In the last IAPCT board meetings we’ve discussed our ideas for the 2021 IAPCT annual conference.
We’ve decided that we’d like to organize an online conference with a variety of talks and discussions about PCT and MOL, similar to last year’s online conference.
We’re proposing to organize the conference on October 7-8-9, 2021. Please keep those dates available. A call for papers will be issued somewhere in spring.
At this moment we (the board) are looking for people (IAPCT members or aspiring members) who would like to take part in organizing the conference. This could mean any task: from taking part in the scientific committee reviewing proposed talks to finding a way to improve online interactions. It’s a small and friendly conference and a great way to gain experience in organizing online scientific events.
Other people involved will be Rick Marken, me, and the rest of the IAPCT board on the background.
Please let me know if you are interested!
Dear all,
At our April 20th board meeting we decided to extend the conference abstract submission deadline to June 15th, 2021. Please find details on how to submit your proposal at
Here is some essential information about the conference.
The setup of the conference will be very much like last year’s. We’ll have a Zoom room with all participants present with video. We currently have about 50 registered participants. The meeting will be hosted by members of the IAPCT board.
All information on the conference can be found here: IAPCT Conference. Please take care to register if you haven’t already done so, to receive the zoom link.
The schedule, including translations to many timezones, is available here. Abstracts are below the schedule.
Your contribution to the conference is very much appreciated. Please feel free to ask questions after each talk or over the chat and add to discussions. Conversations can also continue here, at our forum,
We will record the talks for our archives and may publish selected talks to youtube afterwards. We will share the links here or at the iapct website.
For those who missed the conference or wants to refer to sheets, papers or recorded talks later, you will be able to find all conference files at this link.
Please do not share any of the materials without explicit permission of the author. The link will be available for about a year.