[From Rick Marken (2015.11.15.1530)]
RM: OK,so how about an example of a behavior (output) that does not involve control.
Bill P.:
Our only view of the real world is our view of the neural signals that represent it inside our own brains. When we act to make a perception change to our more desireble state – when we make the perception of the glass change from »on thee table« to »near the mouth« - we have no direct knowledge of what we are doing to the reality that is the origin of our neural signal; we know only the final result, how the result looks, feels, smells, sounds, tastes, and so forth…It means that we produce actions that alter tthe world of perception…
HB : As I understand it, it means that we act on the world to change perception of the position of the glass. Effects of »physical output actions« or »observed behavior« are just changing the perceptual world inside us. It doesn’t control anything.
RM: How can you say it doesn’t change anything else besides perception when you just said that we act on the world. In PCT we act on the world to influence (change) those aspects of the world that we perceive and control.
HB : You can assume that you changed something in the world arround you. You are partly right : In PCT we act on the world to influence (change) those aspects of the world that we perceive… If you would stay at thhis statement, than we could make an agreement. But it seems that you can’t. You have to involve control.
HB : We affect outisde environment with our actions, we do not control in outside environment with our actions.Â
HB : Bill is saying that we act to make a perception of the glass change…. So he probably assumed that he also affected the glass with his action.
Maybe some thoughts of Henry Yin.
HY : Only perceivable consequences of behavior can be controlled.
HB : It seems that Henry agree with Bill, that you can’t know what did you do to environment, if it is not perceived,
How do you know when you act on the world to influence (change) those aspects, that you control anything in environment ? How do you know you controlled thiee aspects of the world outside ?
RM : PCT is not solipsism. It’s a theory (a belief, for those of you in the belief thread) that, like any theory, accounts for observable phenomena.
HB : So now you are judging what is PCT ? Are you the author of PCT ? Whatever Bill wrote about PCT is PCT. And are you aying that Bill’s PCT is solipsism ?
HB : By my oppinion in both examples Bill showed that output function is producing just EFFECTS to outer environment. We can remember again Barb’s words that her Dad carefully choosed words. So I think that Bill’s »definiton« of »output finction« is carefully choosen.
RM: Yes, the output function is a carefully defined theoretical concept. However, what you see and informally call a person’s “output”, such as moving their arm, is actually a controlled result of other means (variations in muscle tensions in this case).
RM: Of course, that is a definition of the output function. It’s not a definition of output or, more importantly, what we see as (and informally refer to as) a person’s “output”.
HB : I objected many times that you read things as you want. If you will look more carefully at Bill defintion you will notice, that also »output« is included. .
Bill P.: OUTPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that converts the magnitude or state of a signal inside the system into corresponding set of effects on the immediate environment of the system.
HB : It’s clearly written that signal inisde is converted into correpsonding »set of efects on the immediate environment of the system«. Do you think that other »person’s output« is not a »set of efects on the immediate environment of the system«  ? Are you saying that »person’s output« is »controlled result« of muscle tension ??? Â
Are you saying that MUSCLE tension is not included in »ouptut function« ? What is »muscle tension« for you ? Where can you put it »closed loop« and how can it have »controlled« result without perception ?
RM : That is, what you see as a person’s “output” is the (possibly varying) reference state of a controlled variable.
HB : Reference state of which possibly varying »controlled variable« ?
HB: I think that Bill would emphasize that »output function« is producing »controlled effects« to outer environment if he would have physiological evidences. But he obviously didn’t have them so output is just affecting outer environment.
RM: I don’t understand what physiological evidences would have to do with it.
HB : Physiological evidences are needed to prove »controlled effects« on the immediate environment of the system. Can you prove it ? Bill’s »output funtion« is talking just about SET OF EFFECTS TO IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT of the system. Or if we translate it into Person’s behavior then »set of efffects« correspond to »observable behavior«. There is no »controlled effects« mentioned. You can see it in diagram (LCS III) ???  Just effects.
But it seems that you are saying that physiological evidences are not needed to prove »controlled effects« on the environment ? Do I understand you right ? It seems that you are saying that Person’s behavior is »controlled result« of varying muscle tension ? Prove it ?
RM : Bill developed PCT to explain the controlling that he saw people (and other organisms) do; that is, he developed PCT to explain observable behavior; behavior that is occurring out there in the world.
HB : If you’ll read article 50th Anniversary (2011) again you will noitice that PCT is supoosed to be general theory about how organisms function not about what organisms do. It’s a huge difference. Observable behvaior is important but just supporting to internal control of organism. The most important is that organism control. First you have to understand this and how references are formed. It’s still on 11th level the »?« sign.
Bill P : CONTROL :
Do you agree with this Bill’s »defitnion« ?
RM : He went to some length to make sure (and to show) that the theory was consistent with physiological evidences.
HB : Are you contradicting yourself ?
RM (earlier) : I don’t understand what physiological evidences would have to do with it.
HB: it’s obiously (at least to me) that we are not aware of what we are doing to »reality«, until we perceive it.
RM: All we know is our perception. That IS our reality.
HB :  What you are saying here is pure »SOLIPSISTIC VIEW«.  And you are accusing Bill that he is solipsisst ?
RM : PCT is aimed at explaining one aspect of that reality: the behavior of living organisms.
HB : PCT is aimed to explain the functioning of living beaings (organisms) and consequently behavior as supporting tool. But speccially is aiming to explain »Control of Percetpion«.
RM : Before you can explain the reality of behavior you have to know what it is that you are explaining.
HB : Right. The problem is that you don’t.
HB: So behavior involve no control.
RM: If that were true there would be no need for control theory to explain it.
HB : But that is exactly what PCT is explaining. Behavior is not control. It’s just effects on outer environment. Check it in diagram (LCS III). Do you see any »controlled effects« on envrionment. Or any other »controlled variable« in environment ?
HB : Do you agree with Bill’s diagram or not ?
Or you will »repair« it with your doctrine about »controlled variable« (CV) in external environment and »controlled effects« on input quantity ?
HB: It’s occuring to me what is bodering you, but you will have to find your own answer in Bill’s books (speccially B:CP) or maybe in Henry Yin article.
RM: I already have and it’s quite different from yours. The main problem with yours is that it is solipsistic and, thus, completely outside the realm of science.
HB : Our views are different in respect to Bill’s. My view is »attached« on Bill’s. if you are saying that your view is different from mine, you are saying that yours is different from Bill’s as I was mostly quoting him. He si the author of PCT not I.
So you have to match your theory to his and I’m giving you a chance to show how much your RCT is matching PCT.
And if you are saying that Bill’s view is solipsistic than it must be something wrong with your understanding of solipsissm or/and understanding of PCT. So I’ll try again with main Bills »defitnitions«. Just say whether you agree with them or not.
Bill P. Â
OUTPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that converts the magnitude or state of a signal inside the system into corresponding set of effects on the immediate environment of the system.
Bill P (LCS III):
The box represents the set of physical laws, properties, arrangements, linkages, by which the acrtion of this system feeds-back to affect its own input, the controlled variable. That’s what feed-back means : it’s an effect of a system’s output on it’s own input.
If you don’t agree than change them if you are so sure that you are right, not Bill. If you’ll not change them I’ll understand that you agree with them and your »self-regulation« definitons are not in PCT actual any more. No control in outer environment. No behavior is control. No protection of »controlled variables« and so on…. JUST »EFFECTS« TO OUTER ENVIRRONMENT ….
If you don’t understand Bill’s defitnitions and diagrma, then we can conclude that you follow some of your own RCT (RICK’S CONTROL THEORY) which goes something like this :
Correct me if I’m wrong about how your »control loop« function :
OUTPUT : Behavior is control
FEED-BACK : aspect of environment that is controlled by behavior (ouptut) of the system)
INPUTÂ : Physical variables that are probably coming from “controlled aspect of environment” to sensors which create a “controlled perceptual variable” (in afferent nerv fibres)
COMPARATOR : Controlled perceptual variable is matched to reference and it seems that is controlled again as it is coming from already controlled aspect in environment.
ERROR SIGNAL : “controlled signal” that is activating muscle tension. Control is involved in muscle tension and consequently in OUTPUT “Behavior is control”… and so on ¦
So we have :
BEHAVIOR AS CONTROL, control some “controlled aspect of environment” called “controlled variable”, which emits physical variables to sensors , which forms “controlled perceptual variable” in afferent nerv fibers and which are “controlled” in comparator when matching to reference. “Controlled error signals” exactly activate muscles, which emit controlled effects to environment called "BEHAVIOR IS CONTROL"…. And all arround the loop again and again.
You RCT is quite an “amazing” and amusing “control theory”. But it’s on your level.
But I’m interested if you see any diference between Bill’s PCT and yours RCT ??? Your RCT is supposed to be »scientific« and Bill’s solipsisitic… What kind of science do you disseminate ?
RM : It makes what you say about PCT completely uninteresting because there is just no where to go with it, scientifically. So I probably won’t respond to your posts very much (unless by some miracle you join the reality-based community) unless I see some other egregious misconception of yours about PCT.
HB : He,he you are running out of arguments and away from your »monstres construction« RCT, which has nothing to do with science. Your »scientific« failures with your demos and test are total disaster ? And you call this »understanding of PCT« ?
In your »self-regulation community« I assume that »behavior is control« will have central point.
And besdie »behavior is control« I assume that there are also »controlled variables« in outer environment, which are »controlled to some reference state«, and »errors« are perceived through »Controlled perceptual variable«, which is again controlled in comparator when matching with references, and so on… Is thhis what you are offering to your members.
For now I see no difference between yours and Carvers »self-regulation«. So you’ll have to change something that you will prove that you understand PCT and that you could »enter« the PCT community, or those who understand PCT, not self-regulation.
Yes you made me angry with your ignorante understanding and speccially with your manipulations with solispsism (which you are part of), what is coming out always when you run out of arguments and you become »insulting«.
From: Richard Marken [mailto:rsmarken@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 12:30 AM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: Re: FW: What’s perception got to do, got to do, with it?
On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 11:19 PM, Boris Hartman boris.hartman@masicom.net wrote:
The main question is how nervous system controls, so that we have so different »view of reality« or that we perceive the same »reality« in so different ways.
Bill P.:
When we ….»exxplain behavior in terms of some physical model of a behaving system«…. we construct an objective model as if our own perceeptions were exactly the world as it exists, including physics, chemistry, physiology, and neurology.
Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.
Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble
Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.
Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble