Re Closed LOOP - Models and their Worlds
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 21:20:29 +1030
Ray &Merry Bennett <>
from Ray B (01.03.19 . 2115EST Aust.)
I received the attachment from Dag of the Closed Loop and would like to make
some comments and ask some questions . I do this as an aid to my understanding and
to perhaps be able to think usin PCT.
I enjoy and found clear the discussion titled "Conflict,Belief,Standards:Part11".
On page 9&10 Bill Powers talks about leaders and followers. I was surprised to
read that Bill suggests that "There's is nothing I want from anyone that would
make it worthwhile to play the game. Not even the privelege of living." Is Bill
saying that he would rather die than play a game that orders people heirarchially?
He then refers to some microsociety that manage without a concept of Number
One. What microsociety are you referring to Bill? I find it hard to believe that
everything works magically for the better.
Is the use of the term 'persuade' intended to convey the providing of clear
information or are you moving into the world of trying to control others by
The idea of leaders and followers is one that marxists contest. Some of what is
described here reminds me of the concept constructed by them with regard to
Dag on P11 talks about selling his idea of leadership and to selling it to people
the very top. I have just been to a workshop with Tim Carey who suggested that
when rules are broken or ways of acting in an environment are messed with by
others there are only three ways of responding. 1. ignore - and this begs the
question of why there were rules in the first place.
2. persuade
- and this is about
controlling others. 3. remove the
people/ have them
leave the environment.
Am I mixed up here when I read sell and persuade as a way of controlling one's
environment? Isn't it going to lead to counter control or to blind following?
selling and persuading people likely to lead to a malfunction?
On p34 Ed Ford says that for him "the ultimate test of a system concept is that
first it brings internal harmony or peace to the person" and second "that
everyone is shown respect". I like that.
He goes on to suggest that "the test for whether our systems of belief are valid
are our own internal harmony and peace, and the respect and value we assign to
others." I think that would be the test for his system, not necesarily
"ours".(Whatever that could be)
Conflict seems to be written about as something to be avoided(p26). PCT explains
conflict but I didn't think it gave it a value or stated that it is to be avoided.
thought it helped us to know how conflict comes about and that it will be part of
living control organisms experience. Any comments?
I do not have a strong physics or mathematical background. I have heard Tom talk
and I think I undersatnd the article on "Models and Their Worlds" to a limited
extent. Is some one able to write this in way that those of us who don't know
Physics and Maths can understand? Or is for those who do and best left alone
until we do too? I have played with the model on the net site, but i have not met
anyone who finds it helpful. The knot on the dot and the car illustrations, yes.
I look forward to some comment.
Re Closed LOOP - Models and their Worlds
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 21:20:29 +1030
Ray &Merry Bennett <>
from Ray B (01.03.19 . 2115EST Aust.)
I received the attachment from Dag of the Closed Loop and would like to make
some comments and ask some questions . I do this as an aid to my understanding and
to perhaps be able to think usin PCT.
I enjoy and found clear the discussion titled "Conflict,Belief,Standards:Part11".
On page 9&10 Bill Powers talks about leaders and followers. I was surprised to
read that Bill suggests that "There's is nothing I want from anyone that would
make it worthwhile to play the game. Not even the privelege of living." Is Bill
saying that he would rather die than play a game that orders people heirarchially?
He then refers to some microsociety that manage without a concept of Number
One. What microsociety are you referring to Bill? I find it hard to believe that
everything works magically for the better.
Is the use of the term 'persuade' intended to convey the providing of clear
information or are you moving into the world of trying to control others by
The idea of leaders and followers is one that marxists contest. Some of what is
described here reminds me of the concept constructed by them with regard to
Dag on P11 talks about selling his idea of leadership and to selling it to people
the very top. I have just been to a workshop with Tim Carey who suggested that
when rules are broken or ways of acting in an environment are messed with by
others there are only three ways of responding. 1. ignore - and this begs the
question of why there were rules in the first place.
2. persuade
- and this is about
controlling others. 3. remove the
people/ have them
leave the environment.
Am I mixed up here when I read sell and persuade as a way of controlling one's
environment? Isn't it going to lead to counter control or to blind following?
selling and persuading people likely to lead to a malfunction?
On p34 Ed Ford says that for him "the ultimate test of a system concept is that
first it brings internal harmony or peace to the person" and second "that
everyone is shown respect". I like that.
He goes on to suggest that "the test for whether our systems of belief are valid
are our own internal harmony and peace, and the respect and value we assign to
others." I think that would be the test for his system, not necesarily
"ours".(Whatever that could be)
Conflict seems to be written about as something to be avoided(p26). PCT explains
conflict but I didn't think it gave it a value or stated that it is to be avoided.
thought it helped us to know how conflict comes about and that it will be part of
living control organisms experience. Any comments?
I do not have a strong physics or mathematical background. I have heard Tom talk
and I think I undersatnd the article on "Models and Their Worlds" to a limited
extent. Is some one able to write this in way that those of us who don't know
Physics and Maths can understand? Or is for those who do and best left alone
until we do too? I have played with the model on the net site, but i have not met
anyone who finds it helpful. The knot on the dot and the car illustrations, yes.
I look forward to some comment.
Forssell Translation Team wrote:
On February 22 I posted to Resposible Thinking net:
[From Dag Forssell (20010222 18:00)]Tom Bourbon:
>Tim is right. Here is the citation for one of the most direct
>comparisons we have made between models and modeling in PCT, and
>in traditional behavioral and brain sciences:
>Bourbon. WT, & Powers, WT (1999). Models and their worlds.
>International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 50, 445-461.
>I don't think this journal is available in very many libraries.
>If it is not in a library near you, then you can order it through
>interlibrary loan.Tom is right that this journal is hard to find. An earlier version of this
article was published in _Closed Loop, Threads from CSGnet_. Closed Loop
was lovingly edited by Greg Williams from Jan 1991 through Summer 1994, 15
issues in all and a great effort by Greg.I have now completed four issues of Closed Loop. I am planning an
announcement within the week for the videos (available NTSC and PAL) that
will include a CD with the following:1) All software handed out during the Jan 2001 PCT workshop in Phoenix
2) The CSGnet archive through mid-March 2001
3) The Responsible Thinking net archive through mid-March 2001
3) Special publications: Bill Powers' 1979 Byte articles.
4) Closed Loop. Four issues restored to date. See list below.
5) Forssell's book and Rubber Band script. Paper by Phil Runkel.
Before I announce the videos with CD, I want to clean-up of the last two
months of CSGnet and pull together my existing files on Responsible
Thinking net.In the meantime, here are the finished volumes of Closed Loop.
Closed loop: FINISHED-------------
Winter 1991 Volume 1 Number 1Edited by Greg Williams
Introductory issue
The Uses of Control Theory
"Revolutionary" Control Theory?-------------
Fall 1992 Volume 2 Number 4CONTENTS
Conflict, Belief, Standards: Part I 1
Ed Ford, Dag Forssell,
David Goldstein, Joel Judd,
Rick Marken, Bruce Nevin,
Bill Powers, Mary Powers,
Martin Taylor, Chuck Tucker,
Greg Williams----------
Winter 1993 Volume 3 Number 1CONTENTS
Conflict, Belief, Standards: Part II 1
Ed Ford, Dag Forssell,
Rick Marken, Kent McClelland,
Bruce Nevin, Bill Powers,
Martin Taylor, Greg WilliamsResearch Reports
The Blind Men and the Elephant:
Three Perspectives on the Phenomenon of Control 37
Richard S. MarkenModels and Their Worlds 47
W. Thomas Bourbon and William T. Powers
Fall 1993 Volume 3 Number 4CONTENTS
Two Views of Control-System Models 1
Hans Blom, Bill PowersResearch Reports
The Hierarchical Behavior of Perception 33
Richard S. MarkenMimicry, Repetition, and Perceptual Control 55
W. Thomas Bourbon===============
You responded (not Greg, but as CSG archivist I want you to see this
anyway) to my posting and asked for volume 3, number 1 with "Worlds" by Tom
and Bill in it. I have attached it to this mail.Happy reading.
Best, Dag
Dag Forssell,
23903 Via Flamenco, Valencia CA 91355-2808 USA
Tel: +1 661 255 6948 Fax: +1 661 254 7956------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name: Closed Loop vol3 #1.pdf
Closed Loop vol3 #1.pdf Type: Portable Document Format (application/pdf)
Encoding: base64