[From Bryan Thalhammer (2005.11.01.0942 CST)]
[Tone: Considered, scholarly as far as time permits, researched, informed, and happy as anything. Cynical where appropriate, not unlike that of the rhetoric of the Galilean Cynic Guy in times past... Not to be confused with ranting, attitude problems (any more or less than the Galilean's approach). Not anything else that could be directed as a slur in my general direction.]
Kenny, I don't think your idea of governed and government as two different entities is part of our Constitution and its Amendments, or part any of the state or local laws. I looked, did you? Did you perhaps read into our government structure some other fascist or communist "constitution?" Are you confusing rule of LAW (representational democracy) with rule of MAN (fascism? communism gone bad? [btw, some religous orders are good communists, hehe, living in communes, in that they share out all resources and VOTE or submit to a superior they have vowed to follow] so...).
There is a process called representation that was very important to Founders in the way they wrote the Constitution. How to represent States (senators), how to represent the People (reps). That was in the articles I sent recently. Then, within States, which originally appointed senators, there is also a method that parallels the Federal government in representing districts (state senators) and smaller areas within the districts (state reps). Further, local government has a way to allow representation in counties, townships, school boards, villages and cities. At each level, we elect (except in the case of the Federal government) the chief exectutive. Then elected senators, representatives and executive participate in nominating and approving non-elected individuals. And those appointees hire civil servants for those administrative and operational roles. This is all government that derives from the PEOPLE. Hence the governed choose and abide by their government. So, what is the problem? :-/
[Kenny Kitzke (2005.11.01)]
<Martin Taylor 2005.>
>[From Kenny Kitzke (2005.10.18)]
><Bill Powers (2005.10.18.0712 MDT)>
><Kenny, you're forgetting something. The government is us. You and
>me, and everyone else who lives here.>
Hi Martin. Good to see you back posting. My perception of the "government" and the "governed" goes like this.
In a strict sense, everyone who is a citizen of the US is "governed" by the authority of the "government." But, the vast majority of the citizens, the governed, are NOT part of the government. Those citizens who comprise the governement are the elected, appointed and hired officials who exercise power and authority over the governed.
Not only citizens, but resident aliens, visitors, and illegal aliens are subject to the LAWS, not to the GOVERNMENT itself.
To perceive that because US citizen-voters have the opportunity to elect government officials somehow makes "us the government" as Bill Powers proclaimed, is just NOT viable. Of course, we have a representative form of governement, not a true democracy. The individual citizen has no power or authority on policy/law adopted by its elected representatives. Even a voter referendum is little more than a poll.
How can the individual citizen have no power? What is the Rapture Right that drove the selection of Alito? Am I reading you right? Do I understand you that you both claim you have no power, that individuals aligned with your agendas have no power over That Man in the White House? Kenny, I am confused. What is Rove's job, but to reach out to your powerless lobby groups? Oh, give me a break!!! :))
From a PCT standpoint, governments can be extremely coercive. They (the government officials) make the rules for what individual citizens MUST and MUST NOT do. Sometimes you perceive their rules as disturbances. And, government tyranny can, and does, lead to civil disobedience and revolutions.
I would say again, from what you write, I think you are confusing government of LAWs vs. government of MAN. Laws are designed to constrain activities, it is true, but I am glad that my constitutionally-elected government constrains machine guns, intrusions in to MY privacy, and a government that prevents establishment of religious maxims as a law of the nation (ten commandments, leviticus, etc.!). I am glad that my government is there to protect the borders with LAWs, not with Minute Men. And there to protect young women from MEN who would have her return to family, spouse, and community surely to be hurt, killed or made destitute. LAWs protect minorities against an unfair and uninformed majority (civil-rights, equality, sects which are not compatible with majority sects). :((
My desire is for the smallest governement possible. A Government that can do what individuals CAN NOT do for themselves. Intrusion into individual lives, protecting us from ourselves, is abhorent to me. Whether it is a law to use seat belts, motorcycle helmets or what I can charge for a good or service, I say, bug out government. Naturally, there are thousands of gray areas where exercising individual rights (controlling your own perceptions) may harm others or prevent them from controlling their own perceptions. It is a sticky wicket.
Grey areas indeed. Sometimes I think you confuse lack of strength and resources with lack of consensus. The government is LAW, and with a diverse set of communities (atheist, wicca, catholic, christian, jewish, islamic, jahovah witnesses, mormon, native, ammish, mennonite, handicapped, deaf, GLBT, children, barren, seriously-ill, senior, hispanic, african-american), the traditions of just one set will not work for the rest. The purpose of government is to have the forum, the represenatives, the authority we give the reps to make consensus, the authority to carry out the law, and the responsibility to modify the law when it has strayed. Without that forum, it would be a chaos of different law traditions, from leviticus to sharia to the revenge vendetta. You want to have that? Leave the country and, let's say, try living in Iraq, Israel, Gaza, Nigeria, Congo, Former Pol Pot Cambodia, and places where the government is either bad or criminal. Compared with those, US Government is not oppresive at all, at least not until it is dominated by one group, such as the Conservative Christian fringe? That would be oppresive! :))
<I do have to acknowledge that "Government of the people, by the
people, and for the people" is an idea long past its stale date in
the US and in most other Western countries. But the idea was never
inherently self-contradictory.>
Of course, this is idealism written in a speech. It has no standing in governement. The government and the governed are two different entities. Sometimes their goals are congruent. But, there are untold examples of how the governement sets itself against, and contradicts the desires of the governed.
YOU do have standing in government, by speaking your mind in this forum, by talking to representatives to influence them, by meeting with your school board. Come on! You have "oppresive" free speech, granted to you by the Founders in the US Constitution. Unfortunately, free speech is one of the things that are under assault by the neocons, so you may not be able to retain your standing unless you vote for free speech candidates. :-/
As I later pointed out, I can as a citizen counter-control incompetent and unethical businesses by not buying their products. But, I can't counter-control the monolithic governement that is incompetent or unethical. They have guns and weapons, always bigger than mine. And, they are willing to use them. I would like to clip their wings a bit and get them off my back.
The government right now is quite monolithic: Three branches of the government decidedly conservative. And unless you profess not to vote, you may have voted for these unethical, incompetent, and uninformed elected officials. Am I wrong? Those conservatives are consistently appointing more conservative and, at times, incompetent non-elected officials, who must hire people on their level of competency? Where oh where was James Lee Witt when we needed him? Yes, we need to clip the wings of the monolithic government we have right now, starting with The Chief Executive and his cronies so we can get BACK to government by LAWs not by MAN. :))
You seem very clear in your contradictions. You stand corrected!
Am I more clear? Can you understand where I am coming from, especially as a PCTer?
Yes, you seem to write that you are controlling for system-level perceptions of you alone in the world, separate from others, responsible only to your deity (I presume), but seeming by your words to not care a whit about what happens to anyone except yourself (true libertarian principles, I guess).