World's Seed Origin: The Scientific Interpretation of Creation

World’s Seed Origin
A philosopher
might declare that a universe could be made

    out of a man, but the foolish

would regard this as an impossibility,

    not realizing that a man

is a seed from which a universe may be

    brought forth.

    --Manly P. Hall, The Secret

Teachings of All Ages:


Outline of Masonic, Hermetic,


and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy,


Research Society, Los Angeles, 1973

The principle of biogenesis states–and keep in mind, no scientific
biological generalization rests on a wider series of observations or has
been subjected to a more critical scrutiny than this principle–“a living
organism can only arise from other living organisms similar to itself (i.e.
that like gives rise to like) and can never originate from nonliving material.”
(See “biogenesis,” Concise Science Dictionary, Oxford University Press,

Given the undeniable fact that human life exists in the universe, and
given the solid scientific fact that human life can only arise from other
human life similar to itself and can never originate from nonliving matter,
the inevitable rational conclusion is that human life in the universe is
uncreated, immortal. And since it is also a solid scientific fact that
the formation of structures is the basic quality of life, it is quite
that human life is responsible for structure formation in the universe.
Krishna, in perfect harmony with this notion, made the following statements:
“There was never a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor any of these
kings. Nor is there any future in which we shall cease to be.” “O
Arjuna, I am the divine seed of all lives. In this world, nothing animate
or inanimate exists without me.” He also revealed that he made fertile
the cosmos, “this vast womb,” “with the seed of all life,” and called himself
“the seed-giving Father.” (See The Song of God: Bhagavad-Gita, tr. by S.
Prabhavananda and C. Isherwood, Mentor Books, 1944, 1951, pp. 36, 90, 106.)

In connection with Greek cosmology David E. Hahm noted that “Pherecydes
of Syros wrote a cosmogony in which the semen of Chronos played a part,”
and that according to the Stoic school of philosophy, “In biological terms
Zeus’s seminal emission supplies both the creative power and the matter
out of which the cosmos is made.” (The Origins of Stoic Cosmology, Ohio
State University Press, 1977, pp. 65, 62.)

The biblical accounts of creation are also in line with the principle
of biogenesis, and consequently they are scientific concepts. When in Genesis
we read that God created the world and finally man in his own image, we
are told that God is akin to man, because we are his image or likeness.
Thus the term “God” is synonymous with man’s seed or man’s genetic
As John M. Allegro, a linguist and scholar on the Dead Sea Scrolls, noted:
“Thus the principal gods of the Greeks and Hebrews, Zeus and Yahweh (Jehovah),
have names derived from Sumerian meaning ‘juice of fecundity’, spermatozoa,
‘seed of life’.” (The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, Bantam Books, 1971,
p. 20.) Thus when you see the term “God” in the Bible, you must understand
“seed of life.” The cosmic seed of life created the world for the production
of man in its own image. This is like teaching that an apple seed
created the tree for the production of apples in its own image. There is
nothing unscientific in this creation account. Jesus also made it clear
that a human being akin to us created the world for the reproduction of
himself. He said: “I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30) Moreover he
told the Jews: “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, you are gods’?”
(John 10:34) We are gods, i.e. seeds of life, because we are the output
or end product of the world system, just as seeds are the end product of
a plant system. And just as the seeds of a plant have the genetic potential
to create a similar plant for the production of seeds in their image, we
humans, the seeds of this planet, similarly have the genetic potential
to generate a planet in space for the production of humans in our image.
At this point you may be interested to know that the Egyptian priests showed
Plutarch the stars that had been Isis and Osiris. Aristophanes, in the
Pax, shows us that the belief in the transformation of men into stars survived
in his own day in Greece. The Rig Veda and other Vedic texts contain examples
of the idea that the good become stars, and the Mahabharata refers to the
stars as persons. Note also that in Revelation 22:16 Jesus tells us that
he is “the bright morning star.” Prior to that he said: “I am the Alpha
and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” (Rev. 22:12)
What he is revealing to us is that man is the beginning and the end of
the world system, similarly as a seed is the beginning and the end of a
plant system. “I pray you,” wrote Jean d’Espagnet in his Hermetic Arcanum,
“look with the eyes of the mind at this little tree of the grain of wheat,
regarding all its circumstances, that you may be able to plant the tree
of the philosophers.”

In spite of the fact that life is the product of similar life and can
never originate from nonlife, there are origin-of-life advocates who still
embrace the idea discredited by Pasteur and others that life is the product
of nonliving systems. Essentially they base their arguments on the “scientific
evidence” that in spite of the fact that today the conditions do not favor
the spontaneous generation of life from nonliving systems, at one time
in the remote past the conditions of nature had to favor the spontaneous
generation of life from nonliving systems. This is like arguing that today
it is impossible to create anything from nothing, but in the beginning
the conditions favored the creation of the entire world from nothing. Note
also that it is still unclear where life ends and nonlife begins, yet the
origin-of-life faithful declared that the results of the Miller-Urey
prove that it is possible to produce simple life forms from nonliving material.
Apparently the idea never crossed their minds that a single seed of life–akin
to human seed or DNA–may have generated the universe for the production
of humans in its own image.

Kazmer Ujvarosy

If you possess true knowledge, O Soul, you will

you are akin to your Creator.

--Hermes, the God of Science

Seeds are the germ of life, a beginning and an end,
the fruit of

yesterday's harvest and the promise of tomorrow's.

--Orville L. Freeman, Secretary of Agriculture,


"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the

The beginning and the end."

--Jesus of Nazareth, Revelation 22:12

As “the Word of God” is the seed, and Christ came

"the Word of God" (John 1:1), He Himself is the


The Saviour preached the Saviour, Himself the Sower

and Himself the Seed."

--Herbert Lockyer, All the Parables of the Bible,

   Zondervan Publishing, 1963