Zooming in on PCT: Class Discussion

Hi all,
Nice to see how the forum could be used for questions, answers and discussion. I hope that also after the class is over, this forum will be a good place to interact. Especially since not everyone is able to join the classes on Saturdays, but follows the course in another tempo by watching the video.

One question I had for one of the other participants of the course, I think Ryan? In the discussion around positive emotions, you mentioned Spinoza. I found that there are quite some ways Spinoza’s view on emotions could fit the PCT framework. Have you got any other ideas on Spinoza and PCT? I’d be interested in discussing those.

For other participants interested in the phenomenology of the different perceptual levels, please find my earlier post on this forum: Experiences across the hierarchy. Although all hypothetical (as Rick mentions), trying to get a grip on higher level control systems adds a lot to our understanding of MOL, and is fun as well. For example, the discussion about something being a tiger or not (as discussed by Ted Cloak), could be interpreted as a category level perception, in which ‘you’ discern things as absolutely a tiger, or not a tiger at all (I don’t believe tigerness is dimensional).



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