCT contol loop works for every behavior the same. Not just for some of them in »control mode« and selectivelly. See diagram LCS III. It’s general PCT diagram about »Control of perception«.
I’ll just expose some of your wrong statements.
BL : Yes, absolutely, Perception is what is being controlled! AND yes behaviour is control! BCP: = Behaviour, the control of perception!
The answer to your question is simple. In PCT control loop it is obviously that behavior is coming after »Control of perception« in »comparator«. So »Behavior : the control of perception« does not mean that »with behavior we control perception«, because we don’t. But we can also affect perception among other effects. With control of perception we produce behavior, random movements.
Bill P :
Our only view of the real world is our view of the neural signals that represent it inside our own brains. When we act to make a perception change to our more desireble state – when we make the perception of the glass change from »on the table« to »near the mouth« - we have no direct knowledge of what we are doing to the reality that is the origin of our neural signal; we know only the final result, how the result looks, feels, smells, sounds, tastes, and so forth…It means that we produce actions that alter the world of perception…
HB : When perception is changed there is no knowledge of what you did to reality. There are just perceptions of effects of movements in environment. So conclussion when you see that »actions« are beiing controlled is exclusivelly yours. It’s an ilussion. I just don’t understand how you got it from Bills’ literature ???
Behavior is consequence of »Control of perception and it is »blind«, »random« like reorganization in nervous system is. You don’t know what you are doing to reality until you perceive it. So you don’t control your movements and thus you can’t control your perception with behavior. Movements are random, like Friston saw it.
Show us in Bills’ diagram how »Control of behavior« works ??w
Diagram (LCS III) :
HB : Diagram shows that Behavior is produced by »Control of perception« so Behavior is consequence of »Control of perception«. I hope you see it in diagram. First comparator and »Control of perception« than behavior. Behavior does not control anything. Show me where do you see it ?
HB : There is generally no »controlled variable« in environment so that »Control of behavior« could control something outside. We of course talk about PCT. What are you talking about ?
BL : It is indeed that belief that spawned the TEST! The truth of PCT is that a proper TEST achieves correlations of 95% or greater.
TCV (Test for the controlled variable) in PCT is not used for researching what is controlled outside so it’s NOT in use to determine whether »behavior is control« or not, but what was controlled inside (see definition of control). How TCV works :
Bill P (B:CP) :
The TCV is method for identifying control organization of nervous system….
There will be ambiguous cases : the disturbance may be only weakly opposed. That effect could be due not to poor control system but to a definition of actions that are only remotely linked to the actual controlled quantity.
For example : if when you open the window I sometimes get up and close it, you might conclude that I am controlling the position of the window when in fact I only shut it if the room gets too chilly to suit me. I could be controlling sensed temperature very precisely, when necesarry, but by a variety of means : shutting the window, turning up the termostat, putting on a sweater, or exercising. You are on the track of the right controlled quantity, but haven’t got the right definition yet. It is safest to assume that an ambiguous result from TCV is the fault of the hypotehsis and to continue looking for a better definition of the controlled quantity
HB : I could show you how this works in practice with some series of experiments, but it’s more probable that we will never meet. So you’ll have to beleive Bill’s literature.
Bill P (B:CP):
CONTROL : Achievement and maintenance of a preselected state in the controlling system, through actions on the environment that also cancel the effects of disturbances.
HB : So whatever you say about control in area of PCT it has to be in accordance to basic definition of control. And Basic definition talks only about control in organism not outside. Definitions of control loop in B:CP clearly show that actions are not controlled. Show us from Bills definitions of control loop that outisde the controlling system controls. Where do you see control outside ???
Bill P (B:CP) :
OUTPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that converts the magnitude or state of a signal inside the system into a corresponding set of effects on the immediate environment of the system
Bill P (LCS III):…the output function shown in it’s own box represents the means this system has for causing changes in it’s environment.
Bill P (LCS III):
FEED-BACK FUNCTION : The box represents the set of physical laws, properties, arrangements, linkages, by which the action of this system feeds-back to affect its own input, the controlled variable. That’s what feed-back means : it’s an effect of a system’s output on it’s own input.
Bill P (B:CP) :
INPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that receives signals or stimuli from outside the system, and generates a perceptual signal that is some function of the received signals or stimuli.
HB : These are definitions of outside part of »control loop«. So where do you see that »Behavior is controlled« ???
But of course you can talk and spread rumors arround that »behavior is selectively controlled« :
BL : The point being that behaviour is NOT what is controlled (unless there is a perception related to the behaviour that has a reference value).
But you have to add also that this is yours BLCT (Bill Leach Control Theory).
HB : So you think that muscle tension is working in »double mode« ???
If I try to translate what you wrote it seems that you are saying : When there is »no reference value« for muscle tension, behavior is NOT controlled. But when muscle tension has reference valuue, then »Behavior IS controlled«. Is that what you wanted to say ?
Bill P (LCS I) :
There is one explanation for existance of reference states that has been proposed over and over for centuries : they are determined by the intentions of the behaving system. The driver has inside him, the intention that the door be open. He acts to achieve this purpose, doing whatever is required (if possible) to achieve it.
O.K. Show us your evidences for »Behavior is control« and references outside and so on ???
BL : So can we be done with this RCT vs PCT BS?
HB : RCT (Ricks’ Control Theory) stays. He and we can’t erase what he wrote. Partial home made thinking like yours is, just cause troubles in understanding how PCT really works. And the only one who can confrim what PCT is, is the author. If author is not present himself, we have to rely on his literature. So start reading…. And I hope we could make some more constructive discussion.
From: Bill Leach ( via csgnet Mailing List) []
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2019 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: WIRED: The Genius Neuroscientist Who Might Hold the Key to True AI
On 1/8/19 3:53 AM, “Boris Hartman” ( via csgnet Mailing List) wrote:
I promised that I’ll get involved when I’ll see your RCT. This is the moment.
From: Richard Marken ( via csgnet Mailing List)
Sent: Sunday, January 6, 2019 11:17 PM
To: csgnet
Subject: Re: WIRED: The Genius Neuroscientist Who Might Hold the Key to True AI
[Rick Marken 2019-01-06_14:17:16]
[Frank Lenk 2019.01.05.10:29 CST]
FL: Rick, I agree that the story about the wood lice rejects they have a purpose to seek shade. But the next paragraph, along with its footnote, modifies that:
RM: I don’t think it’s particularly productive to try find what see like PCT compatible ideas in the work of others.
HB : Rick. It’s a little bit too heavy when you talk in “black and white”, speccially when you are talking about compatibility of other theories with PCT. We both know (and probably) others too (after so many years), what I think about your compatibility with PCT. It seems that you are much more distant from PCT than Friston. His fundaments as far as I could understand are :
Thermodinamic Law about which I assume is in accordance to Wiener's Cybernetics.
"Control of perception"
Behavior as random actions
He gave an example (observation) of animals which are functioning as Bill predicted (Franks' description) which says that difference between perception of heat and reference drives random movements.
Well if there is something more please make suplementation. I think your S-R thinking is limiting you in wide view of how orgsnisms function and possible Friston’s support to PCT. I think we could be much stronger now. Here I meant those who are using PCT as basic theory of Living.
You Rick are anyway using psychological theory about “Control of behavior” which is controlling some “controlled aspect” of environment or “controlled variable” and finaly half of the circle ends with CPV (Controlled Perceptual Variable). You never explained how two “references” meet in comparator. But It seems that Bruce Nevin can help you.
RM : Indeed, I think it’s counter-productive.
HB : Well Rick be reasonable. Who is counter productive with RCT (Ricks Control Theory) ?
RM : My experience is that in order to see the ideas of others as being compatible with PCT requires that the essential elements of Powers work be ignored.
HB : I think Friston is using some “essential elements” compatibile with Powers work. But could it be possible that Friston “copied” the idea of “Control of perception” from Powers work ? Because I don’t see how he got it from “free energy” principle. How “free energy principle” could lead to “Control of Perception” ??? The only scientific explanation how we get to “Control of Perception” is by my oppinion hidden in Powers work.
Yournal :
Friston’s free energy principle says that all life, at every scale of organization—from single cells to the human brain, with its billions of neurons—is driven by the same universal imperative, which can be reduced to a mathematical function. To be alive, he says, is to act in ways that reduce the gulf between your expectations and your sensory inputs. Or, in Fristonian terms, it is to minimize free energy.
HB : The simple statement above does not tell me anything about relation between “Perceptual control” and whatever “minimized free energy” could mean as the whole article doesn’t. The difference between perception and “expectations” are scientifically proved by Bill and it’s happening in comparator (neuron, nerv-net). It’s odd that ingeneer proved existance of “biological error” with neurophysiological means and neurophysiologist proved existance of “error” with what ??? “imagined free energy” ?
Yournal :
First the bad news: The free energy principle is maddeningly difficult to understand. So difficult, in fact, that entire rooms of very, very smart people have tried and failed to grasp it. A Twitter account2 with 3,000 followers exists simply to mock its opacity, and nearly every person I spoke with about it, including researchers whose work depends on it, told me they didn’t fully comprehend it.
Yournal :
But they all have one reason in common for being here, which is that the only person who truly understands Karl Friston’s free energy principle may be Karl Friston himself.
HB : I don’t see the connection between his “Control of perception” and “minimization of free energy”. If I’m honest I don’t understand what it means. It’s quite fusy. But it could be also that Friston don’t understand his theory as well, because at least to me it has no sense except that bases is Thermodinymical Law (universal imperative). But who doesn’t know that ? (Rick Marken ?).
Yournal :
But often those same people hastened to add that the free energy principle, at its heart, tells a simple story and solves a basic puzzle. The second law of thermodynamics tells us that the universe tends toward entropy, toward dissolution; but living things fiercely resist it. We wake up every morning nearly the same person we were the day before, with clear separations between our cells and organs, and between us and the world without…
HB : To say that Thermodynamical Law is in the bases of Living processes is the same what many scientists were telling long before Friston. And that “Universe subspace” and it’s “hiden states” are influencing the way how organisms function is also known for centuries. It can be seen also in Science fiction movies.
Many theories explain why and how homeostasis is kept in organism (almost constant conditions), what explains also why we look most of the time the same. Among these theories are “autopoiesis”, PCT, physiological theories, biological theories, psychological theories (Lewin) etc.
RM : In Friston’s case (and virtually every other case that I’ve encountered) you have to ignore the fact that a central insight of PCT is that behavior is control,
HB : Ufff Rick. How many times do I have to tell you that PCT is not assembled around the central insight that “behavior is control”. Alison please help ?
You are so blind that you don’t see that Friston is our best alliance in promoting Bills’ genious idea that Perception is what is controlled not behavior.
RM : … that it is organized around the control of a hierarchy of different types of perceptual variables and that the reference states of these variables are set autonomously by the system itself. I guarantee you that there is no other theory of behavior contains any of these insights.
HB : Which Theories ? About “Control of behavior” or “Control of perception” ?
RM: My recommendation is to ignore all other theories of behavior besides PCT…
HB : So O.K. We’ll start to ignore (those who understand PCT) all other theories beside PCT what of course includes RCT (Ricks’ Control Theory). So please members on CSGnet please ignore RCT. I hope Rick will be helpfull. You are on the move now, Rick. It’s your’s recommendation.
RM : ….and concentrate on the facts that these other theories purport to account for. Then see if you can figure out how PCT would handle these facts. That, rather than looking for superficial similarities of other theories to PCT, would be a major contribution to PCT science.
HB : Well if I’m honest I agree about this one with you. I iether don’t see Friston’s contribution to PCT with “free energy”, although I see strong support to “Control of Perception” from enforced scientist, maybe even famous who is promoting PCT :
Let us see how PCT function with these principles :
Bill P :
Our only view of the real world is our view of the neural signals that represent it inside our own brains. When we act to make a perception change to our more desireble state – when we make the perception of the glass change from »on the table« to »near the mouth« - we have no direct knowledge of what we are doing to the reality that is the origin of our neural signal; we know only the final result, how the result looks, feels, smells, sounds, tastes, and so forth…It means that we produce actions that alter the world of perception…
HB : These are some of the main principles in PCT and they are all connected to physiological processes in organism which is science that works in practice. Even Neurophysiology is traped in Living organisms’ physiological functioning. Brains or soul or whatever, was not put into organisms by a god or any other “creature”, but was developed inside organism supporting homeostatical processes in cells organization through bilions of years. Some of these cells were developed into “neurons”.
I don’t understand why Friston didn’t connect everything theoretical about his view of the brain “functioning” with physiology. Physiology is explaining how organisms function and can be used practically in any explanation of organisms functioning including possible experiments. So if anybody see anything from Fristons’ work being in relation to physiological principles of how organisms fuction please inform me. That is the “connection point with PCT”. Both theories has to have the same root explanation of how organism works in practice. PCT has that with no doubt. But does Friston has it ? I can imagine conversation between Warren and Friston both talking one by another with their different terminologies. The common denominator is physiological language the one that works in practice and can be any time proved in practice. Whether patient lives or dies ? Phylosophy will not help much.
I think we should use Friston’s statements about “Control of perception” (if it is his, he is much younger from Bill) and promote that at least in this point they agree that Perception is controlled not behavior. I think this is the most important compatibility between them. I also think this could be a huge step in PCT promotion although Friston by my oppinion don’t understand much of organisms functioning and social functioning of organisms.
[FL: Here, PCT seems much more fully developed, with its discussion of reorganization, conflict, and the ability to go up a level to resolve conflicts].
HB : I think that PCT is much more developed in many sense in respect to Fristons’ “free energy”. But he can be welcome to PCT because of his reputation and basic understanding that “Perception is controlled” not behavior.
Yournal :
Friston isn’t just one of the most influential scholars in his field; he’s also among the most prolific in any discipline. He is 59 years old, works every night and weekend, and has published more than 1,000 academic papers since the turn of the millennium. In 2017 alone, he was a lead or coauthor of 85 publications3—which amounts to approximately one every four days.
HB : If this is not enough good evidence what kind of support could PCT has with kind relationship with Friston I don’t know what is the goal of CSGnet forum. Everyday talkings about whether “Behavior is controlled” or “Perception is controlled” ???
I agree with Martin. Show us some science Rick. You Rick are not scientific. I’m providing for years Bills’ evidences about PCT, you are providing almost nothing about PCT. Instead you are promoting your RCT which could be at the best shot equlized with Carvers’ book “On the Self-regulation of behavior” where behavior is with no doubt “controlled”.
MT : It would be easier to have a scientific discussion…
HB : So Rick no more “empty talkings”. Start scientific upgrade of diagram on p. 191 (B:CP, 2005) and make scientific contribution to PCT model of how organisms function.
Richard S. Marken
"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.”
–Antoine de Saint-Exupery