Well, here is at least one place where you said “If your power-law theory had used correct mathematics [emphasis mine-RM)], I doubt there would ever have been an issue”, which sounded to me like you were saying my equations were wrong. But here you said “I have never claimed you made a mathematical mistake. I have claimed, and still do, that you interpreted the mathematics wrongly, by making the claims that you consistently have done.”. So what are those “mistaken mathematical claims” that I made that Maoz et al didn’t make. Fortunately you answer right here:
The problem here is that I don’t remember ever having made such a claim. I don’t even know what I would have been claiming if I had made it. Could you please show me where I made that claim? In the meantime, when I have the time, I will explain what both Marken & Shaffer (2017) and Maoz et al (2006) claimed and what they didn’t.
Spoiler alert: Both Marken & Shaffer and Maoz et al claimed that leaving affine velocity out of the regression analysis used to test for the power law will affect the size of the deviation of the calculated value of the power coefficient from 1/3. However, one set of researchers went on to claim that, nevertheless, the power law is not a “bogus” phenomenon while the other went on to claim that it is a “behavioral illusion” phenomenon. Stay tuned to find out who claimed what, and why!